, introduction be start. The, contents be illustration and description for, many idea part of SPEL. The for accessibility, all description be superset of illustration, and, all part of illustration be text in description. , motivation be start. The now problem, many programming language be use to program all of computer, and, many human language be use to speak with all of human. , most programming language be design for small part of computer, and, most human language for small part of global population. The program language example, C be use for system program, and, Javascript for web program, and, OpenCl for GPU program, and, SVG for vector graphic, and, BASh for shell program, and, HTML for web document, and, VHDL for hardware program, and, assembly for fast program, and, Java for portable program, and, SQL for database program, and, ChucK for audio program, and, many script for small purpose, and, TeX for print document program, and, none of them be have, human language syntax, and, all of them be have, different syntax and style of programming. The SPEL program language solution be provide, one core language that be translate to all other. The human language example, Mandarin be language native for 955 people million or 14% of earth human, and, English be language native for 360 people million or 5% of earth human, and, Spanish be language native for 405 people million or 6% of earth human. , other language be have, less. , some be assume, that, everyone be learn wil, English but the that be learn, new language, be hard. and, it be give to english speaker, unfair advantage. The SPEL human language solution be provide, native like language that be translate to all other. , Ideal Flow be start. , input agent be have, idea. be write, idea to natural text by using word definition of input language that from SPEL. be deconjugate, natural text to analytic input text by using conjugation rules of input language. , SPEL be translate-in, analytic input text to mwak translation word using by tree pivot and word order of input language. be translate-out, mwak pivot tree to analytic order word using by text output and word translation of output language. be conjugate, analytic output text to conjugated text or source code by using conjugation rules of output language. , output agent be understand or compile, conjugated or source code to understood idea or native-code definition word output using by or API library of output language. , output agent be gain, skill or app. be see, figure 1 for illustration. , Ideal Pivot tree be start. , text be have usually, title and text array. , text array be have able, sentence, and be have able, subordinate text or sentence junction. , all junction be have, head and body. , all array be have able ob, many member. , sentence be have usually, sentence array and sentence particle, and be have able, mood. , sentence array be have usally, phrase, and be have able, top clause or phrase junction. , top clause be have usually, head and subordinate sentence. , phrase be have usually, adposition and type, and be have able, subordinate-clause or type junction. , subordinate-clause be have usually, head and subordinate sentence. , type be have usually, body, and be have able, body classifier or genitive. , genitive be have usually, head and subordinate phrase. be see, figure 2 for illustration.