Plural English Conjugate Table

su sample root ob li text ya
all word be conjugate in regular way ya

noun phrase level

adjective conguate

alltext before noun

noun conguate

case example pre-word
nominative su textsu
accusative ob textob
pluralplural text plural

verb phrase level

adverb conguate

subject exampleplace
all textafter verb

infinitive verb conjugate

subject examplepre-word
all be textbe

past verb conjugate

subject examplepre-word
all be did textbe did

future verb conjugate

subject examplepre-verb
all be will-be text be will-be

present verb conjugate

declarativebe text yaya
interrogative text eh?eh?
imperative be text please!please!

sentence level

compare conjugate

be compare by li from ya
math examplea
== su Felix be same from cat ya
< su bird be small from elephant ya
> su elephant be big from bird ya
su 4 be big same from 2 ya
su 3 be small same from 3 ya

clause conjugate

clause example
subordinatesu me be like ob that-which be good ya
conditionalif su it be same from good then su me be like ob it ya

math conjugate

be math by li by ya
math example
3+2=5 be add ob 3 by 2 to 5 ya
3-2=1 be subtract ob 3 by 2 to 1 ya
3*2=6 be multiply ob 3 by 2 to 6 ya
6/2=3 be divide ob 6 by 2 to 3 ya
3%2=1 be modulo ob 3 by 2 to 1 ya

Englishy Conjugatey Tableas

sampley roota be li text.
all worda conjugaten in regulary waya.

nouny phrasey levela

adjectivey conguatea


nouny conguatea

casea examplea suffixa
accusative textan -an
accusative pluraltextans -ans
other texta -a
other pluraltextas-as

verby phrasey levela

adverby conguatea

subjecta exampleasuffixa
all textly-ly

infinitivey verby conjugatea

subjecta exampleasuffixa
all texten-en

pasty verby conjugatea

subjecta exampleasuffixa
all texted -ed

futurey verby conjugatea

subjecta examplepre-verb
all will text will

presenty verby conjugatea

subjecta exampleasuffixa
I texte -e
thou textest-est
imperative textath-ath
other texteth-eth

sentencey levela

comparey conjugatea

compareth by ablativey casea.
math examplea
== Felixa sameth from cata.
< birda smalleth from elephanta.
> elephanta bigeth from birda.
4 bigeth samely from 2.
3 smalleth samely from 3.

clausey conjugatea

clause examplea
subordinateI likee that-which goodeth ya
conditionalif it be same from gooda then I likee it.

mathy conjugatea

math by instrumentaly casea.
math examplea
3+2=5 addeth 3 by 2 to 5.
3-2=1 subtracteth 3 by 2 to 1.
3*2=6 multiplyeth 3 by 2 to 6.
6/2=3 divideeth 6 by 2 to 3.
3%2=1 moduloeth 3 by 2 to 1.