infinitive g 2 nominative-case g 2 ja が accusative-case g 2 ja を dative-case g 2 en of topic-case g 2 ja は instrumental-case g 2 adpositional-case g 2 location-case g 2 en at source-case g 2 en from space-context g 2 destination-case g 2 way-case g 2 realis-mood g 2 irrealis-mood g 2 interior-context g 2 en in surface-context g 2 en on under-context g 2 en under state-context g 2 social-context g 2 discourse-context g 2 space-context g 2 time-context g 2 person-context g 2 question-word g 3 genitive-case g 2 ablative-case g 3 locative-case g 3 posessive-case g 3 possessed-case g 3 vocative-case g 2 perfective-aspect g 2 imperfective-aspect g 2 inchoative-aspect g 2 cessative-aspect g 2 gnomic-aspect g 2 habitual-aspect g 2 momentane-aspect g 3 continuous-aspect g 3 completive-aspect g 3 progressive-aspect g 3 delimitative-aspect g 3 retrospective-aspect g 3 prospective-aspect g 3 past-tense g 2 present-tense g 2 future-tense g 2 soon-future-tense g 3 remote-future-tense g 3 remote-past-tense g 3 recent-past-tense g 3 deontic-mood g 2 epistemic-mood g 2 conditional-mood g 2 eventive-mood g permissive-mood g 3 commissive-mood g 2 prhobitive-mood g 3 directive-mood g 2 imperative-mood g 3 hortative-mood g 3 precative-mood g 3 jussive-mood g 3 volitive-mood g 2 desiderative-mood g 3 optative-mood g 3 benedictive-mood g 3 imprecative-mood g 3 interrogative-mood g 2 speculative-mood g 2 assumptive-mood g 3 dubitative-mood g 3 potential-mood g 3 atelic-aspect g 3 telic-aspect g 3 inferential-mood g 2 inductive-mood g 3 deductive-mood g 3 relativizer g 3 evidential-case g 3 plural-number g 2 singular-number g 2 dual-number g 3 trial-number g 3 paucal-number g 3 multal-number g 3 collective-noun g 3 distributive-pronoun g 3 inclusive g 3 exclusive g 3 number g 2 length g mass g time g name g 2 electric-current g temperature g amount-of-substance g luminous-intensity g assertive-quantifier g elective-quantifier g universal-quantifier g negatory-quantifier g alternative-quantifier g conjunction g and-or g exclusive-or g definite-article g abstract-gender g vegetal-gender g mineral-gender g zoic-gender g rational-gender g artistic-gender g research-gender g vehicle-gender g locality-gender g planetary-gender g star-gender g galaxy-gender g universe-gender g neuter-gender g masculine-gender g 2 feminine-gender g 2 anthropic-gender g diminutive g augmentative g inanimate-gender g 3 animate-gender g 3 topic-case g 2 it g 2 and g 2 you g 2 not g 2 here g 3 there g 3 more g 3 elative-case g 3 illative-case g 3 copula g 2 person g 3 other g 3 very g 3 temporal-case g 3 only g 3 then g 3 comitative-case g 3 causal-case g 3 alienable-possession g 3 inalienable-possession g 3 semelfactive-aspect g 3 delative-case g 3 prolative-case g 3 its g 3 neo g first-person g second-person g third-person g agent g abessive-case g ablative-case g 3 absolutive-case g accusative-case g accompanier g actor-role g adjective g adessive-case g admonitive-mood g adverbial-case g affirmative-mood g agentive-case g agreement g allative-case g allocutive-agreement g alienable-possession g animate-gender g andative g antessive-case g anticausative g antipassive-voice g 3 aorist g apposition g applicative-voice g 3 apprehensive-mood g approximative g article g aspect g associative-case g agent-trigger g attenuative g auditory-evidential g 3 augmentative g auxiliary-verb g core-benefactive g benefactive-case g 3 common-gender g modal-case g causative g centric-case g counterfactual-conditional g circumfix g citation-form g classifier g conjunction g consequential g collective-noun g comitative-case g 3 comparative g completive-aspect g concessive g conditional-mood g conjunction g connective-particle g continuous-aspect g contrastive g copula g 2 coreference g crastinal-tense g current-relevance-marker g converb g dative-case g different-event g change-of-event g declarative-mood g definite g deixis g delayed-imperative g delative-case g deliberative-mood g demonstrative g deontic-mood g dependent g desiderative-mood g determiner g detransitive g motion-downhill g 3 diminutive g direct-evidential g 3 disjunction g distal-demonstrative g distributive-case g ditransitive g delimited g discourse-marker g direct-object g motion-downriver g 3 different-subject g dual-number g dubitative-mood g delimitative-aspect g dyadic g epenthetic-morpheme g elative-case g emphatic g epistemic-mood g ergative-case g essive-case g 3 evidential g 3 evitative-case g exclusive-person g exclamative g excessive-duration g exessive-case g exhortative g existential-clause g exocentric-case g experiential g expletive g feminine-gender g factive-evidential g 3 familiar-register g finite-verb g focus g formal-register g final-particle g frequentative-aspect g former-deceased g future-tense g genitive-case g gerund g gnomic-mood g goal-trigger g habitual-aspect g humble-register g hesternal-tense g historic-tense g hodiernal-tense g honorific g hortative g reported-evidential g 3 anthropic-gender g hypothetical-mood g inflected g identical g identifiable g ideophone g ignorative g illative-case g immediate g imperative-mood g imperfect g imprecative-mood g impersonal-verb g inclusive-person g inalienable-possession g inanimate-gender g inchoative-aspect g indicative-mood g indefinite g inessive-case g infinitive g inferential-evidential g 3 inelative-case g instrumental-case g 3 intensifier g intentional g intransitive g inverse g indirect-object g imperfective-aspect g irrealis-mood g indirect-speech g jussive-mood g lative-case g second-language g locative-directional-case g linker g locative-case g logophoric g masculine-gender g manner g middle-voice g 3 mimetic g mirative g multiplicative-case g single-action-verb g 3 movement g neuter-gender g negation g non-human g nominalization g nominative-case g oblique-case g intransitive g numeral g patient-case g objective-case g oblique-case g obviative g optative-mood g prehodiernal g participle g passive-voice g 3 patientive g paucal-number g pegative-case g perlative-case g retrospective-aspect g personal g perfective-aspect g plural-number g pluractional g phrase-marker g pronoun-marker g primary-object g polite-register g possessive-marker g postpositional-case g postessive-case g potential-mood g passive-participle g past-passive-participle g past-perfective g proper-noun g predicative g precative-mood g prepositional-case g present-participle g preterite g present-tense g probability g progressive-aspect g prohibitive-mood g prolative-case g propositive-mood g prosecutive-case g prospective-aspect g protasis g proximal g past-tense g patient-trigger g particle g participle g partitive-case g purposive g question-word g quotative-case g rational-gender g realis-mood g recent-past-tense g soon-future-tense g reciprocal-voice g 3 referential g reflexive-voice g 3 remote-past-tense g remote-future-tense g reported-evidential g 3 resultative g retrospective g referential g subject-case g subjunctive-mood g same-event-marker g sensory-evidential-mood g 2 sequential g singular-number g singulative-number g speculative-mood g same-subject-marker g subessive-case g sublative-case g successive-clause g superlative-degree g superlative-case g superessive-case g agent-trigger g patient-trigger g telic-aspect g temporal-case g terminative-case g tense g topic-case g transitive-verb g translative g trans-numeral g motion-uphill g 3 motion-upriver g 3 usitative g verbal g verbalizer g ditransitive g venitive g veridical g 3 vialis-case g visible-evidential g 3 verbal-noun g vocative-case g volitive-mood g transitive g zoic-gender g to-case g from-case g at-case g space-marker g state-marker g social-marker g evidential-case g amount-marker g destination-case g initiative-case g interrogative-mood g complementizer g cessative-aspect g vegetal-gender g commissive-mood g necessitative-mood g eventive-mood g permissive-mood g assumptive-mood g deductive-mood g atelic-aspect g continutive-aspect g momentane-aspect g semelfactive-aspect g causal-case g mineral-gender g abstract-gender g benedictive-mood g pro-phrase g pro-sentence g independent-clause g dependent-clause g 2 affection g anger g angst g anguish g misery g annoyance g anxiety g apathy g arousal g awe g boredom g confidence g believe g faithful g contempt g contentment g courage g curiosity g depression g desire g desireable g desired g curious g lovable g I-feel g hungry g 3 greed g despair g ambition g anticlimax g disappointment g phobia g hate g disgust g distrust g doubt g dread g frightened g ecstasy g clever g wise g embarrassment g envy g euphoria g excitement g fear g frustration g gratitude g thank g grief g pain g guilt g guilty g blame g happiness g happy g hatred g hope g horror g hostility g hostile g hurt g wounded g hysteria g injury g indifference g interest g jealousy g jealous g joy g loathing g loneliness g lonely g love g lust g outrage g panic g passion g pity g pleasure g pride g empathetic-joy g rage g regret g sorry g remorse g sad g sadness g satisfaction g satisfied g schadenfreude g self-confidence g shame g shock g shyness g sorrow g suffering g torture g trouble g surprise g surprised g strange g trust g loyalty g wonder g worry g preoccupation g zeal g zest g mudita g enthusiasm g diligence g anxious g forgiveness g forgive g patience g equanimity g effort g change g adaptation g dissatisfaction g generous g charm g virtue g proper g determined g epiphany g grace g friendship g oppress g ignorant g compassion g hubris g humble g honour g accomplished g success g belongingness g sombre g melancholy g gloomy g auspicious wow g beautiful g ambitious g unambitious g attachment g honorable g significant g suspicious g enjoy g self-satisfied g flattering g fat g thin g spite g health g social g sacrifice g trap g entrap g admiration g tired g dog-tired g overworked g expiring g wear-out g animated g invincible g cower g ecstatic g thrill g nervous g obsession g hurts g twinge g smile g bitter g sympathy g beneficial g cruel g regretted g contrition g wretchedness g privileged g better g elite g super g benevolent g moral g vindication g cold g hot g warm g satyr g sexual g sleep g reverie g uncertainty g lazy g crowded g bounded g frugal g childish g innocent g be g object g subject g me g what g masculine and g as g if g this g ya g you g of g that g did g we g or g by g in g numeral g now g them g the g from g it g to g thee g li g hey g plural g feminine about g will-be g eh? g neuter g many g maybe g with g near g aside g because g that-which g extreme g unquote g than g exclusive-or g but g clause-tail g fraction g then g there g verb-affix g on g yaor g before g former g for-example g binary-value g also g should g namely g not g an g very g singular g so g while g otherwise g else-if g hello g quote g 2 after g him g outside-of g dual g yes g until g except g ord g for g floating-point-number g at g here g few g her g else g byebye g in-language g make memory past less middle machine faith index mass mother mix month male help full compare go capable main high each come head know cause get all cathode trade grow buy red food goal small negate write wait some read width limb good year subtract use whole multiply white piss arm body more place meet pass father joy path bad child poop sell blue empty week winn level tail light big name yet need without net energy number exhale present sibling night bare new anode null similar height sip set easy same agree say simple black self sound space suck lose pay own size team hold day start wall see inhale low topic add put touch via g give choose tie below temperature drink repeat depth down result tool difficult toy charge inside live glyph left end love female fit family happen above future hear move green sign life must divide home thing right chance hit shape show dream remember ally soft math value venture employ importe moral oppose average member wet substance resist game cloth general credit circle spiral corporation carry to-close hard emergency group fun rule excuse gravity village unit-of-mass strong call expect expert access context exit crystal compete dark tell rope advise exact explain accident exercise communicate strange brief contract collect school dry fall science clear electron key labour cry clap laugh colony class clause claim language column global hunger closet exclude crime config effect confirm fraction adjective ear cup conference describe chemical agent skill estimate cure occupy hunt cost eight cupboard escape commission conjugate mess shell enough break experience predict four appeal verb peace program practice couple spread fast bring parallel perform wonder pronoun publish bird process proton boil proof project believe variable away pipe answer presence approve reverse discrimination pressure spin speed spell praise page prepare spit expand surface sail reply prize protest source promise breast expression plane particle plasma apply play plan planet problem plug popular probably dust profession behave fin period prefer parent bury fail plenty open bus money business appreciate special schedule exchange paw spend jump hope person pants bridge eyebrow mirror reference unit rise enter nails invite ionize neutron roll equivalent seven sick clean serve send cell reserve research stay awake order cyan solid strict rub universe support switch soul conscious water equal persuade question sleep example single secular always ceiling to-split word g stairs sublimate listen side wrong alone follow tremble decay again three address g cold translate direction atom shout try idea string throw justice deliver attend transition object robot other case different teach true door welcome doorway two together tax story step satellite instruction deserve trial purpose attack star respect state taste increase study retail-store sit stop noun adult electricity ordinal g desire pleasure belong rectangle fold treatment tradition dish only triple-point temporary traffic individual difference define dirt transfer disaster file friend phone damage dimension check change chain jail chew speak attitude transparent tree chat join trick attention drop outside power title immediate official front pleasant fame adverb celebrate phrase interpret reform warn fruit kind force variety five phase metalloid influence flute fly flood flat flower floor please float flow share news learn across teeth obvious hinge branch include character danger shelf reveal room condition receive evening vagina swallow care relation ankle origin hall sentence knee supercritical-fluid minor aware death mind between minute suspect measure military melt wash method mention mark map harmony border land image brain magenta mask bother matter advertisement reward metal oil regret admit imagine major improve fool emote die mouth possible mood music wrist most modulo die important committee pattern paper one convert exponent replace forgive exceed camp amount gather edge flow-current grammatical-case card cover hang gas bed connect constant catch create cable galaxy complain accept active hot complex command common copy critical-point code shut collapse record claw cruel culture spoon recover coat skin knife rhythm revolt ring return today risk export yesterday yellow age Eulers-number already wealthy worth reject admire ride rock ordinary rent ask work gratis vehicle early travel react row ration public mercy train container east robb rest role utility useful root relate possess experiment opine pi depend operate penis permit ticket pest prompt permanent port ban base bite price trap plant bag produce back explode politics box part belly stumble grammatical-object bottom cross report pour provide leg point load mail polygon kiss bottle eyelid wind invest face wire bowl robe wave volume vote elbow rib responsible old nonmetal nearby avoid nth-root nose network ingredient principle nice nuclear intelligence nine naked native appoint normal deny organize rare nation interest transport install contact nature window artificial examine interfere economy note announce noise north anus forget notice neck noble zero birth hostile never one-second seed system summary secret precise seem suggest series situation decrease appear feel six settle civilian lack position shift sex sad eye hour stretch wise supply save speed-of-light sacrifice investigate often extend art kill surplus salt health social safety twilight punish shoot success morning subject suffer absorb structure correct trunk suppose south soldier solution spine sacred socket spouse grammar late ten type continue distance drive delay develop theater think tense text g represent label technology activity debt almost look debate time attach top area stand offer degree authority sudden tape task arrest talk table pretend hide entitle defend thank discuss vomit temple world doctor prototype turn thief destroy duration duty tone triangle adapt progress gut total pain aim dictionary perfect limit liquid library line liberty leader legal gift link length lend vacation least release lecture leaf elect law local lake eleven literature lazy tongue slow offend fight list benefit logarithm melody lute logic loop people lock firm prevent version evidence finger find affix familiar farm factory fact event extra visit false default fire sufficient tomorrow form poor offence function trust focus skirt hotel hair imaginary-unit sure region hamlet wish genital sharp particular history cheek resolve stillness shirt judge shame survive award jaw animal sign habit hand station heart victim enemy rumour burn hip river house city song shade sew town shoes exist smell shoulder may g computer-programming initialism g acronym g thou g president secretary treasurer facilitator moderator cogent si-units virtual virtual-machine pixel kernel lambda alpha beta theta gamma sigma component sync synchronize subconscious conscious tranquil ergative-case g 2 us g 3 resonance vibration refine nibble whitespace consonant phoneme vowel morpheme syntax cache align parse token restart reboot recurse manually cosmos solid-matter later g month-of-may mid-spring mid-summer mid-autumn mid-winter ant ash bird bitter black blood blow bone breast burn carry child come crush cry do dog drink ear eat egg eye fall far fire fish flesh fly give go good hair hard he hear heavy hide hit horn house I in knee know laugh leaf leg liver long louse mouth name navel neck new night nose not old one rain red root rope run salt sand say see shade skin small smoke soil stand star stone suck sweet tail take thick thigh this tie tongue tooth water what who wide wind wing wood yesterday you a an able about above abuse accept accident accuse across act activist actor add administration admit adult advertise advise affect afraid after again against age agency aggression ago agree agriculture aid aim air air force airplane airport album alcohol alive all ally almost alone along already also although always ambassador amend ammunition among amount anarchy ancestor ancient and anger animal anniversary announce another answer any apologize appeal appear appoint approve archeology area argue arms army around arrest arrive art artillery as ash ask assist astronaut astronomy asylum at atmosphere attach attack attempt attend attention automobile autumn available average avoid awake award away baby back bad balance ball balloon ballot ban bank bar barrier base battle be beat beauty because become bed before begin behavior behind believe belong below best betray better between big bill biology bird bite black blame bleed blind block blood blow blue boat body boil bomb bone book border born borrow both bottle bottom box boy boycott brain brave bread break breathe bridge brief bright bring broadcast brother brown budget build building bullet burn burst bury bus business busy but buy by cabinet call calm camera camp campaign can cancel cancer candidate capital capture car care career careful carry case cat catch cause ceasefire celebrate center century ceremony chairperson champion chance change charge chase cheat cheer chemicals chemistry chief child children choose circle citizen city civilian civil rights claim clash class clean clear clergy climate climb clock close cloth clothes cloud coal coalition coast coffee cold collapse collect college colony color combine come command comment committee common communicate community company compare compete complete complex compromise computer concern condemn condition conference confirm conflict congratulate Congress connect conservative consider constitution contact contain container continent continue control convention cook cool cooperate copy corn correct corruption cost cotton count country court cover cow crash create creature credit crew crime criminal crisis criticize crops cross crowd crush cry culture cure curfew current custom customs cut dam damage dance danger dark date daughter day dead deaf deal debate debt decide declare decrease deep defeat defend deficit define degree delay delegate demand democracy demonstrate denounce deny depend deplore deploy depression describe desert design desire destroy detail detain develop device dictator die diet different difficult dig dinner diplomat direct direction dirt disappear disarm disaster discover discrimination discuss disease dismiss dispute dissident distance dive divide do doctor document dog dollar donate door double down dream drink drive drop drown drug dry during dust duty each early earn earth earthquake ease east easy eat ecology economy edge education effect effort egg either elect electricity embassy embryo emergency emotion employ empty end enemy energy enforce engine engineer enjoy enough enter environment equal equipment escape especially establish estimate ethnic evaporate even event ever every evidence evil exact examine example excellent except exchange excuse execute exercise exile exist expand expect expel experience experiment expert explain explode explore export express extend extra extraordinary extreme extremist face fact factory fail fair fall false family famous fan far farm fast fat father favorite fear federal feed feel female fence fertile few field fierce fight fill film final financial find fine finish fire fireworks firm first fish fit fix flag flat flee float flood floor flow flower fluid fly fog follow food fool foot for force foreign forest forget forgive form former forward free freedom freeze fresh friend frighten from front fruit fuel full fun funeral future gain game gas gather general generation genocide gentle get gift girl give glass go goal god gold good goods govern government grain grass gray great green grind ground group grow guarantee guard guerrilla guide guilty gun hair half halt hang happen happy hard harm harvest hat hate have he head headquarters heal health hear heat heavy helicopter help here hero hide high hijack hill history hit hold hole holiday holy home honest honor hope horrible horse hospital hostage hostile hot hotel hour house how however huge human humor hunger hunt hurry hurt husband I ice idea identify if ignore illegal imagine immediate immigrant import important improve in incident incite include increase independent individual industry infect inflation influence inform information inject injure innocent insane insect inspect instead instrument insult intelligence intelligent intense interest interfere international Internet intervene invade invent invest investigate invite involve iron island issue it jail jewel job join joint joke judge jump jury just justice keep kick kidnap kill kind kiss knife know knowledge labor laboratory lack lake land language large last late laugh launch law lead leak learn leave left legal legislature lend less let letter level liberal lie life lift light lightning like limit line link liquid list listen literature little live load loan local lonely long look lose loud love low loyal luck machine magazine mail main major majority make male man manufacture many map march mark market marry mass mate material mathematics matter may mayor meal mean measure meat media medicine meet melt member memorial memory mental message metal method microscope middle militant military militia milk mind mine mineral minister minor minority minute miss missile missing mistake mix mob model moderate modern money month moon moral more morning most mother motion mountain mourn move movement movie much murder music must mystery name narrow nation native natural nature navy near necessary need negotiate neighbor neither neutral never new news next nice night no noise nominate noon normal north not note nothing now nowhere nuclear number obey object observe occupy ocean of off offensive offer office officer official often oil old on once only open operate opinion oppose opposite oppress or orbit order organize other our oust out over overthrow owe own pain paint paper parachute parade pardon parent parliament part partner party pass passenger passport past path patient pay peace people percent perfect perform period permanent permit person persuade physical physics picture piece pig pilot pipe place plan planet plant plastic play please plenty plot poem point poison police policy politics pollute poor popular population port position possess possible postpone pour poverty power praise pray predict pregnant present president press pressure prevent price prison private prize probably problem process produce profession professor profit program progress project promise propaganda property propose protect protest prove provide public publication publish pull pump punish purchase pure purpose push put quality question quick quiet race radar radiation radio raid railroad rain raise rape rare rate reach react read ready real realistic reason reasonable rebel receive recent recession recognize record recover red reduce reform refugee refuse register regret reject relations release religion remain remains remember remove repair repeat report represent repress request require rescue research resign resist resolution resource respect responsible rest restaurant restrain restrict result retire return revolt rice rich ride right riot rise risk river road rob rock rocket roll room root rope rough round rub rubber ruin rule run rural sabotage sacrifice sad safe sail sailor salt same sand satellite satisfy save say school science sea search season seat second secret security see seed seeking seem seize self sell Senate send sense sentence separate series serious serve service set settle several severe sex shake shape share sharp she sheep shell shelter shine ship shock shoe shoot short should shout show shrink sick sickness side sign signal silence silver similar simple since sing single sink sister sit situation size skeleton skill skin sky slave sleep slide slow small smash smell smoke smooth snow so social soft soil soldier solid solve some son soon sort sound south space speak special speech speed spend spill spirit split sport spread spring spy square stab stand star start starve state station statue stay steal steam steel step stick still stone stop store storm story stove straight strange street stretch strike strong structure struggle study stupid subject submarine substance substitute subversion succeed such sudden suffer sugar suggest suicide summer sun supervise supply support suppose suppress sure surface surplus surprise surrender surround survive suspect suspend swallow swear in sweet swim sympathy system take talk tall tank target taste tax tea teach team tear technical technology telephone telescope television tell temperature temporary tense term terrible territory terror terrorist test than thank that the theater them then theory there these they thick thin thing think third this threaten through throw tie time tired to today together tomorrow tonight too tool top torture total touch toward town trade tradition traffic tragic train transport transportation trap travel treason treasure treat treatment treaty tree trial tribe trick trip troops trouble truce truck true trust try tube turn under understand unite universe university unless until up urge urgent us use usual vacation vaccine valley value vegetable vehicle version very veto victim victory video village violate violence visa visit voice volcano volunteer vote wages wait walk wall want war warm warn wash waste watch water wave way we weak wealth weapon wear weather Web site week weigh welcome well west wet what wheat wheel when where whether which while white who whole why wide wife wild will willing win wind window winter wire wise wish with withdraw without witness woman wonder wonderful wood word work world worry worse worth wound wreck wreckage write wrong year yellow yes yesterday yet you young zero zoo achieve address advantage alliance amaze arrow attitude authority bag basic behave behavior bend birth bless blessing bow bow branch breath camel cassette cent chapter character class coat coin column concentrate conscience corner courage cousin crown curtain death decay deserve devote dictate divorce donkey else envy excite faith favorite fever gate generation global greed image Internet joy king layer leaf lock lord lot manage master medical messenger miracle national negative notice orange origin particular persuade pleasant positive poverty prayer print product promise proud railway refrigerator relate rent replace respect rid royal shame shirt smile snake solution song student success sword symbol table tempt tent those toilet translate triangle trousers truth verse virgin wine wing witness a abandon abandoned ability able about above abroad absence absent absolute absolutely absorb abuse academic accent accept acceptable access accident accidental accommodation accompany according to account accurate accuse achieve achievement acid acknowledge acquire across act action active activity actor actress actual actually ad adapt add addition additional address adequate adjust admiration admire admit adopt adult advance advanced advantage adventure advert advertise advertisement advertising advice advise affair affect affection afford afraid after afternoon afterwards again against age aged agency agent aggressive ago agree agreement ahead aid aim air aircraft airport alarm alarmed alarming alcohol alcoholic alive all allied allow all right ally almost alone along alongside aloud alphabet alphabetical already also alter alternative alternatively although altogether always a.m. amaze amazed amazing ambition ambulance among amount amuse amused amusing analyse analysis ancient and anger angle angry animal ankle anniversary announce annoy annoyed annoying annual annually another answer anti anticipate anxiety anxious any anybody anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apart from apartment apologize apparent apparently appeal appear appearance apple application apply appoint appointment appreciate approach appropriate approval approve approving approximate approximately April area argue argument arise arm armed arms army around arrange arrangement arrest arrival arrive arrow art article artificial artist artistic as ashamed aside aside from ask asleep aspect assist assistance assistant associate associated association assume assure at atmosphere atom attach attached attack attempt attempted attend attention attitude attorney attract attraction attractive audience August aunt author authority automatic autumn available average avoid awake award aware away awful awfully awkward baby back background backward backwards bacteria bad badly bad-tempered bag baggage bake balance ball ban band bandage bank bar bargain barrier base based basic basically basis bath bathroom battery battle bay be beach beak bear beard beat beautiful beautifully beauty because become bed bedroom beef beer before begin beginning behalf behave behaviour behind belief believe bell belong below belt bend beneath benefit bent beside best bet better betting between beyond bicycle bid bid big bike bill billion bin biology bird birth birthday biscuit bit bite bitter bitterly black blade blame blank blind block blonde blood blow blue board boat body boil bomb bone book boot border bore bored boring born borrow boss both bother bottle bottom bound bowl box boy boyfriend brain branch brand brave bread break breakfast breast breath breathe breathing breed brick bridge brief briefly bright brilliant bring broad broadcast broadly broken brother brown brush bubble budget build building bullet bunch burn burnt burst bury bus bush business business-person busy but butter button buy buyer by bye cabinet cable cake calculate calculation call called calm camera camp campaign camping can can cancel cancer candidate candy cannot cap capable capacity capital captain capture car card cardboard care career careful careless carpet carrot carry case cash cast castle cat catch category cause CD cease ceiling celebrate celebration cell cell phone cent centimetre central centre century ceremony certain certainly certificate chain chair chairperson challenge challenging chamber chance change channel chapter character characteristic charge charity chart chase chat cheap cheaply cheat check cheek cheerful cheese chemical chemist chemistry cheque chest chew chicken chief child chin chip chocolate choice choose chop church cigarette cinema circle circumstance citizen city civil claim clap class classic classroom clean clear clearly clerk clever click client climate climb climbing clock close close closed closet cloth clothes clothing cloud club coach coal coast coat code coffee coin cold coldly collapse colleague collect collection college colour coloured column combination combine come comedy comfort comfortable comfortably command comment commercial commission commit commitment committee common commonly communicate communication community company compare comparison compete competition competitive complain complaint complete completely complex complicate complicated computer concentrate concentration concept concern concerned concerning concert conclude conclusion concrete condition conduct conference confidence confident confine confined confirm conflict confront confuse confused confusing confusion congratulate congratulation congress connect connected connection conscious consequence conservative consider considerable considerably consideration consist constant constantly construct construction consult consumer contact contain container contemporary content contest context continent continue continuous contract contrast contrasting contribute contribution control controlled convenient convention conventional conversation convert convince cook cooker cookie cooking cool cope copy core corner correct cost cottage cotton cough coughing could council count counter country countryside county couple courage course court cousin cover covered covering cow crack cracked craft crash crazy cream create creature credit credit card crime criminal crisis crisp criterion critical criticism criticize crop cross crowd crowded crown crucial cruel crush cry cultural culture cup cupboard curb cure curious curl curly current currently curtain curve curved custom customer customs cut cycle cycling dad daily damage damp dance dancer dancing danger dangerous dare dark data date daughter day dead deaf deal dear death debate debt decade decay December decide decision declare decline decorate decoration decorative decrease deep deeply defeat defence defend define definite definitely definition degree delay deliberate deliberately delicate delight delighted deliver delivery demand demonstrate dentist deny department departure depend deposit depress depressed depressing depth derive describe description desert deserted deserve design desire desk desperate despite destroy destruction detail detailed determination determine determined develop development device devote devoted diagram diamond diary dictionary die diet difference different difficult difficulty dig dinner direct direction directly director dirt dirty disabled disadvantage disagree disagreement disappear disappoint disappointed disappointing disappointment disapproval disapprove disapproving disaster disc discipline discount discover discovery discuss discussion disease disgust disgusted disgusting dish dishonest disk dislike dismiss display dissolve distance distinguish distribute distribution district disturb disturbing divide division divorce divorced do do doctor document dog dollar domestic dominate door dot double doubt down downstairs downward downwards dozen draft drag drama dramatic draw drawer drawing dream dress dressed drink drive driver driving drop drug drugstore drum drunk dry due dull dump during dust duty DVD dying each each other ear early earn earth ease easily east eastern easy eat economic economy edge edition editor educate educated education effect effective effectively efficient effort egg eight eighteen eighth eighty either elbow elderly elect election electric electrical electricity electronic elegant element elevator eleven else elsewhere email embarrass embarrassed embarrassing embarrassment emerge emergency emotion emotional emphasis emphasize empire employ employee employer employment empty enable encounter encourage encouragement end ending enemy energy engage engaged engine engineer engineering enjoy enjoyable enjoyment enormous enough enquiry ensure enter entertain entertainer entertaining entertainment enthusiasm enthusiastic entire entirely entitle entrance entry envelope environment environmental equal equally equipment equivalent error escape especially essay essential essentially establish estate estimate etc. euro even evening event eventually ever every everybody everyone everything everywhere evidence evil ex exact exactly exaggerate exaggerated exam examination examine example excellent except exception exchange excite excited excitement exciting exclude excluding excuse executive exercise exhibit exhibition exist existence exit expand expect expectation expected expense expensive experience experienced experiment expert explain explanation explode explore explosion export expose express expression extend extension extensive extent extra extraordinary extreme extremely eye face facility fact factor factory fail failure faint fair fairly faith faithful faithfully fall false fame familiar family famous fan fancy far farm farmer farming farther farthest fashion fashionable fast fasten fat father faucet fault favour favourite fear feather feature February federal fee feed feel feeling fellow female fence festival fetch fever few field fifteen fifth fifty fight figure file fill film final finally finance financial find fine finely finger finish finished fire firm firmly first fish fishing fit five fix fixed flag flame flash flat flavour flesh flight float flood floor flour flow flower flu fly flying focus fold folding follow following food foot football for force forecast foreign forest forever forget forgive fork form formal former formerly formula fortune forty forward found foundation four fourteen fourth frame free freedom freely freeze frequent frequently fresh freshly Friday fridge friend friendly friendship frighten frightened frightening from front frozen fruit fry fuel full fully fun function fund fundamental funeral funny fur furniture further future gain gallon gamble gambling game gap garage garbage garden gas gasoline gate gather gear general generally generate generation generous gentle gentleman gently genuine geography get giant gift girl girlfriend give glad glass global glove glue go goal god gold good goodbye goods govern government governor grab grade gradual gradually grain gram grammar grand grandchild granddaughter grandfather grandmother grandparent grandson grant grass grateful grave grave great greatly green grey grocery ground group grow growth guarantee guard guess guest guide guilty gun guy habit hair hairdresser half hall hammer hand handle hang happen happily happy hard hardly harm harmful harmless hat hate hatred have have to he head headache heal health healthy hear hearing heart heat heating heaven heavily heavy heel height hell hello help helpful hence her here hero hers herself hesitate hi hide high highlight highly highway hill him himself hip hire his historical history hit hobby hold hole holiday hollow holy home homework honest honestly honour hook hope horizontal horn horror horse hospital host hot hotel hour house household housing how however huge human humorous humour hundred hundredth hungry hunt hunting hurry hurt husband I ice ice cream idea ideal identify identity i.e. if ignore ill illegal illness illustrate image imaginary imagination imagine immediate immediately immoral impact impatient implication imply import importance important impose impossible impress impressed impression impressive improve improvement in inability inch incident include including income increase increasingly indeed independence independent index indicate indication indirect individual indoor indoors industrial industry inevitable inevitably infect infected infection infectious influence inform informal information ingredient initial initially initiative injure injured injury ink inner innocent insect insert inside insist install instance instead instead of institute institution instruction instrument insult insulting insurance intelligence intelligent intend intended intention interest interested interesting interior internal international Internet interpret interpretation interrupt interruption interval interview into introduce introduction invent invention invest investigate investigation investment invitation invite involve involved involvement iron irritate irritated -ish island issue it item its itself jacket jam January jealous jeans jelly jewellery job join joint joke journalist journey joy judge judgement juice July jump June junior just justice justified justify keen keep key keyboard kick kid kill killing kilogram kilometre kind kindly kindness king kiss kitchen knee knife knit knitted knitting knock knot know knowledge lab label laboratory labour lack lacking lady lake lamp land landscape lane language large largely last last last last late later latest latter laugh launch law lawyer lay layer lazy lead lead leader leading leaf league lean learn least leather leave lecture left leg legal lemon lend length less lesson let letter level library licence license lid lie lie lie life lift light lightly like likely limit limited line link lip liquid list listen literature litre little live live live lively living load loan local locate located location lock logic logical lonely long look loose loosely lord lorry lose loss lost lot loud love lovely lover low loyal luck lucky luggage lump lunch lung machine machinery mad magazine magic mail main mainly maintain major majority make make-up male mall man manage management manager manner manufacture manufacturer manufacturing many map March mark market marketing marriage married marry mass massive master match matching mate material mathematics matter maximum May maybe mayor me meal mean meaning means meanwhile measure measurement meat media medical medicine medium meet meeting melt member membership memory mental mentally mention menu mere merely mess message metal method metre mid midday middle midnight might mild mile military milk milligram millimetre million millionth mind mine mineral minimum minister ministry minor minority minute mirror miss missing mistake mistaken mix mixed mixture mobile mobile phone model modern mom moment Monday money monitor month mood moon moral morally more moreover morning most mostly mother motion motor motorbike motorcycle mount mountain mouse mouth move movement movie movie theater moving Mr Mrs Ms much mud multiply mum murder muscle museum music musical musician must my myself mysterious mystery nail naked name narrow nation national natural naturally nature navy near nearby nearly neat necessarily necessary neck need needle negative neighbour neighbourhood neither nephew nerve nervous nest net network never nevertheless new newly news newspaper next next to nice nicely niece night nine nineteen ninety ninth no nobody noise noisy non none nonsense no one nor normal normally north northern nose not note nothing notice noticeable novel November now nowhere nuclear number nurse nut obey object objective observation observe obtain obvious obviously occasion occasionally occupied occupy occur ocean o'clock October odd oddly of off offence offend offense offensive offer office officer official officially often oh oil OK old old-fashioned on once one one another onion only onto open opening openly operate operation opinion opponent opportunity oppose opposed opposing opposite opposition option or orange order ordinary organ organization organize organized origin original originally other otherwise ought to our ours ourselves out outdoor outdoors outer outline output outside outstanding oven over overall overcome owe own owner pace pack package packaging packet page pain painful paint painter painting pair palace pale pan panel pants paper parallel parent park parliament part particular particularly partly partner partnership party pass passage passenger passing passport past path patience patient pattern pause pay payment peace peaceful peak pen pencil penny pension people pepper per per cent perfect perfectly perform performance performer perhaps period permanent permission permit person personal personality personally persuade pet petrol phase philosophy phone photo photocopy photograph photographer photography phrase physical physically physics piano pick picture piece pig pile pill pilot pin pink pint pipe pitch pity place plain plan plane planet planning plant plastic plate platform play player pleasant please pleased pleasing pleasure plenty plot plug plus plus plus p.m. pocket poem poetry point pointed poison poisonous pole police policy polish polite political politically politician politics pollution pool poor pop popular population port pose position positive possess possession possibility possible possibly post post office pot potato potential pound pour powder power powerful practical practically practice practise praise pray prayer precise precisely predict prefer preference pregnant premises preparation prepare prepared presence present presentation preserve president press pressure presumably pretend pretty prevent previous price pride priest primarily primary prime minister prince princess principle print printer printing prior priority prison prisoner private prize probable probably problem procedure proceed process process produce producer product production profession professional professor profit program programme progress project promise promote promotion prompt promptly pronounce pronunciation proof proper properly property proportion proposal propose prospect protect protection protest proud proudly prove provide provided providing pub public publication publicity publish publishing pull punch punish punishment pupil purchase pure purely purple purpose pursue push put qualification qualified qualify quality quantity quarter queen question quick quickly quiet quit quite quote race racing radio rail railroad railway rain raise range rank rapid rare rarely rate rather raw re reach react reaction read reader reading ready real realistic reality realize really rear reason reasonable reasonably recall receipt receive recent recently reception reckon recognition recognize recommend record recording recover red reduce reduction refer reference reflect reform refrigerator refusal refuse regard regarding region regional register regret regular regularly regulation reject relate related relation relationship relative relatively relax relaxed relaxing release relevant relief religion religious rely remain remaining remains remark remarkable remember remind remote removal remove rent rented repair repeat repeated replace reply report represent representative reproduce reputation request require requirement rescue research reservation reserve resident resist resistance resolve resort resource respect respond response responsibility responsible rest restaurant restore restrict restricted restriction result retain retire retired retirement return reveal reverse review revise revision revolution reward rhythm rice rich rid ride rider ridiculous riding right rightly ring ring ring rise risk rival river road rob rock role roll romantic roof room root rope rough roughly round rounded route routine row royal rub rubber rubbish rude rudely ruin ruined rule ruler rumour run runner running rural rush sack sad sadly sadness safe safely safety sail sailing sailor salad salary sale salt salty same sample sand satisfaction satisfied satisfy satisfying Saturday sauce save saving say scale scare scared scene schedule scheme school science scientific scientist scissors score scratch scream screen screw sea seal search season seat second second second secondary secret secretary section sector secure security see seed seek seem select selection self self sell senate senator send senior sense sensible sensitive sentence separate separated separately separation September series serious seriously servant serve service session set settle seven seventeen seventy several severe sew sewing sex sexual shade shadow shake shall shallow shame shape shaped share sharp sharply shave she sheep sheet shelf shell shelter shift shine shiny ship shirt shock shocking shoe shoot shooting shop shopping short shortly shot should shoulder shout show shower shut shy sick side sideways sight sign signal signature significant significantly silence silent silk silly silver similar similarly simple simply since sincere sincerely sing singer singing single sink sir sister sit site situation six sixteen sixty size skilful skill skilled skin skirt sky sleep sleeve slice slide slight slightly slip slope slow slowly small smart smash smell smile smoke smoking smooth smoothly snake snow so soap social society sock soft softly software soil soldier solid solution solve some somebody somehow someone something sometimes somewhat somewhere son song soon sore sorry sort soul sound soup sour source south southern space spare speak speaker special specialist specially specific specifically speech speed spell spelling spend spice spicy spider spin spirit spiritual spite split spoil spoken spoon sport spot spray spread spring square squeeze stable staff stage stair stamp stand standard star stare start state statement station statue status stay steady steal steam steel steep steer step stick sticky stiff still sting stir stock stomach stone stop store storm story stove straight strain strange strangely stranger strategy stream street strength stress stressed stretch strict strictly strike striking string strip stripe striped stroke strong structure struggle student studio study stuff stupid style subject substance substantial substantially substitute succeed success successful such suck sudden suddenly suffer suffering sufficient sugar suggest suggestion suit suitable suitcase suited sum summary summer sun Sunday superior supermarket supply support supporter suppose sure surely surface surname surprise surprised surprising surround surrounding surroundings survey survive suspect suspicion suspicious swallow swear swearing sweat sweater sweep sweet swell swelling swim swimming swimming pool swing switch swollen symbol sympathetic sympathy system table tablet tackle tail take talk tall tank tap tape target task taste tax taxi tea teach teacher teaching team tear tear technical technique technology telephone television tell temperature temporary ten tend tendency tension tent tenth term terrible terribly test text than thank thanks thank you that the theatre their theirs them theme themselves then theory there therefore they thick thickly thickness thief thin thing think thinking third thirsty thirteen thirty this thorough thoroughly though thought thousand thousandth thread threat threaten threatening three throat through throughout throw thumb Thursday thus ticket tidy tie tight tightly time timetable tin tiny tip tire tired tiring title to today toe together toilet tomato tomorrow ton tone tongue tonne too tool tooth top topic total totally touch tough tour tourist towards tower town toy trace track trade trading tradition traditional traffic train training transfer transform translate translation transparent transport transportation trap travel traveller treat treatment tree trend trial triangle trick trillion trip tropical trouble trousers truck true truly trust truth try tube Tuesday tune tunnel turn TV twelve twenty twice twin twist twisted two type typical typically tyre ugly ultimate ultimately umbrella unable unacceptable uncertain uncle uncomfortable unconscious uncontrolled under underground underneath understand understanding underwater underwear undo unemployed unemployment unexpected unfair unfortunate unfortunately unfriendly unhappy uniform unimportant union unique unit unite united universe university unkind unknown unless unlike unlikely unload unlucky unnecessary unpleasant unreasonable unsteady unsuccessful untidy until unusual unusually unwilling up upon upper upset upsetting upside down upstairs upward upwards urban urge urgent us use used used used to useful useless user usual usually vacation valid valley valuable value van variation varied variety various vary vast vegetable vehicle venture version vertical very via victim victory video view village violence violent violently virtually virus visible vision visit visitor vital vocabulary voice volume vote wage waist wait waiter wake walk walking wall wallet wander want war warm warmth warn warning wash washing waste watch water wave way we weak weakness wealth weapon wear weather web website wedding Wednesday week weekend weigh weight welcome well well known west western wet what whatever wheel when whenever where whereas wherever whether which while whisper whistle white who whoever whole whom whose why wide widely width wife wild wildly will willing win wind wind window wine wing winner winning winter wire wise wish with withdraw within without witness woman wonder wonderful wood wooden wool word work worker working world worried worry worrying worse worship worst worth would wound wound wounded wrap wrapping wrist write writer writing written wrong wrongly yard yawn yeah year yellow yes yesterday yet you young your yours yourself youth zero zone abandon abbey ability able abnormal abolish abortion abridge absence absent absolute absorb absorption abstract abundant abuse academic academy accent accept acceptable acceptance access accessible accident accompany account accountant accumulation accurate achieve achievement acid acquaintance acquisition acquit act action activate active activity acute add addicted addition address adequate adjust administration administrator admiration admire admission admit adopt adoption adult advance advantage adventure advertise advertising advice adviser advocate aesthetic affair affect affinity afford afraid afternoon age agency agenda agent aggressive agile agony agree agreement agricultural agriculture aid AIDS air aircraft airline airport aisle alarm album alcohol alert alimony alive allocation allow allowance ally aloof altar aluminium amateur amber ambiguity ambiguous ambition ambitious ambulance amendment ample amputate amuse analogy analysis analyst ancestor angel anger angle angry animal ankle anniversary announcement annual anonymous answer ant anticipation anxiety apathy apologize apology apparatus appeal appear appearance appendix appetite applaud apple applicant application applied appoint appointment appreciate approach appropriate approval approve aquarium arbitrary arch archaeological architect architecture archive area arena argument arise arm armchair army arrange arrangement arrest arrogant arrow art article articulate artificial artist artistic ascertain ash ashamed ask asleep aspect assault assembly assertion assertive assessment asset assignment association assume assumption assurance astonishing asylum athlete atmosphere atom attachment attack attention attic attitude attract attraction attractive auction audience auditor aunt authorise authority automatic autonomy available avant-garde avenue average aviation avoid awake award aware awful awkward axis baby back background bacon bad bag bail bait bake balance balanced balcony bald ball ballet balloon ballot ban banana band bang banish bank bankruptcy banner banquet bar bare bargain bark barrel barrier base baseball basic basin basis basket basketball bat bathroom bathtub battery battle battlefield bay beach beam bean bear beard beat beautiful become bed bedroom bee beef beer beg begin beginning behave behavior behead belief bell belly belong belt bench bend beneficiary benefit berry bet betray Bible bike bill bin bind biography biology bird birthday biscuit bishop bitch bite bitter black blackmail blade blame bland blank blast bleed bless blind block blonde blood bloodshed bloody blow blue blue jean board boat body boil bold bolt bomb bomber bond bone book boom boot border borrow bother bottle bottom bounce bow bowel bowl box boy bracket brag braid brain brainstorm brake branch brand brave bread break break down breakdown breakfast break in breast breathe breed breeze brewery brick bride bridge brilliance bring brink broadcast broccoli broken bronze brother brown brush bubble bucket budge budget buffet build building bulb bullet bulletin bundle bureaucracy bureaucratic burial burn burst bury bus bush business businessperson busy butter butterfly buttocks button buy cabin cabinet cable cafe cage cake calculation calendar calf call calm calorie camera camp campaign can cancel cancer candidate candle cane canvas cap capable capital capitalism captain captivate capture car carbon card care career careful carpet carriage carrot carry cart carve case cash cassette cast castle casualty cat catalogue catch category cater cathedral cattle cause cautious cave ceiling celebration cell cellar cell phone cemetery censorship census center central century cereal ceremony certain certificate chain chair chalk challenge champagne champion chance change channel chaos chapter character characteristic charge charismatic charity charm chart charter chase chauvinist cheap cheat check cheek cheerful cheese chemical chemistry cheque cherry chest chew chicken chief child childhood childish chimney chimpanzee chin chip chocolate choice choke choose chop chord chorus chronic church cigarette cinema circle circulate circulation circumstance citizen city civic civilian civilization claim clarify clash class classical classify classroom clay clean clear clearance clerk climate climb clinic clique clock close closed clothes cloud club clue cluster coach coal coalition coast coat code coerce coffee coffin coin coincide coincidence cold collapse collar colleague collect collection college colon colony color color-blind colorful column coma combination combine comedy comet comfort comfortable comic strip command commemorate comment commerce commercial commission commitment committee common communication communist community compact company comparable compare comparison compartment compatible compensation compete competence competent competition competitive complain complete complex compliance complication compose composer compound comprehensive compromise computer computer virus computing concede conceive concentrate concentration concept conception concern concert concession conclusion concrete condition conductor conference confession confidence confident confine conflict confront confrontation confuse confusion conglomerate congratulate congress connection conscience conscious consciousness consensus conservation conservative consider considerable consideration consistent consolidate conspiracy constant constellation constituency constitution constitutional constraint construct constructive consultation consumer consumption contact contain contemporary contempt content contest context continental continuation continuous contract contraction contradiction contrary contrast contribution control controversial convenience convenient convention conventional conversation convert convict conviction convince convulsion cook cool cooperate cooperation cooperative cope copper copy copyright cord core corn corner corporate corpse correction correlation correspond correspondence corruption costume cottage cotton cough council count counter country countryside coup couple courage course court courtesy courtship cousin cover coverage cow cower crack crackpot craft artisan crash cream create creation credibility credit credit card creed creep crevice crew cricket crime criminal crisis critic critical criticism crop cross crossing crosswalk crouch crowd crown crude cruel cruelty cruise crusade crutch cry crystal cucumber cultivate cultural culture cunning cup cupboard curious curl currency current curriculum curtain curve cushion custody customer cut cute cutting cycle cylinder daily dairy damage damn dance danger dangerous dare dark dash date daughter dawn day daylight dead deadline deadly deaf deal dealer death debate debt debut decade decay decide decisive deck declaration decline decoration decorative decrease dedicate deep deer default defeat defend defendant deficiency deficit define definite definition degree delay delegate delete delicate deliver delivery demand democracy democratic demolish demonstrate demonstration demonstrator denial denounce density dentist deny depart departure depend dependence dependent deport deposit depressed depression deprivation deprive deputy descent describe desert deserve design designer desirable desire desk despair despise destruction detail detective detector deter deteriorate determine develop development deviation devote diagnosis diagram dialect dialogue diameter diamond dictate dictionary die diet differ difference different difficult difficulty dig digital dignity digress dilemma dilute dimension dine dinner dip diplomat diplomatic direct direction director directory dirty disability disadvantage disagree disagreement disappear disappoint disappointment disaster discipline disclose disco discount discourage discover discovery discreet discriminate discrimination discuss disease disgrace disguise dish disk dislike dismiss dismissal disorder displace display disposition distance distant distinct distort distortion distribute distributor district disturbance ditch dive divide dividend division divorce doctor document dog doll dollar dolphin dome domestic dominant dominate domination donate donor door dorm dose double doubt dough dozen draft drag dragon drain drama dramatic draw drawer drawing dream dress dressing dribble drift drill drink drive driver drop drown drug drum drunkenness dry duck due duke dull dump duration dust duty dynamic eager eagle ear early earthquake east easy eat eavesdrop echo economic economics economist economy ecstasy edge edition education educational effect effective efficient effort egg egg white ego eject elaborate elapse elbow elect election electorate electricity electron electronic electronics elegant element elephant eligible eliminate elite embark embarrassment embassy embrace embryo emergency emotion emotional emphasis empire empirical employ employee employer employment empty encourage encouraging end endorse endure enemy energy engagement engine engineer enhance enjoy enjoyable enlarge ensure enter entertain entertainment enthusiasm enthusiastic entitlement entry envelope environment environmental episode equal equation equilibrium equip equipment era erosion error escape essay essential establish established estate estimate eternal ethical ethics ethnic Europe evaluate even evening evoke evolution exact exaggerate examination example excavate excavation exceed exception excess exchange excited excitement exciting exclude exclusive excuse execute execution executive exempt exemption exercise exhibit exhibition exile exit exotic expand expansion expect expectation expected expedition expenditure expensive experience experienced experiment experimental expert expertise explain explanation explicit explode exploit exploration explosion export expose exposure express expression extend extension extent external extinct extort extract extraordinary extraterrestrial extreme eye eyebrow fabricate facade face facility fact factor factory fade fail failure faint fair fairy faith faithful fall false falsify fame familiar family fan fantasy far fare farewell farm farmer fascinate fashion fashionable fast fastidious fat fate father fault favor favorable favour favourite fax fear feast feather feature federal federation fee feed feedback feel feeling feign feminine feminist fence ferry festival fever few fibre fiction field fig fight figure file fill film filter final finance financial find fine finger finish finished fire firefighter fireplace firm first first-hand fish fisher fist fit fitness fix fixture flag flash flashlight flat flatware flavor flawed fleet flesh flex flexible flight fling float flock flood floor flour flourish flow flower flu fluctuation fluid flush fly fog fold folk folklore folk music follow food fool fool around foolish foot football forbid force forecast forehead foreigner forest forestry forge forget fork form formal format formation formula formulate fortune forum forward fossil foster foundation fountain fox fraction fragment fragrant frame franchise frank fraud freckle free freedom freeze freight freighter frequency frequent fresh freshman friend friendly friendship frighten frog front frown frozen fruit frustration fuel full full-time fun function functional fund funeral funny fur furniture fuss future gaffe gain galaxy gallery gallon game gap garage garbage garden garlic gas gasp gas pedal gate gear gem gene general generate generation generous genetic gentleman genuine geography geological gesture get ghost ghostwriter giant gift girl girlfriend give glacier glad glance glare glass glasses glide glimpse global gloom glorious glory glove glow glue go goal goalkeeper goat god gold golf good gossip government governor gown grace gradient gradual graduate grain grammar grand grandfather grandmother grant graph graphic graphics grass grateful grave gravel gravity graze great green greet greeting gregarious grief grimace grin grind grip groan ground grounds grow growth grudge guarantee guard guerrilla guess guest guide guideline guilt guitar gun gutter habit habitat hair haircut half hall hallway halt ham hammer hand handicap handy hang happen happy harass harbor hard hardship hardware harm harmful harmony harsh harvest hat hate haul haunt have hay head headline headquarters heal health healthy hear heart heat heaven heavy hedge heel height heir helicopter hell helmet help helpful helpless hemisphere hen herb herd hero heroin hesitate hiccup hide hierarchy high highlight highway hike hilarious hill hip historian historical history hit hobby hold hole holiday holy home homosexual honest honey honor honorable hook hope horizon horizontal horn horoscope horror horse horseshoe hospital hospitality host hostage hostile hostility hot hotdog hotel hour house houseplant housewife housing hover huge human human body humanity humor hungry hunter hunting hurl hurt husband hut hypnothize hypothesis hypothesize ice ice cream idea ideal identification identify identity ideology ignite ignorance ignorant ignore illegal illness illusion illustrate illustration image imagination imagine immigrant immigration immune impact imperial implication implicit import importance important impossible imposter impound impress impressive improve improvement impulse inadequate inappropriate incapable incentive inch incident include income incongruous increase incredible independent index index finger indication indigenous indirect individual indoor indulge industrial industry inevitable infect infection infinite inflate inflation influence influential informal information infrastructure ingredient inhabitant inherit inhibition initial initiative inject injection injure injury inn inner innocent innovation inquiry insect insert inside insider insight insist insistence inspector inspiration inspire instal install instinct institution instruction instrument insufficient insurance insure integrated integration integrity intellectual intelligence intense intensify intention interaction interactive interest interesting interface interference intermediate internal international interrupt intervention interview introduce introduction invasion investigation investigator investment invisible invitation invite iron irony irrelevant island isolation issue item ivory jacket jail jam jar jaw jazz jealous jelly jest jet jewel job jockey joint joke journal joy joystick judge judgment judicial juice jump junction jungle junior jurisdiction jury just justice justification justify keep kettle key kick kid kidnap kidney kill killer kind king kingdom kinship kiss kit kitchen kite knead knee kneel knife knit knock knot know knowledge Koran label laboratory laborer labour lace lack ladder lady lake lamb lamp land landlord landowner landscape lane language lap large laser last late latest laugh launch laundry law lawn lawyer lay layer layout lazy lead leader leadership leaf leaflet leak lean learn lease leash leather leave lecture left leftovers leg legal legend legislate legislation legislative legislature leisure lemon lend length lesson letter level liability liberal liberty library licence license lick lid lie life lifestyle lift light lighter like likely lily limb limit limitation limited line lineage linear linen linger link lion lip liquid list listen literacy literary literature litigation live lively liver load loan lobby locate location lock lodge log logic logical lonely long look loop loose loot looting lose loss lost lot loud lounge love lover low loyal loyalty lucky lump lunch lung machine machinery magazine magnetic magnitude maid mail mail carrier main mainstream major majority make makeup man manage management manager manner manual manufacture manufacturer manuscript map marathon marble march margin marine mark market marketing marriage married Mars marsh mask mass master mastermind match material mathematical mathematics matrix matter mature maximum mayor maze meadow meal mean meaning meaningful means measure meat mechanical mechanism medal medicine medieval medium meet meeting member membership memorable memorandum memorial memory mental mention menu merchant mercy merit mess message metal method methodology microphone middle middle-class midnight migration mild mile military milk mill mind mine miner mineral minimize minimum minister ministry minor minority minute miracle mirror miscarriage miserable misery mislead misplace miss missile mist mistreat mix mixture mobile model modern modernize modest module mold mole molecular molecule moment momentum monarch monarchy monastery money monkey monopoly monster monstrous month monthly mood moon moral morale morning morsel mortgage mosaic mosque mosquito mother motif motivation motorcycle motorist mountain mourning mouse mouth move movement movie moving mud mug muggy multimedia multiple multiply municipal murder muscle museum mushroom music musical musician mutation mutter mutual mystery myth nail name nap narrow national nationalism nationalist nationality native nature navy necessary neck necklace need needle negative neglect negligence negotiation neighborhood neighbour nephew nerve nervous nest net network neutral new newcomer news nice night nightmare noble nod node noise noisy nominate nomination nonremittal nonsense norm normal north nose note notebook notice notion notorious noun novel nuance nuclear number nurse nursery nut oak obese obey object objection objective obligation obscure observation observer obstacle obtain obvious occasion occupation occupational occupy ocean odd offend offender offense offensive offer office officer official offset offspring oil old old age omission onion open opera operation operational opinion opponent oppose opposed opposite opposition optimism optimistic option optional oral orange orbit orchestra order ordinary organ organic organisation organize orgy orientation origin original orthodox ostracize other outer outfit outlet outline outlook output outside oven overall overcharge overeat overlook overview overwhelm owe owl owner ownership oxygen pace pack package packet page pain painful paint painter pair palace palm pan panel panic paper parachute parade paradox paragraph parallel paralyzed parameter pardon parent parental park parking parliament part participant participate particle particular partner partnership part-time party pass passage passenger passion passionate passive passport password past pastel pasture pat patch patent path patience patient patrol pattern pause pavement pawn pay payment peace peaceful peak peanut peasant pedestrian peel pen penalty pencil penetrate penny pension people pepper perceive percent perception perfect perforate perform performance performer perfume period permanent permission persist persistent person personal personality persuade pest pet petty phenomenon philosopher philosophical philosophy photocopy photograph photographer photography physical physics piano pick picture pie piece pier pierce pig pigeon pile pill pillow pilot pin pioneer pipe pit pitch pity place plagiarize plain plaintiff plan plane planet plant plaster plastic plate platform play player plead pleasant please pleasure pledge plot pluck plug pneumonia pocket poem poetry point poison pole police-officer policy polish polite political politician politics poll pollution pony pool poor pop popular population portable porter portion portrait position positive possession possibility possible post postcard postpone posture pot potato potential pottery pound pour powder power powerful practical practice praise pray prayer preach precede precedent precise precision predator predecessor predict predictable prediction prefer preference pregnant prejudice premature premium preoccupation preparation prescription presence present presentation preservation presidency president presidential press pressure prestige prevalence prevent prey price pride primary prince princess principle print printer priority prison prisoner privacy private privilege privileged prize probability problem procedure process proclaim produce producer product production productive profession professional professor profile profit profound program progress progressive project projection prolonged promise promote promotion proof propaganda proper property proportion proportional proposal proposition prosecute prosecution prospect prosper prosperity protect protection protein protest proud prove provide provincial provision provoke psychologist psychology public publication publicity publish publisher pudding pull pump pumpkin punch punish pupil pure purpose pursuit push put puzzle pyramid qualification qualified qualify quality quantitative quantity quarrel quarter queen quest question questionnaire queue quiet quit quota quotation quote rabbit race racial racism rack radiation radiation sickness radical radio rage raid railcar railroad rain rainbow raise rally ranch random range rank rape rare rat rate ratio rational raw reach reaction reactor read reader ready real realism realistic reality realize rear reason reasonable rebel rebellion receipt reception recession reckless recognition recognize recommend recommendation reconcile record recording recover recovery recreation recruit recycle red redeem reduce reduction redundancy refer referee reference referral reflect reflection reform refrigerator refugee refund refusal refuse regard region regional register registration regret regular regulation rehabilitation rehearsal reign reinforce reject rejection relate related relation relationship relative relax relaxation release relevance relevant reliable reliance relief relieve religious relinquish reluctance remain remark remedy remember remind remunerate rent repeat repetition replace replacement report reporter represent representative reproduce reproduction reptile republic reputation request requirement rescue research researcher resemble resent reserve reservoir residence resident residential resign resignation resist resolution resort resource respect respectable response responsibility responsible rest restaurant restless restoration restrain restraint restrict restricted restriction result retailer retain retire retired retiree retirement retreat return reveal revenge reverse review revise revival revive revoke revolution revolutionary reward rhetoric rhythm rib ribbon rice rich ride rider ridge rifle right right wing ring riot rise risk ritual river road roar rob robbery robot rock rocket role roll romantic roof room root rope rose rotate rotation rotten rough round route routine row royalty rub rubbish rugby ruin rule rumor run rung runner rural rush sacred sacrifice sad safari safe safety sail sailor salad sale salesperson salmon salon salt salvation sample sanctuary sand sandal sandwich satellite satisfaction satisfactory satisfied sauce sausage save say scale scan scandal scatter scenario scene schedule scheme scholar scholarship school science scientific scientist score scramble scrap scrape scratch scream screen screw script sculpture sea seal search season seasonal seat second secondary secret secretary secretion section sector secular secure security see seed seek seem seize selection self sell seller seminar senior sensation sense sensitive sensitivity sentence sentiment separate separation sequence series serious sermon servant serve service session set settle settlement sex sexual shadow shaft shake shallow shame shape share shareholder shark sharp shatter shave shed sheep sheet shelf shell shelter shield shift shine shirt shiver shock shoe shoot shop shopping short shortage short circuit shorts shot shoulder shout show shower shrink shrug shy sick sickness side siege sieve sigh sight sightsee sign signature silence silk silver similar similarity simplicity sin sing singer single sink sip sister sit site situation size skate skeleton sketch ski skill skilled skin skip skirt skull sky slab slam slant slap slave sleep sleeve slice slide slime slip slippery slogan slot slow slump small smart smash smell smile smoke smooth snack snail snake snap snarl snatch sniff snow snub snuggle soak soap soar soccer social socialist society sociology sock sodium sofa soft software soil solar soldier solid solidarity solo solution solve sophisticated soprano soul sound soup sour source south sow space spare spatial speaker specialist species specified specimen spectrum speculate speech speed spell spend sphere spider spill spin spinach spine spirit spit spite split splurge spoil spokesperson spontaneous spoon sport spot spray spread spring spy squad square squash squeeze stab stable stadium staff stage stain staircase stake stall stamp stand standard star stare start state statement station statistical statistics statue stay steady steak steam steel steep stem step stereotype steward stick sticky still stimulation sting stir stitch stock stomach stone stool stop storage store storm story straight straighten strain strange strap strategic straw strawberry stream street strength stress stretch strict stride strike strikebreaker string strip stroke stroll strong structural structure struggle stubborn student studio study stuff stumble stun stunning stupid style subject subjective subsequent substance substitute suburb subway success successful sudden suffer suffering sufficient sugar suggest suggestion suicide suit suitcase suite sulphur sum summary summer summit sun Sunday sunrise sunshine suntan superintendent superior supermarket supervisor supplementary supply support suppress surface surgeon surgery surprise surprised surprising surround survey survival survivor suspect suspicion sustain swallow swarm swear sweat sweater sweep sweet swell swim swing swipe switch swop sword syllable symbol symmetry sympathetic symptom syndrome system systematic table tablet tactic tail take talented talk talkative tall tank tap tape target taste tasty tax taxi taxpayer tea teach teacher team tear tease technical technique technology teenager telephone television tell temperature temple temporary tempt temptation tenant tendency tender tennis tense tension tent term terminal terms terrace terrify terrorist test testify text texture thank thanks thaw theater theft theme theology theorist theory therapist therapy thesis thick thigh thin think thinker thirsty thought thoughtful thread threat threaten threshold throat throne throw thrust thumb tick ticket tide tidy tie tiger tight tile timber time timetable tin tip tiptoe tire tired tissue title toast toe tolerant tolerate toll tomato ton tone tongue tool tooth top topple torch torture toss total touch tough tourism tourist tournament towel tower town toxic toy trace track tract traction trade tradition traditional traffic tragedy trail train trainer training trait trance transaction transfer transform transition translate transmission transparent transport trap tray tread treasure treasurer treat treatment treaty tree tremble trench trend trial triangle tribe tribute trick trip trivial trolley troop tropical trouble trouser truck true trunk trust trustee truth try t-shirt tube tumble tumour tune tunnel turkey turn twilight twin twist twitch tycoon typical ugly ulcer ultimate umbrella unanimous unaware uncertainty uncle uncomfortable underline undermine understand understanding undertake undress uneasy unemployed unemployment unexpected unfair unfortunate uniform union unique unit unity university unlawful unlike unlikely unpleasant unrest update upset urban urge urgency urine use useful useless user usual utter vacant vacuum vague vain valid valley valuable value van variable variant variation varied variety vat vector vegetable vegetarian vegetation vehicle veil vein velvet venture Venus verbal verdict version vertical vessel veteran viable vicious victim victory video view vigorous villa village villager violation violent virgin virtue virus visible vision visit visitor visual vitamin vocational voice volcano volume voluntary volunteer vote voter voucher voyage vulnerable wage wagon waist wait waiter wake walk wall wander want war ward wardrobe warm warn warning warrant warrior wash waste watch water waterfall wave way weak weakness wealth weapon wear wear out weather weave wedding weed week weekend weekly weigh weight welcome welfare well west wet whale wheat wheel whip whiskey whisper white whole widen widow width wife wild wilderness wildlife will willpower win wind window wine wing winner winter wipe wire wise wisecrack witch withdraw withdrawal witness wolf woman wonder wood wool word wording work worker work out workshop world worm worry worth wound wrap wreck wrestle wriggle wrist write writer written wrong X-ray yacht yard yawn year yearn young youth zero zone abdominal absorb absorption accelerate acceleration accent accumulate accumulation accuracy accurately acid acidic activate actively acute adaptation adaptive adjacent admission adolescent adverse aerosol aesthetic affirm afterward aggregate agriculture airplane algebra algorithm alien alliance allocate allocation altitude aluminum amino amongst amplitude analogy ancestor anthropology anti antibiotic antibody antiquity appendix applause apple approximate approximation arbitrary archaeology architect array arrow articulate artifact artificial artistic artwork aspect assembly assert assignment athletic atom atomic auction audio audit authority autonomy availability axiom axis backward bacteria bacterial bang bargain barrel basin bat beam behavioral bilingual binary biodiversity biologist biology bizarre blank bleed bodily bonus bound bracket breakdown broadly bubble bucket bulk bullet bundle calcium calculation calculator calculus campus candidate capillary capitalism capitalist carrier cattle censor characterization cheat cheer chemistry chemotherapy chess chloride chromosome chronic chunk cinema circa circulate circulation civilization clarify classification classify classroom clay clever click client clinic clip clone closure clue coefficient cognitive coherent collective colonial colony comma commentary commodity commonly communicative communist compact comparable comparative compensate competence competent complement complication comply composer composite comprehension computation conceive conception conceptual conditional conduction cone conference configuration confine confound congruent connector connotation conscious consciousness consensus consent conservation conserve consonant constitution constrain consultation consumption container continent continuity contour contradict contradiction contradictory contrary controversy converge convergence coordinate coordination cord coronary corpus correction correctly correlate correlation correspondence corruption cortex credibility criteria critically critique crude crystal cue cure curriculum cyclic cylinder damp deadline decay deceive defect deficiency definite deflection degrade deliberately delta demonstrator denominator denote dense dependence depict derivative descendent descriptor destination detection developmental deviation diagnose diagnosis diagnostic diagram dialect diameter diary dictate dictionary differential differentiate differentiation diffusion dilemma dilute dimensional dioxide directive disability disadvantage discharge discourse discrete discrimination displacement dissection dissertation dissolve distribution disturbance diverse domain dominance dominant domination donor dose drain drift duration dye dynamic ecological ecology economically economist effectiveness elaborate elastic elasticity electron elementary elevate elevation elimination elite embed emergence emission emit emperor empirical encode enforcement enormously entity entrant enzyme epidemic epidemiology equality equilibrium equivalence erase essence essentially estimation ethical ethics evident evolutionary ex execute execution exit expertise explicit explicitly exploit exponential fabric facet facilitate factorial faculty fatigue feedback fertility fetal fever fiber fin finite flesh flexibility flip fluid flux footnote formally formulation forum fossil founds fraction fracture freely friction fringe fundamentally fungus fusion gauge generalization generalize genetically genetics ghost globalization goat goodness goods gradient gram grammatical graph grasp gravity grid gross gut habitat halfway handout harvest hawk headquarter hedge helix hepatitis herbicide hierarchy hip historically homework horizon horizontal hormone hydrogen identical identification ideology illusion immune impact implicit importantly impulse incidence incline inclusion incredible incredibly incumbent independently indicator indifference indigenous indirect individually induce induction industrialization industrialize inequality inevitably infect infectious inference inferior infinite infinity influential informal inhibit inhibition initiate initiation inject injection innate insect insert instability instinct integral integration intensity intensive interact interestingly interface interfere intermediate interrupt interval intervene interviewer invade invasion inversion invert ion irrelevant irrigation jazz junior justification kidney kilometer lab lateral layout leaf lecturer legend legitimate leisure lever lexical liable lifestyle lifetime likelihood likewise limb linear linguistic linguistics liter liver locally locus logical longitudinal loop lump lung machinery magnetic magnitude mall manipulate manipulation manual manuscript marble marginal marker marrow maternal mathematical matrix maximize meaningful mechanic mechanical media mediate membrane memorize mentor mercury merge messenger metabolism metaphor methodology micro mid migrate migration millimeter mineral minimal minimize minus missile mobility modification mole molecular molecule momentum monetary monkey monopoly morality morphological morphology mortality motif motive multi multinational multiply mutation myth naked namely nasty nationalism neat necessity neo nest neural neuron neutral nicely niche nitrogen noble node noisy nominal non nonetheless nonlinear norm notation novice nucleus null numerical nutrient objection obscure observer obtain occupation occurrence offspring onset onwards optical optimal optimum oral organ organism orient orientation oscillation outer outlet overhead overlap overview oxidize oxygen painful par paradigm paradox parameter parcel pardon parental parenthesis partial partially particle partition pathway peasant periodic peripheral pest pesticide phenomenal philosopher philosophical phonological phosphate photographic physically physician physics physiological pi planner plantation plausible plug plural polar pole politically portfolio portray portrayal positively poster postgraduate potassium powder practitioner pragmatic pre precede precipitate precipitation predator prediction predominantly prejudice preliminary presume prevalence prey primer primitive probe problematic processor productive productivity profound progression progressive projection prominent pronounce proposition protocol proton psychiatric psychologist psychology publish pulse punch punish punishment purely puzzle qualitative quantitative quantum questionnaire quiz quotation rack radar radiation radius rainfall randomize randomly rational rationality ray reactive reactor readily realism realistic realm receptor recipe reconstruct regime regression rehabilitation reinforce rejection reliability render repertoire replacement replicate replication reproduce reproduction republic resemble reservoir residual residue resistant respiratory retrieve revolutionary rewrite rhetoric rhythm ridiculous ritual robot rope rotate rotation rub ruler scatter scenario scholarship scripture scroll secrete sediment selective semantic semester semi seminar sensation sensible sensitivity sensory separately separation sexuality shallow shortly shuttle similarity simplify simulate simulation simultaneously sin singular sketch skip slab slash slavery slot snake sneeze sniff socialize socially sodium solar soluble solute solvent sometime sophisticate span spatial specialty specification specimen spectrum sperm sphere splice sponsorship spontaneous spray stabilize stack stadium stance standardize static statistical statistically statistics stereotype stimulus straightforward strand strategic strictly stripe sub subjective subset substitution substrate subtle subtract sufficiently suicide super superior supposedly surgeon surgical surplus susceptible sustainable swap swell sword syllable syllabus symbolic syndrome syntactic syntax synthesis synthetic systematic tech technically temporal tempt tense terminal terminology terribly textbook theorem theorist thereby thermal thesis thickness thread threshold thumb tolerance ton toxic tract traditionally trait trajectory trans transaction transcribe transcription transformation translation transmission transmit transparency transplant trauma treaty tremendous triangle tribe tricky trivial tropical tumor turbulent tutor ultimate undergraduate undermine underneath unemployed unify unintelligible unity unstable uplift upward urine usage utility utilize utterance vague valid validity valve variability variance variant vector vegetation vein velocity verbal vertical viable virtue vitamin vocabulary volition vowel watershed wavelength weave wheat whereby whichever whoever widespread wisdom workshop yeast abide aboard absent absorb accent acceptance accessible accessory acclaim accommodate accomplishment accordingly accountant accumulate accuracy accurately accustom activate actively actress adapter additionally adhere adjacent administer administrative administrator admission advancement advertiser advisable advisor advisory affirmative affordable afterward airfare airplane airport aisle alert alike allergy allocate alternate alternatively amateur ambassador ambitious amenity ample amuse anew anniversary announcer annoy annually antique anyhow anytime apology appendix appetizer apple appliance applicable applicant appraisal appreciation apprehensive apprentice approximate arc architect architectural archive artistic asleep aspect assemble assembly assignment assurance athletic attain attendant attendee attire attorney auction audit audition auditor auditorium authentic authority authorization authorize auto automate automatic automobile automotive availability await backpack bacteria badge baggage bake baker bakery balcony balloon ballroom banker bankrupt bankruptcy banquet barbecue bargain baseball basement basket basketball bathroom battery bean beforehand beginner behalf bench beneficial beverage bicycle biography biology birthday blanket blueprint boardroom bonus bookcase booklet bookstore booth born bound brainstorm brake briefcase broaden brochure broker broom browse buffet bug bulb bulk bulletin businessman businessperson butter bye by-law cab cabin cabinet café cafeteria cage calculation calculator calendar caller campus cancellation candidate candy captain careless cargo carpenter carrier cart carton cartridge cashier casual cater caterer caution cautious ceiling celebrity cellphone centimeter certificate certification certify chairperson charitable checkout checkup cheer cheeseburger chef chemistry chilly chronic cinema circuit circulate circulation circus clap clarify classify classmate cleaner cleanliness clerk click client clinic clip closet closure cloth cloudy clue collaboration collector colorful comb comfortably commerce commonly commute commuter compact compartment compatible compensate compile completion compliance complication compliment complimentary comply comprehension concierge conditioner condominium conductor conference confidential confirmation conform congestion congratulate congratulation consecutive consent considerably considerate consignment consistently consultation consumption container contestant continental contraction contractor contradict contradiction contrary convenience convenient conveniently convey cookbook cookie cooler cooperate coordinate coordinator copier copyright cord cordless correction correctly correspondence cosmetic costly costume counselor countryside coupon courier courtesy coworker crane creativity criteria cruise culinary cumulative cushion customize daytime deadline dealership debit deck decorate decoration dedication deduct deduction defect defective definite delegate delete delicate delicious deluxe demolish dental dentist depart departmental departure dependable dependence descriptive designate desirable desktop desperate dessert destination detach deteriorate devastate developer diagnose diagnostic diagram dial diamond dine diner diploma directory disable disagreement disappointment discard disconnect discontinue discrepancy disgust dishwasher dislike dispatch disposal dispose disrupt disruption dissatisfy distract distraction distractor distribution distributor dive dividend dock documentary documentation donate donation donut doorman dose download downsize downstairs downtown downturn drastically drawback drawer drill drought drum dull duplicate durable duration dynamic eager earthquake e-book economical economically economist economize editorial effectiveness efficiently electrical electrician electronically elegant elephant elevate elevator eligible embassy embed enclose energetic engagement enjoyable enroll enrollment enthusiasm enthusiast enthusiastic enthusiastically entrée entrepreneur environmentally equip erase escalator escort ethics euro evacuate evenly evident excellence exceptional excessive exclusive exclusively excursion exemption exit exotic expedite expertise expiration expire explanatory explorer extinguisher fabric facilitate factual faculty familiarity familiarize fare farewell fasten fatigue faulty favorable fax feedback ferry finalize firefighter firework fiscal fitness fixture flavor flaw fleet flexibility flextime flour flu fluctuate fluent flyer fog folder footwear forbid foreman fork formally fortunately forum foster founder fountain franchise freelance freight freighter frustrate fry fundraise furnish gallon garage garbage gardener garment gasoline generalization generator generic generous genre getaway glove goods gossip graduation gram graph graphic graphics grill grocery guidance gum gym gymnasium habitual hacker hallway hamburger handbook handy hardware hardworking harmful hazard hazardous headache headphone headquarter healthcare healthful heater helmet hereby hesitant hesitation highway hike hiker hobby homeless homemade homeowner homework honestly hospitality hotline hourly housekeep housekeeper humidity hungry hurricane hygiene ice cream icy ideally identification illogical immigration impact impatient imperative inappropriate inclusive incoming incomplete inconvenience incur indicator indirect individually indoor induction inefficient inexpensive inexperience infer inference inflate influential informal informative ingredient ink innovative inquire insert inspect inspection inspector inspiration installation institute instruct instructor insufficient integral intently interactive interfere intern internationally internet internship interpreter interrupt intersection intonation introductory invaluable invention inventory invoice irregular irrelevant irritate itinerary jam jazz jeans jet jewelry jog journalism juice junior junk keyboard kilogram kilometer kit knowledgeable lab ladder lamp landlord lane laptop lately laundry lawn layoff layout leak lease lecturer leisure lengthy letterhead librarian lifeguard lifestyle lifetime lighter lightweight likewise liter lobby locally locker logical login logo loudly lounge loyal loyalty luggage luncheon lunchtime ma'am machinery malfunction mall managerial mandatory manual mask massage maximize meaningful meantime mechanic mechanical media medication memo memorandum memorize mentor merchandise merchant merge merger merit messenger microphone microscope microwave midnight mild mileage mineral mini minimize misidentify mislead misplace mister modem modification monument morale mosquito motorcycle mower nail nap nationwide neat necessity necklace needy newsletter newsstand noisy nominate nomination noon notify nutrition obligate oblige obtain occupancy occupant occupation occurrence o'clock officially omit ongoing operational opt optimistic optional orchestra organizational organizer orientation outage outdate outdoor outfit outlet outlook outstanding oval oven overcharge overcrowd overdue overhead overlook overnight overpay oversee overtime overview packet pad painter pamphlet pan pant paperback paperwork parade paralegal paraphrase parcel partial partially passport password pasta pastry patent patience patron payable paycheck payroll pedestrian penalize pepper performer periodical periodically permanently personalize pet petition pharmaceutical pharmacist pharmacy photocopier photocopy photographer photography physician physics picnic pie pill pillow pizza placement planner plausible plow plug plumber pole polish polite pollute poorly popcorn popularity portable portfolio postage postal postcard poster postpone pottery precede prediction preliminary premium prescribe prescription presenter prestigious preview probable productive productivity professionally proficiency profitable programmer prohibit projection projector prominent promotional promptly proofread prospective protective provider publicity publicize publish punctual purchaser purse purser puzzle quarterly query questionnaire quit rack railway raincoat rainfall rainy ray realistic realtor rearrange reassure rebate receipt reception receptionist recession recipe recipient reconsider recreation recreational recruiter recruitment recur recycle redecorate redesign referee referral refinery reflexive refresh refreshment refrigerator refund refundable rehearsal rehearse reimburse reimbursement reinforce relaxation reliability relieve relocate relocation reluctant remainder reminder remodel removal renew renewal renovate renovation renown rental renter reopen repairperson repeatedly repetition replacement reproduce reschedule resemble reservation residence residential resignation respondent restatement restroom résumé resume retailer retreat retrieve reunion reviewer revision revolutionize rewrite rider rose rubber rug rumor runner safely salad salesman salespeople salesperson salon sandwich satellite satisfactory sauna scarf scenery scholarship sculpture seafood seaside seasonal sedan seeker seldom seller semester seminar sender separately serial sew sewer sharply shipment shopper shortage shorten shortly showroom shuttle sidewalk sightsee signature signify silently similarity simplify sincerely skate skateboard sketch skim sleepy sleeve slot smartphone smoothly snack snowy soap soar soccer sock sofa solar someday sometime soup spa spacious spam specially specialty specification spectator spill spite spokesperson spouse spray spreadsheet stack stadium staple stapler stationery statistics statue steadily steak steer stereo sticker stimulus stockbroker stockholder storeroom strategic streamline strictly stripe submission subscribe subscriber subscription subsidize substantially subtract suburb subway sue suitcase suite sunny sunscreen sunshine superb superior supermarket supervise supervisor surf suspicious sweater tablecloth tablet tactic tag tailor takeover taker tasty tech technician teen telecommunication teller temporarily tempt tenant terminal terminate termination terrific textbook theft thirsty thorough thoroughly thrill thunderstorm tidy tile timeline timely timer timetable toiletry toll tomato ton toner tow towel trademark traditionally trainee trainer transaction transit translation translator transmission transmit trash traveler tray tremendous tropical tuition tuna tunnel turnover umbrella unattended unauthorize unavailable uncomfortable underground underline underway unemployed unexpected unfamiliar unhappy unlimited unload unnecessary unpaid unpleasant unplug unreal unreliable unspecified unsure unused unusually upcoming upgrade upstairs urgent urgently usage utility vacancy vacant vacate vacation vacuum valid validate vanilla vase vegetarian vend vendor venue verbal verify videoconference violate violation violin visa vitamin volleyball voucher waiter waitress waive walkway wallet ward warehouse warranty webpage website weekday wellness whale wheelchair whoever wildlife willingness windy wireless wisely withdrawal wool workbook workforce workplace workshop worldwide worthwhile wrinkle wristwatch yearly yen yoga zoo the be and of to a in have you it he for they not that we I on with do this as she at but from by will or say go so all about if one would know there which can get think like more who when what make time see up people some out good other year well because very just no take come could use work then now also than into only want look new give first way thing find any over right after day where most should need much how back mean may such here really even company many child tell last call down before man through show life between lot feel place change long too pause still write problem talk try something unclear same great number leave little both meet help own ask part country put point start school each become interest old off another different high next include late why live end world week must while never study kind report play house group might yes home course let case system again woman hear family book seem around during keep big follow every question under important always friend however set hand provide small turn state begin run since early money few bring market information area move business service government fact issue thank large result order read month increase name love word without open pay offer build hold happen against away job buy though today example believe plan second program student form young lead face close room hope cost head understand hour far spend car actually level city present less idea reason learn until member process person experience night support sure sort quite bad once enough although within age term whether able share line product speak side train soon low price public often rate possible least parent consider effect rather control view story local anything together value hard stand visit watch color party continue bit ever eye base concern letter center lose yet almost development already test probably sale suggest nothing whole care deal language send fall expect return water allow per cause power sit walk mother subject develop stay record mind remember past office force grow town light stop several period class matter food social require political win decide staff figure real future policy answer laugh among remain ago type shop security receive minute note fund top game involve account half history create break moment individual across either music further yeah reach clear rule computer wait sound team along research appear drive activity black produce free general body please toward sense perhaps everything add law sell easy full film model war forward himself maybe morning design pass condition near door human above available position agree short situation paper cover major customer father choose bear someone describe main date event nice special certain phone join else girl sometimes table community carry decision president role particular cut difference die eat enjoy rise especially detail data charge practice cell improve kid action strong happy health economic difficult regard travel approach amount investment draw white site round behind claim step patient true teacher range percent themselves organization vote front measure trade therefore finally raise wear industry explain relationship quality accord outside wish death project land sign boy news risk total couple national list opportunity act sport road kill serve education picture likely benefit standard stage performance rest certainly culture focus arrive itself employee upon voice due technology field air material current teach financial century society analysis limit evidence reduce listen usually lie foot single common space realize former animal instead similar thus address leader complete arm function factor chance mention contact exist response demand accept save opinion pick wrong apply compare suppose choice structure fight relate feature firm ground effort source pretty check okay campaign street foreign attention personal park particularly knowledge contain official court bank wife article management manager section guy finish fine store attack stock discuss prepare fire piece heart forget police recent behavior represent growth page holiday affect establish wonder poor manage addition bed simply recently yesterday sorry surprise art method fast purchase stuff international drink myself worry whatever private determine summer evening influence exactly average everyone drop miss significant production inside tomorrow region attempt cent shall contract smile skill medium necessary economy various notice key nature population nation hit occur plant election catch director review military statement worker respect paint player capital press movie tax environment son hotel size item image drug simple indeed series window final purpose treatment club file department bus wall direct character race gain fit enter agreement fail season college seek achieve beautiful station alone below clothes attend argue success lack comment option herself pull church advantage identify link indicate aim income specific floor discussion associate recognize tree unit loss mark challenge depend wide anyway mile solution board clearly anyone machine marry relation theory despite introduce prove ability popular modern doctor release score access television ready strike target card potential organize pattern clock village nearly movement propose guess fear operation trip hair supply quickly application sleep network strategy interview hospital red husband degree star generally restaurant yourself author pressure task express competition serious reference treat conclusion brother natural everybody touch beyond define basis trouble deep dark energy fish sing sample refer adult positive except promise disease dress throw worth clean fill somebody property operate profit goal bar advance quarter central cold object style obviously push tend assume normal suffer exchange middle blue match officer avoid reflect useful fun huge instance seat document oil message net argument successful box resource pound facility throughout bill debate speech separate baby male prefer earn maintain hot career doubt exercise previous daily search suddenly fly basic ring dog asset science perform balance song weekend dead encourage protect damage imagine afternoon estimate photo context credit newspaper daughter version variety extend proposal professional sister dollar memory mine ahead nor request post original female green dance dream observe inform communication discover garden track screen agency possibility examine legal university recommend text direction responsibility conversation magazine easily favorite rock independent additional agent complex appropriate invite traditional cross sea reply famous software weight shape completely trial shoot weather administration fix judge absolutely user element welcome announce glass stick requirement difficulty laughter effective survey invest majority primary generation federal wind replace writer stress committee principle content unless immediately percentage equipment telephone title budget transfer blood scene conduct chair sector expensive executive beat wonderful warm copy none negative annual prevent rich block payment collection advice politics remove ensure medical hang relative directly count transport safe email mix display ride flow highly flat leg procedure contrast straight correct connection institution admit consumer video reveal radio otherwise nobody aware appeal alternative status award surface heavy handle cry sex introduction deliver tour pair collect extra intend reader cheap decade sentence farm overall moreover expression concert dinner print responsible decline grant physical trust ship speed south truth select category fair attitude peace band lay importance perfect launch wave presence crime horse advertise progress global chief slightly scale double nuclear warn extent library labor respond edge partner experiment pain satisfy taxi slow suit spot regular excite concept guide initial speaker dry secretary shake photograph scheme technique tonight apart rain suggestion cool distance defense north conflict lift river excellent expert favor funny eventually heat mistake dear improvement chapter emerge football demonstrate artist reform adopt corner audience decrease struggle roll island feed camp surround investor fully fee crowd senior arrange expense cook combine cultural map meal weapon contribution shift ball cash entire reality lesson solve kitchen failure circumstance confirm mouth busy contribute tool objective gas lady quick currently spread driver glad beach commercial basically pop variable brain cancer reaction proceed neither crisis hide refuse consequence volume bag trend traffic mass left owner length vary revenue duty repeat mountain unfortunately survive bedroom schedule marriage employ smoke essential ticket critical fan flight relatively equal egg bottom somewhere plus novel coach pleasure promote background union neighbor provision appreciate plane topic code secret enable package manufacture shareholder investigation attract bird path swim afraid bond environmental finger anybody flower colleague insurance consideration settle powerful quiet burn engineer component waste aid earth extremely desire tire apparently breath strength delay connect nurse brief sum soldier hardly lunch strange religious battle whereas construction engage district hate boat stone gather advertisement tourist divide expand delivery historical tradition museum mostly host shoulder broad council commit spring troop jump healthy fresh conclude furthermore finance threat studio safety bomb active winter export acquire blow sun obvious coffee bind visitor generate tape cycle assess editor spirit scientist tear monitor location actual actor twice corporate minister murder comfortable hurt pool assessment wash register regulation temperature violence route impossible recall army sight error accident usual tough opposite wine relax noise carefully characteristic possibly camera shock convince arrangement oppose climb slowly relevant consist principal lawyer manner gun onto locate domestic pack protein kiss branch voter vehicle civil literature mainly theater stare totally freedom quote industrial significantly guest commitment capacity description skin taste perspective belong normally ought till participant comparison belief dangerous representative signal fashion technical interaction deny friendly previously participate danger gold occasion square leadership gift mobile shoe border label load prison wood ad suitable internal west affair cup outcome discount ignore suspect citizen definition arrest largely desk destroy hall investigate familiar loan remind explore tea index recommendation complain hi poll wed escape switch fairly lovely permit dad import association bright predict division debt shout device wake proper definitely analyze necessarily victim commission amaze employment combination conservative guarantee rank protection mouse nevertheless abuse researcher yield root secure elect chain forest arise confidence frame shot identity afford birth tie brand instrument hole grade threaten hire moral phase latter typical approve strongly factory channel judgment proportion concentration resident empty opposition selection entirely session sexual ice master narrow graduate increasingly insist license bridge concentrate plenty entry reduction farmer respectively notion rent odd appearance musical bore faithfully reasonable rely presidential sequence soft stretch considerable fuel atmosphere bottle unique practical presentation theme hell lock prior secondly peak mechanism explanation mail nowadays native succeed cast wild folk ear intelligence sheet journey tiny terrible online multiple declare engine chairman besides mental specifically relief professor yard celebrate personality construct joint row via capture justice constant youth coast expectation witness blame tone seriously honor ourselves electronic dealer disk northern chemical somehow hill sky fruit fellow guard vision impose reserve chart surely thin minimum variation formal frequently verb acquisition retire recover seed tip instruction mission absence fat east derive ordinary critic helpful gene anywhere lean glance ideal neighborhood smell silence disappear lip cat passenger compete representation rush shut disorder maximum complaint careful column religion legislation employer widely protest ancient illustrate faith observation command reject imply ban implement approximately qualify somewhat regional assumption temporary attractive plate sad frequency weak slip victory circle academic joke county hat steal dozen kick unable settlement accommodation symptom reporter household tennis merely emotion tall sick calculate scientific accuse criminal estate unlike underlie interpretation corporation criterion appoint enemy beside firstly assistant sweet competitive consistent closely equally advise liberal meanwhile impression existence exhibition accompany output salary attach acknowledge snow properly breast prime ill reward bother primarily gray childhood expose everywhere intention discipline medicine input differ politician wage implication substantial adviser permanent infant rare angry remark alive injury pocket knock producer currency manufacturer king obligation initiative talent breakfast resolution emotional enhance core framework phrase gap southern storm undertake distinguish priority draft democracy pursue urge pilot shirt coat lake habit emphasize neck immediate yellow sir communicate breathe vast origin stable enormous negotiation resolve terrorist bloody retain bone mathematics supplier milk panel passage fundamental pupil publication winner gentleman elsewhere examination soul forth urban contemporary incident integrate swing ratio borrow sufficient motion exam boss governor effectively diet install premise abroad hence metal convention layer typically grateful crash incorporate formation classic aircraft sharp highlight climate disappoint defeat retirement defend truly self clinical nearby distribute reputation creation exclude exhibit specify extreme appointment slide lucky brown journalist occupy soil educational upper correspond sudden tooth freeze gay plastic peer exception bet excuse plain crop rural equivalent dish complicate meat collapse luck enterprise update restrict subsequent perfectly originally invitation thick encounter proud chip analyst valuable bike retail calm unusual criticism personally beauty plot preserve emergency comfort deserve repair severe recognition secondary proof capable outline depression evaluate pension external cope emphasis restriction partly aside massive intellectual minority revolution submit prospect equation unemployment intervention delight mom smart illness anymore numerous abandon confuse wheel trace crucial split efficient dominate database drama isolate nose port spell rapidly dispute landscape inch ultimately phenomenon profile entertainment assistance boundary gender dramatic educate edition wing achievement similarly specialist formula innovation festival coverage gate pitch unknown slight distinction roof scream convert minor negotiate pollution era episode volunteer infection preparation arrival silver electricity unlikely sink grand web upset transition forecast eliminate agenda prize wire crack deeply cable pub apparent zone fault characterize everyday honest supporter inspire whisper hunt welfare toy cloud perceive constraint ease solid prisoner expansion agricultural virtually album knee bend exposure alter pour digital satisfaction tension wet perception dimension beer tight restore sweep interpret anger crew assist essay assure deposit string shower elderly extensive truck uniform mood detect shadow beneath territory mode trail sensitive nervous sail parallel hero competitor initially transform stream breed vital attribute awful devote stem height apologize owe alright genetic persuade vice recruit steady heavily entrance furniture strain random justify rarely measurement meter pace western constitute spare designer mature evil guilty curve jacket false demonstration wound frighten muscle scare grass substance pink symbol foundation tank cite extension disaster sigh routine cake efficiency membership smooth portion mirror tune withdraw resort resistance giant bid boot naturally summary radical van mutual entitle fascinate god singer broadcast apartment platform whenever conventional independence loose reverse illustration loud quantity poem damn pose depth significance planet iron gradually approval evaluation wealth visual consult sponsor badly trap stupid adjust log crazy dirty hesitate gaze creative button extraordinary establishment constantly alcohol throat probability vegetable remarkable dependent steel strip sustain ally ethnic pleasant exceed sugar historian brilliant involvement edit philosophy hypothesis bread drag inner statistic liability anticipate league seal flood grab compensation compound segment occasionally spin desert operator tower newly paragraph advocate bath blind confident overcome regularly briefly pure counsel disturb silent burden behave tap valley alarm fantastic preference discovery dare skirt eastern cigarette poverty registration offense cousin criticize bowl clause impress jury venture virus anxiety wrap illegal harm overseas survival teenager specialize moderate limitation modify accurate chest angle comprehensive rival universal adequate tube expenditure tourism mount recovery margin mate admire gesture stair charm musician rapid slave amendment format incentive consultant deficit mortgage abstract dig literary experimental architecture possess opponent keen evolution versus burst lend custom translate cough distinct rough surgery buyer pen quietly laboratory capability province twin chicken mess adapt scholar mad precisely therapy frequent wealthy journal composition tissue stroke flash champion sand promotion charity bury tendency barrier cream rid brush dialog publisher consequently democratic hurry exact abortion govern creature whilst privilege dismiss cap participation visible twist narrative classical assign regret motor impressive prompt ruin density resist rescue coal implementation lecture awareness maintenance inflation greatly successfully psychological institutional dust cancel functional scope species float absolute passion airline motivate module fold theoretical react wooden poet counter insight partnership stain sake automatically penalty rail salt contest violent bin aggressive pale opera undergo embrace pile divorce march acceptable literally permission allege grammar regulate cluster compromise historic diversity immigrant gallery dedicate pretend tackle castle golf celebration embarrass personnel boost roughly pig extract injure fulfill mixture announcement biological praise disagree electric excess depress compose fancy continuous complexity friendship stability accomplish comprise holder inquiry weakness tail noun civilian weigh racial tale evolve poetry fortune potentially mere gently server sanction guitar profession pump chamber veteran shine championship joy stake gear remote entertain reliable strengthen orange rat cheek jail forever imagination bias possession chat servant dramatically carbon curious structural neglect compute rear ski pot revise grin snap stimulate adjustment moon printer boom situate scan cheese pride shell grandmother resign supplement bunch clothing ceremony barely firmly pipe maker hopefully trigger stomach destruction pregnant craft intense shelf logic indication subsequently happiness presumably magic interior menu mystery pro greet humor concrete flag chocolate shelter guideline cow ownership bless summarize knife trick wise motivation silly pray attachment strict cooperation organic reckon uncle surprisingly regardless coin attraction athlete darkness bite harbor stir filter romantic determination tender tongue transportation reasonably vessel piano envelope slope golden catalog belt attendance storage pregnancy invent controversial horrible potato ocean lover uncertainty fiction hint nowhere liquid stranger anxious fool leap adventure carpet shade portrait hook reflection qualification nerve leather exhaust fragment wander distant unite bell grain monthly altogether differently universe weekly empire royal fence luxury comedy confusion curtain consume stamp flexible innocent tent shore voluntary swear genuine panic sheep mayor gentle precise raw wherever refugee listener weird substitute rice aunt excitement fade wipe chase slice alongside suspend tournament autumn ugly hello fortunate insure lazy ashamed hunger found thirst abdominal absorb absorption accelerate acceleration accent accumulate accumulation accuracy accurately acid acidic activate actively acute adaptation adaptive adjacent admission adolescent adverse aerosol aesthetic affirm afterward aggregate agriculture airplane algebra algorithm alien alliance allocate allocation altitude aluminum amino amongst amplitude analogy ancestor anthropology anti antibiotic antibody antiquity appendix applause apple approximate approximation arbitrary archaeology architect array arrow articulate artifact artificial artistic artwork aspect assembly assert assignment athletic atom atomic auction audio audit authority autonomy availability axiom axis backward bacteria bacterial bang bargain barrel basin bat beam behavioral bilingual binary biodiversity biologist biology bizarre blank bleed bodily bonus bound bracket breakdown broadly bubble bucket bulk bullet bundle calcium calculation calculator calculus campus candidate capillary capitalism capitalist carrier cattle censor characterization cheat cheer chemistry chemotherapy chess chloride chromosome chronic chunk cinema circa circulate circulation civilization clarify classification classify classroom clay clever click client clinic clip clone closure clue coefficient cognitive coherent collective colonial colony comma commentary commodity commonly communicative communist compact comparable comparative compensate competence competent complement complication comply composer composite comprehension computation conceive conception conceptual conditional conduction cone conference configuration confine confound congruent connector connotation conscious consciousness consensus consent conservation conserve consonant constitution constrain consultation consumption container continent continuity contour contradict contradiction contradictory contrary controversy converge convergence coordinate coordination cord coronary corpus correction correctly correlate correlation correspondence corruption cortex credibility criteria critically critique crude crystal cue cure curriculum cyclic cylinder damp deadline decay deceive defect deficiency definite deflection degrade deliberately delta demonstrator denominator denote dense dependence depict derivative descendent descriptor destination detection developmental deviation diagnose diagnosis diagnostic diagram dialect diameter diary dictate dictionary differential differentiate differentiation diffusion dilemma dilute dimensional dioxide directive disability disadvantage discharge discourse discrete discrimination displacement dissection dissertation dissolve distribution disturbance diverse domain dominance dominant domination donor dose drain drift duration dye dynamic ecological ecology economically economist effectiveness elaborate elastic elasticity electron elementary elevate elevation elimination elite embed emergence emission emit emperor empirical encode enforcement enormously entity entrant enzyme epidemic epidemiology equality equilibrium equivalence erase essence essentially estimation ethical ethics evident evolutionary ex execute execution exit expertise explicit explicitly exploit exponential fabric facet facilitate factorial faculty fatigue feedback fertility fetal fever fiber fin finite flesh flexibility flip fluid flux footnote formally formulation forum fossil founds fraction fracture freely friction fringe fundamentally fungus fusion gauge generalization generalize genetically genetics ghost globalization goat goodness goods gradient gram grammatical graph grasp gravity grid gross gut habitat halfway handout harvest hawk headquarter hedge helix hepatitis herbicide hierarchy hip historically homework horizon horizontal hormone hydrogen identical identification ideology illusion immune impact implicit importantly impulse incidence incline inclusion incredible incredibly incumbent independently indicator indifference indigenous indirect individually induce induction industrialization industrialize inequality inevitably infect infectious inference inferior infinite infinity influential informal inhibit inhibition initiate initiation inject injection innate insect insert instability instinct integral integration intensity intensive interact interestingly interface interfere intermediate interrupt interval intervene interviewer invade invasion inversion invert ion irrelevant irrigation jazz junior justification kidney kilometer lab lateral layout leaf lecturer legend legitimate leisure lever lexical liable lifestyle lifetime likelihood likewise limb linear linguistic linguistics liter liver locally locus logical longitudinal loop lump lung machinery magnetic magnitude mall manipulate manipulation manual manuscript marble marginal marker marrow maternal mathematical matrix maximize meaningful mechanic mechanical media mediate membrane memorize mentor mercury merge messenger metabolism metaphor methodology micro mid migrate migration millimeter mineral minimal minimize minus missile mobility modification mole molecular molecule momentum monetary monkey monopoly morality morphological morphology mortality motif motive multi multinational multiply mutation myth naked namely nasty nationalism neat necessity neo nest neural neuron neutral nicely niche nitrogen noble node noisy nominal non nonetheless nonlinear norm notation novice nucleus null numerical nutrient objection obscure observer obtain occupation occurrence offspring onset onwards optical optimal optimum oral organ organism orient orientation oscillation outer outlet overhead overlap overview oxidize oxygen painful par paradigm paradox parameter parcel pardon parental parenthesis partial partially particle partition pathway peasant periodic peripheral pest pesticide phenomenal philosopher philosophical phonological phosphate photographic physically physician physics physiological pi planner plantation plausible plug plural polar pole politically portfolio portray portrayal positively poster postgraduate potassium powder practitioner pragmatic pre precede precipitate precipitation predator prediction predominantly prejudice preliminary presume prevalence prey primer primitive probe problematic processor productive productivity profound progression progressive projection prominent pronounce proposition protocol proton psychiatric psychologist psychology publish pulse punch punish punishment purely puzzle qualitative quantitative quantum questionnaire quiz quotation rack radar radiation radius rainfall randomize randomly rational rationality ray reactive reactor readily realism realistic realm receptor recipe reconstruct regime regression rehabilitation reinforce rejection reliability render repertoire replacement replicate replication reproduce reproduction republic resemble reservoir residual residue resistant respiratory retrieve revolutionary rewrite rhetoric rhythm ridiculous ritual robot rope rotate rotation rub ruler scatter scenario scholarship scripture scroll secrete sediment selective semantic semester semi seminar sensation sensible sensitivity sensory separately separation sexuality shallow shortly shuttle similarity simplify simulate simulation simultaneously sin singular sketch skip slab slash slavery slot snake sneeze sniff socialize socially sodium solar soluble solute solvent sometime sophisticate span spatial specialty specification specimen spectrum sperm sphere splice sponsorship spontaneous spray stabilize stack stadium stance standardize static statistical statistically statistics stereotype stimulus straightforward strand strategic strictly stripe sub subjective subset substitution substrate subtle subtract sufficiently suicide super superior supposedly surgeon surgical surplus susceptible sustainable swap swell sword syllable syllabus symbolic syndrome syntactic syntax synthesis synthetic systematic tech technically temporal tempt tense terminal terminology terribly textbook theorem theorist thereby thermal thesis thickness thread threshold thumb tolerance ton toxic tract traditionally trait trajectory trans transaction transcribe transcription transformation translation transmission transmit transparency transplant trauma treaty tremendous triangle tribe tricky trivial tropical tumor turbulent tutor ultimate undergraduate undermine underneath unemployed unify unintelligible unity unstable uplift upward urine usage utility utilize utterance vague valid validity valve variability variance variant vector vegetation vein velocity verbal vertical viable virtue vitamin vocabulary volition vowel watershed wavelength weave wheat whereby whichever whoever widespread wisdom workshop yeast abandonment abounding with absorb heat abundance abusing access scenario accompaniment accomplishment accoutrements accuracy achieving first active substance activity activity abandoned state activity done state activity finish activity ongoing activity pause activity paused state activity prepare activity ready state activity resume activity start activity stop actually occurring entity addiction adding up adducing adjusting adopt selection adorning aesthetics age agentive preventing aggregate aging agree or refuse to act agriculture aiming alignment image schema alliance amalgamation amassing ambient temperature ammunition amounting to animals annoyance appeal appellations apply heat appointing architectural part arithmetic arithmetic commutative arithmetic non commutative armor arraignment arranging arrest arriving arson artifact artifact subpart artificiality artistic style assemble assessing assigned location assistance atonement attaching attack attempt attempt distant interaction scenario attempt means attempt obtain food scenario attempt obtain mineral scenario attempt suasion attempting scenario attending attention attention getting attitude description attributed information attributes authority avoiding awareness awareness situation awareness status bail decision be in agreement on action be in agreement on assessment be in control be on alert be subset of be translation equivalent bearing arms beat opponent become silent become triggered becoming becoming a member becoming attached becoming aware becoming detached becoming dry becoming separated becoming visible behind the scenes being active being at risk being attached being awake being born being detached being dry being employed being in captivity being in category being in effect being in operation being incarcerated being included being located being named being necessary being obligated being obligatory being operational being relevant being rotted being strong being up to it being wet besieging beyond compare biological area biological classification biological entity biological mechanisms biological urge birth scenario board vehicle body decoration body description holistic body description part body mark body movement bond maturation borrowing boundary bounded entity bounded region bragging breaking apart breaking off breaking out captive breathing bringing building building subparts buildings bungling burying business closure businesses cache calendric unit candidness capability capacity capital stock cardinal numbers carry goods catastrophe catching fire categorization causation causation scenario cause bodily experience cause change cause change of consistency cause change of phase cause change of position on a scale cause change of strength cause emotion cause expansion cause fluidic motion cause harm cause impact cause motion cause proliferation in number cause temperature change cause to amalgamate cause to be dry cause to be included cause to be sharp cause to be wet cause to burn cause to continue cause to end cause to experience cause to fragment cause to land cause to make noise cause to make progress cause to move in place cause to perceive cause to resume cause to rot cause to start cause to wake ceasing to be certainty change accessibility change direction change event duration change event time change of consistency change of leadership change of phase change of phase scenario change of quantity of possession change of state endstate change of state initial state change of state scenario change of temperature change operational state change position on a scale change posture change resistance change tool chaos chatting chemical sense description chemical potency choosing circumscribed existence claim ownership clarity of resolution clemency closure clothing clothing parts cogitation cognitive connection cognitive impact coincidence collaboration collocation image schema colonization color color qualities come together coming to be coming to believe coming up with commemorative commerce buy commerce collect commerce goods transfer commerce money transfer commerce pay commerce scenario commerce sell commercial transaction commitment committing crime commonality communicate categorization communication communication manner communication means communication noise communication response commutation commutative process commutative statement compatibility competition complaining completeness compliance concessive condition symptom relation conduct conferring benefit confronting problem connecting architecture connectors conquering contact image schema contacting container focused placing container focused removing containers containing containment containment relation containment relation is contingency continued state of affairs contrary circumstances contrition control controller object convey importance convoy cooking creation corporal punishment correctness corroding corroding caused cotheme counterattack court examination craft create physical artwork create representation creating crime scenario criminal investigation criminal process cure custom cutting cycle of existence scenario cycle of life and death damaging daring dead or alive death deception end deception scenario deception success deciding defending degree degree of processing delimitation of diversity delimited state scenario delivery deny permission departing deserving desirability desirable event desiring destiny destroying detaching detaining detonate explosive differentiation difficulty dimension direction disaster scenario discussion disembarking disgraceful situation dispersal distant operated ied distinctiveness diversity documents dodging domain dominate competitor dominate situation domination dough rising downing dressing drop in on dunking duplication duration description duration relation duration scenario dying earnings and losses eclipse economy education teaching electricity elusive goal emanating emergency emergency fire emitting emotion active emotion directed emotion heat emotions emotions by possibility emotions by stimulus emotions of mental activity emotions success or failure emphasizing employee's scenario employer's scenario employing employment continue employment end employment scenario employment start emptying encoding encounter endangering endeavor failure enforcing entering of plea entity entourage erasing escaping estimated value estimating evading evaluative comparison event event instance eventive affecting eventive cognizer affecting evidence evoking examination exchange exchange currency exclude member excreting execute plan execution exemplar exemplariness exercising exertive force existence expansion expectation expected location of person expend resource expensiveness experience bodily harm experiencer focus experiencer obj experimentation expertise explaining the facts explosion exporting expressing publicly extradition extreme point extreme value facial expression fairness evaluation fall asleep fall for fame familiarity fastener fear feeling feigning fields fighting activity filling fining finish competition finish game fire break fire burning fire emergency scenario fire end scenario fire going out fire stopping scenario firefighting firing firing point first experience first rank fleeing fluidic motion food food gathering foreign or domestic country forging forgiveness forgoing forming relationships fragmentation scenario freeing from confinement frequency friction friendly or hostile front for frugality fugitive fullness function gathering up gesture get a job getting getting scenario getting underway getting up getting vehicle underway give impression giving giving birth giving in giving scenario gizmo go into shape goal going back on a commitment government institution gradable artistic quality gradable attributes grant permission graph shape grasp grinding grooming ground up growing food guest and host guilt or innocence gusto hair configuration halt have as requirement have as translation equivalent have associated have visitor over having commercial agreement having or lacking access health response hearsay heat potential heralding hiding objects hindering hiring historic event history history scenario hit or miss hit target holding off on hospitality hostile encounter hunting hunting scenario hunting success or failure identicality idiosyncrasy image schema imitating immobilization impact import export scenario importance importing imposing obligation impression imprisonment improvised explosive device inclination inclusion inclusion scenario increment indicating indigenous origin individual history ineffability influence of event on cognizer influencing potential information information display infrastructure ingest substance ingestion ingredients inherent purpose inhibit motion scenario inhibit movement inspecting installing instance institutionalization institutions intentional deception intentional traversing intentionally act intentionally affect intentionally create intercepting interior profile relation interrupt process intoxicants intoxication invading invasion scenario irregular combatants isolated places judgment judgment communication judgment direct address judgment of intensity judicial body jury deliberation just found out justifying key kidnapping killing kinship knot creation knot creation scenario labeling labor product launch process law law enforcement agency leadership leaving traces left to do legal rulings legality lending level of light light movement likelihood limitation limiting linguistic meaning lively place living conditions locale locale by characteristic entity locale by collocation locale by event locale by ownership locale by use locale closure locating location in time location of light locative relation locative scenario lodging scenario lose possession lose possession scenario losing losing it losing someone losing track of losing track of perceiver losing track of theme luck make acquaintance make agreement on action make cognitive connection make compromise make noise make possible to do making arrangements making faces manipulate into doing manipulate into shape manipulation manner manner of life manufacturing mass motion mathematical relationship means measurable attributes measure area measure by action measure duration measure linear extent measure mass measure scenario measure volume measures medical conditions medical instruments medical interaction scenario medical intervention medical professionals medical specialties medium meet specifications meet with meet with response member of military membership memorization memory mental activity mental property mental stimulus exp focus mental stimulus stimulus focus mention military military operation mining misdeed money morality evaluation motion motion directional motion noise motion scenario moving in place name conferral namesake natural features needing network noise makers non commutative process non commutative statement noncombatant notability notification of charges nuclear process objective influence obligation scenario obscurity observable body parts obviousness occupy rank offenses offering omen ontogeny openness operate vehicle operate vehicle scenario operating a system operational testing opinion opportunity optical image ordinal numbers organization origin others situation as stimulus out of existence pardon part edge part inner outer part ordered segments part orientational part piece part whole partiality participation partitive passing passing off path shape path traveled patrolling pattern people people along political spectrum people by age people by jurisdiction people by military specialty people by morality people by origin people by religion people by residence people by vocation perception perception active perception body perception experience performers performers and roles performing arts permitting personal relationship personal success physical artworks physical entity physical strength piracy placing placing scenario planned trajectory planting point of dispute political actions political locales popularity posing as position on a scale possession possibilities possibility post getting post giving post lose possession post receiving post transfer posture practice praiseworthiness prank pre getting pre giving pre lose possession pre receiving pre transfer precariousness precipitation predicament predicting preference preliminaries presence preserving prevarication prevent from having preventing price per unit prison probability process process completed state process continue process end process initial state process pause process resume process start process stop process stopped state process uncompleted state processing materials product delivery product development product development scenario product line progress prohibiting project proliferating in number prominence proper reference proportion proportional quantity protecting protest provide lodging proximity image schema public services publishing punctual perception purpose putting out fire quantified mass quantity quarreling questioning quitting quitting a place race descriptor range rank ranked expectation rape rashness rate description rate quantification ratification reading activity reading aloud reading perception reason reasoning reassuring rebellion receive visitor scenario receiving receiving scenario reciprocality reciprocality focus reciprocality subordinate event recording records recovery redirecting reference text referring by name reforming a system regard region with portal rejuvenation relating concepts relation relation between individuals relational location relational natural features relational political locales relational quantity relative time releasing releasing from custody reliance reliance on expectation religious belief remainder remembering experience remembering information remembering to do removing removing scenario render nonfunctional renting renting out renunciation reparation repayment repel replacing reporting representative representing request request entity required event requirement scenario rescuing research reserving reshaping residence resolve attempt scenario resolve problem respond to proposal response response scenario responsibility rest resurrection retaining reveal secret revenge revolution rewards and punishments ride vehicle rising to a challenge risk scenario risky situation rite roadways robbery rope manipulation rotting run risk sacrificing for satisfying scarcity scheduling scope scouring scrutinizing for scrutiny searching scenario secrecy status see through seeking seeking to achieve self motion sending sensation sent items sentencing separating sequence serving in capacity set of interrelated entities set relation setting back burn setting fire setting out severity of offense shaped part shapes sharing sharpness shoot projectiles shooting scenario shopping short selling sidereal appearance sign sign agreement silencing similarity simple name simple naming simultaneity size sleep sleep wake cycle smuggling soaking soaking up sociability social behavior evaluation social connection social desirability social event social event collective social event individuals social interaction evaluation socially significant history scenario sole instance sound level sound movement sounds source of getting source path goal speak on topic specific individual speed description spelling and pronouncing sports jargon stage of progress standing by state state continue state of entity statement stimulus focus stinginess store storing strictness studying suasion subjective influence subjective temperature submitting documents subordinates and superiors subsisting substance substance by phase subversion success or failure successful action successfully communicate message sufficiency suicide attack suitability summarizing supply supporting surpassing surrendering surrendering possession surviving suspicion suspiciousness system system complexity take place of taking taking captive taking sides taking time talking into tasting team telling temperature temporal collocation temporal pattern temporal subregion temporary group temporary leave temporary stay temporary transfer scenario terms of agreement terrorism text text creation theft thermodynamic phase thriving thwarting time period of action time vector timespan timetable tolerating tool purpose topic touring toxic substance trajector landmark transfer transfer scenario transitive action translating transportation status trap travel traversing treating and mistreating trendiness trial triggering trust try defendant trying out turning out type typicality unattributed information undergo change undergoing undressing unemployment rate use firearm use vehicle used up usefulness using using resource vehicle vehicle departure initial stage vehicle landing vehicle subpart verdict verification version sequence victim operated ied violence visit host visit host arrival visit host departure visit host stay visiting visiting scenario visiting scenario arrival visiting scenario departing visiting scenario stay visitor and host visitor arrival visitor departure visitor scenario vocalizations volubility wagering waiting waking up want suspect warning waver between options wealthiness weapon wearing weather wholes and parts willingness win prize withdraw from participation within distance word relations work working a post from to at in outside of above under in front of behind before during after with without around between beyond near on across through about by means of except for for for instead of like of of than be exist become cause make do have can should this that any each what no and but if or that also maybe not only here there where how when why mister that i g you human being baby child boy girl adult man woman family father mother grandfather grandmother uncle aunt son daughter brother sister marriage husband wife leader member master slave friend enemy doctor hermit soldier thief traveler king queen chief mayor president prime minister dictator ambassador group individual community culture a people the public race tribe club committee team body head neck back chest abdomen face forehead cheek chin ear eye iris hair hair beard nose mouth lip tongue tooth throat shoulder arm elbow wrist hand finger thumb fist nail palm leg knee foot toe heel breast waist hip navel vagina penis testicle buttock anus bone skeleton spine blood feces sweat tear urine organ brain heart intestines kidney liver lung flesh muscle nerve skin stomach vein egg shell feather horn tail wing gene fetus birth sex female male neuter alive live dead die kill healthy sick wound disease influenza fever fat skinny naked tired refreshed drunk sleep dream awake wake up walk run jump climb crawl swim breathe sneeze eat drink bite spit swallow vomit stand sit squat lie cry cry out laugh smile dance gesture touch catch hold throw kick kiss copulate shave hunt fight wrestle drown starve sense perceive see look at examine conceal reveal show light shadow shine picture bright dark color black gray white red orange yellow green blue purple brown beautiful ugly ornament blemish harmony sound hear silent soft loud pitch noise flavor taste delicious sour sweet bitter smell stink smell feel pain pleasure temperature heat cold cool warm hot living thing species microbe virus animal insect reptile mammal ant caterpillar cricket grasshopper mantis cockroach worm bee butterfly firefly fly mosquito lizard snake turtle dragon fish lobster whale frog spider bovine donkey elephant goat horse pig sheep bear deer lion tiger fox wolf monkey rabbit squirrel mouse dog cat bird chicken duck turkey crow sparrow native wild nest plant tree bush grass grain mushroom weed fertile garden plant harvest berry bud flower fruit leaf nut pod root seed sprout apple banana cherry date fig mandarin olive orange plum bamboo cork elm maple oak pine willow chrysanthemum morning glory rose sunflower cotton flax gourd safflower sesame garlic ginger mint oregano pepper ginseng marijuana tobacco oat rice rye wheat bean cabbage carrot corn cucumber grape kelp lentil lettuce mustard onion pea peanut pepper potato soya spinach squash tomato universe world nature earth sea sky weather cloud eclipse fog hail lightning moon planet rain rainbow snow star storm sun thunder tide tornado wind milky way earthquake flood bay beach cave cliff desert field forest hill island lake mountain river swamp valley volcano tool blade knife axe razor saw scissors weapon club spear sword shield arrow bow bomb gun bullet cannon cage fence hook net screen trap drill file fork hammer screwdriver spoon tongs wrench hoe plow rake shovel bar pole post wire cord broom brush comb button chain nail screw staple strap cover dome envelope lid candle lamp mirror lens eyeglasses telescope microscope scale dial hourglass clock drain pipe pump syringe valve plug telephone radio television set computer cellphone balloon coin fan gear handle hinge key knob ladder lever lock machine match pedal pulley sponge spool spring umbrella sheath container barrel basket bottle bowl box bucket can cup dish jar package pan plate pot sack tray frame rack rail furniture bed chair pillow shelf bookcase table desk sink bathtub toilet cloth silk wool leather needle loom thread string rope sew weave wear put on take off hat cap helmet garment uniform suit apron belt glove harness necktie veil coat jacket dress shirt t shirt pants jeans skirt shorts underpants shoe sock slipper collar pocket blanket curtain rug towel flag sail patch building roof ceiling floor wall window door stair elevator corner fireplace chimney room attic cellar genkan porch kitchen dining room living room bedroom bathroom closet house block of flats reside camp bank church factory mill hospital hotel library museum post office prison school university restaurant bar theater store grocery store bookstore bridge tower dam board brick farm park stadium market government authority right nation province international border passport capital agency official tax military army navy war peace submission politics campaign elect vote party resign parliament law constitution court jury crime trial police arrest torture prisoner judge police officer hostage kidnap rape control permit prohibit obey disobey rule organize unite free independent punish reward prize exchange money merchandise store business company rich poor offer accept reject own keep lack lose give provide get receive take steal available buy sell pay price cheap expensive value borrow lend credit debt public private account bill cheque contract ticket frugal generous greedy insurance responsibility invest profit loss stock market job strike wages religion magic priest revelation scripture god angel fairy devil monster pray bless curse soul ghost heaven hell holy atheism buddhism christianity hinduism islam judaism ritual funeral opinion judge good bad virtuous evil suitable fair admire respect like dislike approve prefer dear believe doubt test proof experiment simple complex clear exact true false right wrong real imaginary famous obscure chief auxiliary normal strange category kind example seek recognize compare distinguish choose match pattern mind think calculate talent intelligent stupid reasoning logic insane depression autism obsession phobia attention neglect interest important alert conscious urgent consider want desire decide intend automatic whim reason experience notice understand know knowledge study learn teach guess suppose theory remember forget idea imagine invent plan feel emotion calm upset angry boring care love hate comfort courage brave cowardly fear expect hope worry satisfaction disappointment regret happy sad behavior pride arrogant embarrassment shame serious funny wise foolish innocent guilty blame caution celebrate depend on enthusiasm forgive grateful guard guide habit jealousy lonely loyal mercy nice patience pity pretend deserve revenge riot role serve surprise tempt tendency trust trend trick agree cooperate compete protect attack help interfere support oppose compromise withstand communication information language artificial language meaning message record admit announce ask call criticize deny describe discuss emphasize indicate invite lie praise request say speak suggest thank warn debate read write symbol alphabet article newspaper magazine issue book chapter page dictionary note list document file sign print diary mail letter address pen pencil stylus advertisement advice answer claim command history insult news promise protest question chart map photograph voice consonant vowel syllable word sentence vocabulary grammar name fact label quote secret code internet play toy doll kite art artist painting music musician sing concert bell drum guitar horn piano orchestra poem poet fiction story novel actor play movie television programme comedy drama mystery animated cartoon game game athletics athlete tournament champion coach score umpire ball win lose tie defeat baseball bat pitcher catcher basketball football goalkeeper football gymnastics hockey tennis golf ski pool chess pawn rook knight bishop queen king checkmate same equal similar different other change imitate original prototype copy model seem resemble common specific represent substitute replacement relationship reciprocal consist of version zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten hundred thousand million half first second once twice quantity number count ratio measure liter kilogram meter add subtract increase decrease multiply divide total rest set whole all many few much more most little less least part piece section allotment batch bundle majority minority density dense rarefied full empty degree as much as at least at most very more most little less least almost enough too much too little size huge big small tiny expand shrink distance far near present absent place length long short width wide narrow thickness thick thin height high low depth deep shallow horizontal vertical diagonal sloped angle position region space connection environment front rear side middle top bottom edge inner outer limit find misplace direction up down right left north south east west away back backward forward upside down direct meandering source route destination city village rural area apart together alone parallel travel go come leave send put drive emit attract repel aim avoid bring capture carry drift enter escape fly gather meet miss reach release remain restrain retrieve return ride roll slide stretch turn turn visit barrier base journey load vehicle airplane canoe boat ship bicycle motorcycle cart train car bus truck rocket spaceship canal port railroad road street brake oar motor wheel time the past the present the future long ago recently now soon eventually ex to be age young old new old permanent constant temporary interval irregular regular rhythm cycle frequency frequently seldom time again alternate duration long short gradual sudden begin continue pause end cease period moment always ever never already still ancient modern early timely late delay rush wait speed quickly slowly series sequence last prior next the day before yesterday yesterday today tomorrow the day after tomorrow season spring summer autumn winter century decade year month week day date day night morning noon afternoon evening midnight graveyard shift hour minute second holiday sabbath substance water ice steam air fuel ash metal brass copper gold silver iron steel lead tin aluminum dirt sand mud rock clay mineral coal chalk jewel jade quartz wood glass plastic rubber ink paint paper medicine poison alcohol oil oil fat tar wax soap element oxygen hydrogen neon nitrogen carbon potassium mercury sodium sulfur chemical garbage food beverage flour bread pasta pizza cookie meat sausage milk butter cheese yogurt chocolate honey sugar salad sandwich soup spice salt vinegar cigarette chewing gum tea coffee beer wine meal breakfast lunch dinner cook fry bake oven object matter gas liquid solid vacuum form plane line ray curve arch loop oval circle torus spiral helix coil cylinder disk sphere triangle wedge cone pyramid cross rectangle square cube surface crack hole opening bump dent furrow scratch wrinkle rust stripe mark band block card crystal drop film layer sheet lump pile tapered flared swelling branch spike foam jelly paste juice shower wave smoke vapor dust powder quality flat level smooth rough straight bent pure clean dirty wet dry open closed sharp dull soft hard flexible stiff elastic durable fragile sticky slippery weight heavy light solid hollow snug loose taut slack viscous runny absorb adhere beat blow boil bounce break build burn burst consume contain crush cut dig dissolve evaporate explode float flow fold freeze grind hang hit melt mix pollute pour preserve press pry pull push rot rub shake shoot sink spill spread stab stir suck sweep tear tie trim wash wrap acid alkaline gentle violent atom molecule energy fire force stroke ability strength power electricity polarity positive negative gravity magnet balance happen chance accident miracle disaster condition detail flaw certain probable unlikely possible safety danger act activity result basis project work task process system program method easy difficult exercise ready try succeed fail trouble problem solution progress setback create destroy eliminate prevent injure repair save use waste necessary need civilization artificial science technology january february march april may june july august september october november december monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday hydrogen helium lithium beryllium boron carbon nitrogen oxygen fluorine-atom neon sodium magnesium aluminum silicon phosphorus sulfur chlorine argon potassium calcium scandium titanium vanadium-atom chromium manganese iron cobalt nickel copper zinc gallium germanium arsenic selenium bromine krypton rubidium-atom strontium-atom yttrium zirconium niobium molybdenum netium ruthenium-atom rhodium-atom palladium silver cadmium indium tin antimony tellurium iodine xenon cesium barium lanthanum cerium praseodymium neodymium ethium samarium europium gadolinium terbium-atom dysprosium holmium erbium thulium-atom ytterbium lutetium hafnium tantalum tungsten rhenium osmium iridium platinum gold mercury thallium-atom lead bismuth polonium-atom astatine radon francium radium actinium thorium-atom protactinium uranium neptunium plutonium americium curium berkelium californium einsteinium fermium mendelevium nobelium lawrencium rutherfordium dubnium seaborgium bohrium hassium meitnerium acacia accelerator accountant ace achilles tendon acorn squash acquaintance acrylic paint actor acupressure adam apple address adhesive tape adjunct adjustable spanner adult aerobics aerosol can afghanistan africa afternoon agate aikido aileron air bag air filter air mattress aircraft carrier aircraft airliner airport aisle aisle alarm clock alaska albania alfalfa algeria alley alligator allspice almond oil almond aluminium ambulance american football amethyst amount amplifier anchor andes andorra anesthesiologist angiosperm angle angler angola angry ankle annexe annual anorak answering machine ant antenna antigua and barbuda antiseptic antler apartment aperitif appearance appetizer apple juice apple apricot apron apron aquamarine aquatic plant arabian sea arbiter arc arch arch arch archery architect architecture architrave arctic circle arctic ocean area area argentina arm armband armchair armenia armpit armrest aromatherapy arrival arrow art deco art exhibition art gallery art nouveau artery artichoke artist arts and crafts arugula ash ashtray asia asteroid asthma astronomy athletics atlantic ocean atmosphere atmosphere atrium attempt auburn audience audience aunt aurora australasia australia austria avocado awning ax axle ayurveda azerbaijan baby buggy baby back backboard backgammon background backhand backpack backstroke bacon badge badminton bag bagel baggage baguette bahamas bait baked bakery baking tray balance beam balance wheel balcony balcony bald balearic islands ball ball ballet skirt ballet balm baltic sea bamboo banana bandage bandaging bangladesh banister bank manager bank bank bap bar code bar bar bar barb barbecue barber bark barley barleycorn barman barn baroque basalt base base baseball diamond baseball glove baseball team baseball basil basin basket basketball bass clarinet bass clef bass guitar bassoon bat bat bath towel bathrobe bathtub baton baton batter battery battleship bay leaf beach ball beach chair beach towel beach beak beaker beam bean sprout bean bear beauty bed linen bed bedclothes bedcover bedroom bee beech beef beer beetle beetroot belarus belgium belize bell belt bench benin berry beverage bhutan bib biceps bicycle seat bicycle bidet biennial bikini bill binoculars biplane birch birthday cake birthday party birthday bishop bit bite bitter black olive black pudding black sea black tea black black blackberry blackboard bladder blade blanket blase bleached blender blinker block block blond blood test blouse blowhole blue cheese blue blueberry blueprint blues blusher board boarding pass bob bobsleigh body lotion bodywork boiled egg boiled boiler bolivia bollard bomber bone boned booklet bookshelf bookshop boom booster boot boot border bosnia herzegovina botswana bottle opener bottle bottled water bottom bottom bouquet boutique bow tie bow bowl bowler bowling ball bowling pin bowling box office boxers boxing boy boyfriend brace bracelet brain brake pedal brake bran branch brandy brass brazil nut brazil bread knife bread breakfast table breakfast breakwater bream breast feeding breast breast breaststroke brick bridge deck bridge bridge bridge bridle path bridle brie briefcase briefs brioche broccoli brogue broiled broken brooch broom brother in law brother brown bread brown rice brown browser brunei brunet brush bubble bath bucket buckle bud bulb bulgaria bull bulldog clip bump bumper bunch bunker bunsen burner buoy bureau de change burkina faso burn burundi bus driver bus stop bus terminal bus ticket bus business lunch business suit business businessperson butcher butchery butter buttercup butterfly stroke butterfly butternut squash buttock button buttonhole buttress cab cabbage cabin cabinet cable car cable cactus cafe calcite calculator calendar week calendar calf calf calyx cambodia camcorder camel camembert camera operator cameroon camisole camomile tea camping site camping campus can canada canary candle candy store cane canine canvas cap capacity cape gooseberry caper capsule car caravan caraway seed card cardamon cardboard cardiology cargo caribbean sea carnival carpenter carpentry carryall carrycot cartilage carton cartridge extractor carving fork case cash machine cashier casino caspian sea castle casual cat catalog catamaran catcher caterpillar cathedral catheter cauliflower cave cayenne cd player cedar ceiling celery cello cement mixer cement center centimeter centipede central african republic cereal cervix chad chain chair chairlift chalk chalk chamber chamberpot champagne charcoal chard chart check checkers checkout checkup cheddar cheek cheese rind cheese chef chequebook cherry chess set chess chessboard chest of drawers chest chestnut chewing gum chick chicken coop chicken chicken chicory child childbirth chile chili pepper chimney chin china china chipboard chiropractic chisel chives chocolate bar chocolate chopping board chorizo christmas chrysanthemum chuck church chutney cider vinegar cigar cigarette cinema cinnamon circle circular saw circulatory system circumference cistern citrus fruit clam clamp clarinet clasp classical music classroom claw clay cleaner cleaning implement cleanser cleat cleaver clementine client cliff climber climbing frame clipboard clitoris clock radio clock clothes hanger clothes peg clothing cloud clove pink clover club sandwich club club clutch coach coal coast coaster coat cockatoo cockerel cockle cockpit cockroach cocktail shaker cocktail cocoa powder coconut cocoon cod coffee cup coffee table coffee tree coffee cog coil coin cola colander cold cream cold collar colleague college colombia column comb comet common plum commuter comoros compartment compass compass compost heap compost computer game computer hardware computer keyboard computer monitor computer screen computer concert concourse condensed milk conditioner condom conductor cone confectionery confident conifer conning tower constellation construction container ship container continent contrabass contrabassoon contraception control convenience food convertible conveyor belt cooking copper cor anglais coral reef coriander cork corkscrew corn cornea corned corner cornice cornice corsica cosmetic costa rica costume cottage cheese cotton plant cotton cough counselor counter counter counterfoil couple courgette court court courtyard couscous cousin cover cow cowling crab crab cracked wheat cramp cranberry crane crane crawl crayfish cream cheese cream cream credit card creeper creme caramel cress green crib cricket ball cricket bat cricket cricket cricketer criminal record criminal crochet hook crochet crockery crocodile croissant crop cross country skiing crossbar crossbar crossbar crow crt screen crucible crushed cuba cubbyhole cucumber cuff cufflink cultivator cumin curb curler curly currant curry powder curry curtain curved cushion cut cuticle cutlery cuttlefish cycling cyder cylinder head cylinder cyprus czech republic daffodil dairy farm daisy dam dancer dandelion dark bread dartboard darts dashboard date date date daughter in law daughter dawn day deadbolt deal debit card deciduous deck deck decoration decorator deer defense defile delicatessen delicatessen deltoid democratic republic of the congo denmark denominator dental care dental floss dentist denture deodorant department store departure lounge depth dermatology desert desk dessert detergent diagonal diameter diamond diamond diaper diaphragm diaphragm diary dice digestive system digital camera dill dimple dining car dining room dinner plate dinner dipstick director discus dishwasher dispensary display disquieted distance diver divorce djibouti doctor dog doll dollhouse dolphin dome dominica dominican republic dominoes donkey door doorbell doormat dorsal fin double cream dragonfly drain drainpipe drawer drawing pin drawing dress circle dress dressage dressing gown dressing table dressing dressmaker dried fruit drill bit drip driver driveshaft drugstore drum drummer dry duck duck duckling duffel coat dugout dumbbell dunk duodenum dustcloth eagle ear earring earth crust earth earthing easel east timor east easter eating eaves eclair eclipse ecuador edam edge editor eel egg cup egg white egg eggplant eggshell egypt eiderdown ejaculatory duct el salvador elbow electric drill electric guitar electrician electricity elephant elevator ellipse elm embarrassed emerald emergency exit emergency room employee employer enamel endive endocrine system engine room engine engraving entry envelope environment epiglottis equator equatorial guinea equipment eritrea escalator espresso estonia estuary ethiopia eucalyptus europe evening evergreen excelsior exchange rate excited executive exercise bike exhaust pipe exit exosphere experiment expressway exterior extinguisher eye dropper eye eye eyebrow pencil eyebrow eyeglasses eyelash eyelet eyelid eyeliner eyepiece fabric face mask face pack face powder facial fairground fairway falcon falkland islands fall fall fallopian tube family fan farm farmer farmhouse farmyard fastener fat father in law father feather feijoa female female femur fence fencing fennel fenugreek fern ferry fertilization fetus fever fiance fiancee fibula field hockey field field fig figure skating figurine fiji filament file file filing cabinet filler fillet filling film filter paper filter fin finance finial finish line finish finland fire alarm fire alarm fire brigade fire station fire truck fire firefighter fireplace first aid fish and chips fish farm fish fillet fish scale fish slice fish fish fisherman fishhook fishing boat fishing rod fishing fishmonger fist fitness flag flamingo flan flare flash flask flatbread flax fleece flint flip flop flipper flipper float flock flood floor plan floor floppy disk florist shop florist flower flower flowerbed flowering shrub flu fly fly foal foam fog foil folk music follicle food processor food foot foot football field football player football forceps forearm forecourt forehand forehead foreskin forest fork fork formal garden formalwear forward foul line fountain four wheel drive fox foxglove fraction fracture frame frame frame framework france freckle free kick freesia freezer freight train french bean french fries french pancake french toast fresh fret friction tape friday fried egg fried friend frieze frightened frog front door frost frost frozen food frozen fruit juice fruit fruitcake frying pan fuel gauge funeral funnel funnel furrow fuselage gable wall gabon galapagos galaxy galley gambia game garden gardener gardening garlic press garlic garlic garnet gas burner gas pump gas station gasket gate gauze bandage gearbox gearshift genitals georgia gerbera germany geyser ghana gill gin and tonic gin ginger ginger giraffe girder girl girlfriend girth glacier gladiolus gland glass glider gliding glove glue gneiss goal line goal goal goalkeeper goalkeeper goalpost goat goatfish goggles gold goldfish golf bag golf ball golf course golf golfer goose goose gooseberry goosefish gorilla gothic architecture gown graduate gram granddaughter grandfather grandmother grandson granite grape juice grapefruit graphic designer graphite grass grassland grated cheese grater gravel graze greece green olive green pea green salad green tea green greengrocer greenhouse greenland grenada grey grey grip grocery store groin ground floor groundcover group therapy guard guatemala guava guest guiana guinea bissau guinea guitarist gum gun gutter guy wire gymnasium gymnast gymnastic horse gymnastics gynecology gypsophila haberdashery hacksaw haddock hair coloring hair hairdresser hairpin haiti hall of residence hall hall halloween hallux ham hamburger hammer hamper hamster hamstring hand drill hand luggage hand towel hand handbag handcuff handkerchief handle handlebar handsaw handset handstamp happy harbor hard drive hard hat hard shoulder hardwood harness racing harp hat hatchback hawaii hay hayfield hazard hazelnut head head headache headboard headlight headrest health heart heart heater heather heating element heavy metal hedge hedgehog heel heel height helicopter helmet helmet hem hematite herb garden herb herbal tea herd hexagon high jump hike hill himalayas hip hippopotamus hockey stick hoe hog hole holly home plate home homeopathy honduras honeycomb honeysuckle hoof hook hook hoop hoop hopper horizontal stabilizer horn horn horn horse race horse horsebean horseradish horseshoe hose hospital hot chocolate hot air balloon hot water bottle hot hotdog hotel hour hand house hovercraft hub hubcap hull human face humerus hummingbird hungary hurdles hurricane husband hydrant hydrofoil hypnotherapy hypotenuse ice cream ice cube ice hockey rink ice hockey ice maker ice skate ice tongs ice ice iced coffee iced tea icicle identification number igneous iguana illness in basket inch incisor incubator index india indian ocean indicator indigo indonesia inert information inhaler injection injury ink inner tube insect repellent instep instruction manual insulation intake intercom intercostal interior internet intersection interviewer intrauterine device ionosphere iran iraq ireland iris iron iron ironing board island israel italy ivory coast jack jack jacket jade jam jamaica japan jar javelin jaw jaw jazz jelly bean jellyfish jerusalem artichoke jet jeweller jewellery jigsaw puzzle jigsaw jodhpurs jogging joint joker jordan journal journalist judge judo jug jump junction jupiter jury box jury kale kangaroo karate kayak kazakhstan kebab keel kenya ketchup kettle key key key keyboard kick kid kidney kilogram kilometer king kitchen garden kitchen kitchenware kitten knee pad knee length knee knife knife knight knitting needle knitting knuckle koala kohlrabi kumquat kung fu kuwait kyrgyzstan label laboratory lace making lacrosse ladder ladle ladybug lake lamb lamp lamp land landing gear landing net landing landscape lane lane laos lapel laptop larch large intestine larynx latissimus dorsi latitude latvia launch pad laundry basket laundry lava lavatory law lawn mower lawn lawyer leaf lebanon lecturer leek leftfield leg leg leisure lemon curd lemon grass lemon sole lemon lemonade length lens cover lens lesotho letterhead lettuce lever liberia librarian library library library libya lid liechtenstein life jacket life raft lifeboat lifeguard ligament light bulb light lighthouse lighting lightning lily lime tree lime limestone limousine line judge line linen powerline worker lingerie lining link lintel lion lip lipstick liqueur liquid unit litchi lithuania little finger little toe liver liver livestock living room lizard loaf lob lobster lock locomotive loganberry loge logo loin lollipop long jump longitude loo loom lorry loudspeaker luffa luge luggage rack lunar excursion module lung luxembourg lymphatic system macadamia nut mace macedonia machine gun machinery mackerel macrame madagascar magazine magma magnet mailbag mailbox main course mainsail major planet makeup malachite malawi malaysia maldives male male mali mall mall mallet malta man mane mango mangosteen manicure mantel mantle map maple syrup maple marble margarine marina marjoram market marmalade marrow mars marshmallow martini marzipan mascara masher mask masking tape massage mast mat match mathematics mattress mauritania mauritius mayonnaise measure meat mechanic mechanics meditation mediterranean sea meeting melon memorial menu mercury mercury meringue message messenger metacarpal bone metal metamorphic metatarsal mexico mica microphone microscope microwave middle finger midnight midwife mile milk millet milliliter millimeter mince mineral water minibar minibus mint minute hand minutes mirror missile mist mixing bowl moat mobile phone mobile model model modem molar molding moldova mole monaco monday monetary value money mongolia monitor monkey monopoly monorail monsoon montage month moon moonstone mooring mop morning morocco mortar mortar mosque mosquito ne mosquito moth mother in law mother motor scooter motor motorbike mountain bike mountain range mountain mouse mouse mousse mouth mouthwash mozambique mozzarella mudguard muffin mug museum mushroom music school musical notation musical musician mussel mussel mustard sauce mustard seed myanmar nail nail namibia nape napkin ring napkin national park nausea navel nebula neck brace neck necklace neckline nectarine needle needlepoint needlepoint negative negligee neighbour neoclassic nepal nephew neptune nerve nervous system nervous net net net netherlands nettle new year new zealand newborn newsagent newspaper newsreader nib nicaragua nickel niece niger nigeria nightdress nightwear nipple noon north korea north pole north sea north northern hemisphere norway nose nose noseband nosebleed nosewheel nostril note note notebook notepad notice board nougat nozzle numerator nurse nursery nut nutmeg oak tree oar objective oboe obsidian ocean liner ocean octagon octopus odometer oesophagus offal offer office building office oil tanker oil okra olive oil omelette one way onion onyx opal open sandwich opera operating theater ophthalmology opponent optic nerve optician oral contraceptive pill orange juice orange marmalade orange orange orangeade orchestra orchid oregano organic structure organic origami osteopathy ostrich otter ounce out basket outboard motorboat outbuilding outfield ovary oven overall overhead projector overpass owl oyster ozone layer pacific pack package packet pad paddle paint painter painting painting pakistan palate palette pallet palm palm pan panama pancreas panda pants papaya paper clip papier mache paprika papua new guinea parachute parachuting paragliding paraguay parallel parallelogram paramedic park park parking lot parking meter parmesan parrot parsley parsnip part partition passenger passion fruit passover passport pasta pastry pasture patch patchwork pate patella path path path pathway patient pavement pawn peach peacock peanut butter peanut pear pecan pectoral fin pectoral pedal pediatrics pedicure peeler pelican pelvis pen pen pencil case pencil eraser pencil sharpener pencil pendant penguin peninsula penis pentagon peony people pepper pepper pepperoni percussion perennial perfume perfumery pergola periodical persimmon peru pesticide pestle pet food pet shop petal petri dish pharmacist pheasant pheasant philately philippines phillips screwdriver photo photographer photography physiotherapy piano piccolo pick pickled picnic picture pie piece piece pier pigeon piggery piglet pigpen pill pillion pillow pillowcase pilot pin pin pincushion pine nut pine pineapple juice pineapple pink pint pip pipe bowl pipe cutter pipe pipette pistachio pitcher mound pitcher pitcher pith pizza place setting placenta plait plaster plateau platform platinum player playground playhouse playing field playing playpen plimsoll line ploughland plug plug plumb line plumber plumbing system plunger pluto plywood pneumatic drill pocket podium poland polar bear pole police car police station police police officer polish polo pomegranate pond ponytail pool pop music popcorn poplar poppy porch pore pork porridge port wine port porter porthole portrait portugal post office postal code postbox postcard poster postmark postal carrier pot plant potato chip potato potter wheel pottery pouch poultry pound powder compact powder praying mantis pregnancy test pregnancy premolar prescription present presentation presenter price list prickly pear printer printing process prison cell prison guard prison probe procession processor projector prompter propeller proposal prosciutto prosecution prostate protractor proud prow prune psychiatry psychotherapy public address system puck pudding stone puerto rico pulp pumice pump pumpkin seed pumpkin punch puncture punk rock pupil puppy purple purse pushup putter putting green pyramid qatar quadriceps quail quarterdeck quartz quay queen queen quilt quilting quince quiver rabbit raccoon racehorse rack racket racquetball radar radiator radicchio radio antenna radio radio radiology radish radius radius rafter railway station rain rainbow trout rainbow raincoat rainforest raisin rake ramadan ramekin rap music rapeseed rash raspberry rat rattle ray real estate agent reamer rearview mirror receptionist record player recording studio rectangle rectum recycling bin red meat red sea red reel refectory referee reference reflecting telescope reflector reflexology refrigerator register regulator relay race remote control renaissance report reporter reproduction reproductive system republic of the congo respiratory system restaurant resuscitation retina return rhinoceros rhombus rib cage rib rib ribbon ribbon rice rice rider riding boot riding crop rigging right field rim rind ring finger river roast robe rock climbing rock concert rock garden rock rocky mountains rococo rodeo roll roller blind roller coaster roller skating roller rollerblading rolling pin romania romper roof garden roof roof rook root rope rose rose rosemary rotor blade rough router row rower rubber band rubber boot ruby rudder rug rugby ruler rum rump steak runner bean russia rutabaga rwanda rye bread sad saddle safari park safety pin safety saffron sage sahara sail sailing boat sailing sailor salad salamander salami salmon salt salted san marino sand sandal sander sandpaper sandpit sandstone sandwich sanitary napkin sao tome and principe sapphire sardine sardinia satellite satsuma saturday saturn sauce saucepan saudi arabia sauna sausage saxophone scaffolding scale scallop scalpel scan scanner scarecrow scarf schist school bus school school schoolboy schoolgirl scientist scissors scissors scoop scoop score scorpion scrabble scrambled eggs scraper screen screw screwdriver scrotum scrum scuba diving sculptor sea bass sea lion sea seafood seagull seahorse seahorse seal seam seat belt seat seat seating secateurs section security guard sedan sedimentary seed seed seesaw segment semi skimmed milk seminal vesicle semolina senegal serve service line sesame seed set square set sewing basket sewing machine shallot shampoo shank shark shave shaver shaving foam shears shed sheep sheet shelf shell shell sherry shield shin shin ship shipyard shoe shop shop clerk shop shopping bag shopping shorts shot shoulder bag shoulder blade shoulder strap shoulder shovel shower showjumping shutter shuttle bus shuttlecock shy siberia sicily side dish side sideline sidewalk sierra leone sieve sightseeing sign signature silencer silt silver singapore singer single cream sink sinus siren sirloin steak sister in law sister sit up skate skate skateboard skateboarding skein skeleton sketch sketchbook skewer ski boot ski pole ski slope ski trail ski skier skiing skill skim milk skin skin skincare skirt skull skydiving skyscraper slalom slate sledding sledgehammer sleeping bag sleeping sleeve sleeveless slide slide slip road slip on slope slovakia slovenia slug small intestine smoke smoked smoking snack bar snail snake snare drum sneeze snooker snorkel snout snow snowboarding snowmobile snowsuit soap dish soap soccer socket wrench socket sofa soft drink softwood soil solar system solder soldering iron soldier sole sole somalia somersault son in law son sorbet sorrel souffle soup bowl soup spoon soup sour bread sour cream sousaphone south africa south america south korea southern hemisphere southward space shuttle space station space spade spade spain spanner spark plug sparkling water sparkling sparrow spatula speaker speed limit speedometer sperm sphere spider spinach spine spirit level spleen splint splinter spoke sponge cake sponge spool spoon sport sports car sports jacket sprain spray gun sprayer spring onion spring scale spring springboard sprinkler sprinter square foot square meter square squash squat squid squirrel sri lanka stable staff stage stainless steel stairway stalk stamen stamp stance stand stapler star anise star starfish starting block starting line stationery steak steamed steel wool steeple steeplechase stenographer stepladder stern stethoscope stew steward stick still sting stinger stirrer stirrup stitch stock exchange stock stockbroker stomach stomach stopwatch stork storm stout straight straight strand strap strapless stratosphere straw strawberry stream street sign street stretcher strike string string stroke student study study stuffed stump submarine suburb succulent sudan sugarcane sulfur sultana sultanate of oman sum summer sun hat sun sunburn sunday sundial sunflower oil sunflower seed sunflower sunglasses sunlight sunrise sunroof sunscreen sunset supermarket support suppository surfboard surfing surgeon surgery suriname surprised suspect suspension swallow swamp swan swaziland sweater sweatpants sweatshirt sweden sweet potato sweet swimmer swimming pool swimming swimsuit switzerland swivel chair sword lily sword swordfish swordfish synagogue syria syringe syrup t shirt tab table tennis table tadpole tail tail tailgate tailor chalk tailor taiwan tajikistan talcum powder tam tam tambourine tampon tandem bicycle tangerine tank tanzania tap water tap tape measure target tarmac tarragon tasmania taxi rank tea tea teacher teacup teapot teaspoon teddy bear teeing ground teenager telephone booth telephone receiver telephone telescope tempera temple temple tendon tennis court tennis tent peg tent tequila terminal termite test tube testis textbook thailand thanksgiving theater theme park therapist thermometer thermosphere thermostat thigh thigh thimble thistle throat throw thruster thumb thursday thyme thyroid ticket tie tack tie tiger tights tile till tiller timber time timer timetable timetable timpani tin opener tin tip tissue answer bake barricade baste bat be born boil bore bounce bowl breastfeed bruise brush brush camp carve catch chip clean comb construct cut darn deal develop dig dive dribble drive dry dust e mail exfoliate fall in love feed field field fill flip floss focus frown fry graduate graft grate grill hammer hang hash out hurl interrogate iron jab jump kick knead leach learn let go of lunge milk mix mow mulch net order paint pare pass pay photograph plane plaster play play plow poach polish pour propagate purse putt rake read reap record reduce roast roll out row run run sandpaper saw scrape scrub serve set sew shoot shuffle sift simmer skid skin slice snip snuff out solder sow spell spray stake stir stop stretch sun swim swing tackle tag thread throw tile trace train transfix transplant turf turn voyage wallpaper wash water weed whisk wipe write toast toaster tobacco pipe tobacco tobacco today toddler toe toenail toffee toggle togo toilet seat toilet water toilet toiletry tomato juice tomato tomorrow toner tongs tongue tongue tongue tonic water toolbox tooth toothbrush toothpaste top topaz topiary topping topsoil torch tornado tortoise tour guide tourist attraction tourist tourmaline towel bar towel tower town hall town toy trachea tractor traffic jam traffic light traffic trail bike train tram tram transmission transportation transverse flute trapezium trapezius trash bin travel agent tray tread treadmill treble clef tree trellis triangle triangle triangular bandage triceps trifle trimmer trinidad and tobago tripod trombone tropic of cancer tropic of capricorn tropics troposphere trout trowel truffle trunk trunk tub tube tuesday tulip tumble tumbler tuna tunisia turkey turkey turkey turkmenistan turmeric turn turnip turpentine turquoise turret turtle tusk tv camera tweezer twig twilight typeface tyre uganda ugli fruit ukraine ulna ultrasonography umbilical cord umbrella umpire uncle undergraduate underpass undershirt uniform united arab emirates united kingdom united states university uranus urban center ureter urethra urinary system uruguay uterus uzbekistan vacant lot vacuum bottle vacuum cleaner vagina valley valve vane vanilla vanuatu varnish vas deferens vase vatican city vault vault veal vegetable veil vein venetian blind venezuela venison vent venus vermiform appendix vertical vest veterinarian vibraphone vietnam village vinegar vineyard viola violin visa visor vitamin vodka volcanic crater volcano volley volleyball volume waders waist waiter waitress walkway wall wall wallet wallpaper walnut oil walnut wardrobe warehouse washer washing machine wasp wastebasket watch watchstrap water bottle water hazard water water watercolor waterfall watering can watering watermelon wave wax weather weaving website wedding cake wedding dress wedding wedge wednesday weed weekend weight west western sahara whale wheat wheel wheel wheelbarrow wheelchair whiplash whipped cream whisk whisky white bread white currant white rice white wine white white whiting whole milk whole wicket keeper wicket width wife wig wild rice willow wind window window window window windscreen wiper windshield wine vinegar wine wing wing wing winter wire cutter wire stripper wire wire witness wok wolf woman wood wood wooden spoon woodpecker woodwind instrument work workbench working day workshop worm wrap wrapping wreath wrestling wrist x ray x ray film yacht yam year yeast yellow yemen yesterday yoga yogurt yolk yugoslavia zambia zebra crossing zebra zimbabwe zinc zone zoo zoom lens agent and antonym object of an attribute beneficiary theme condition durating time at same time as synonym experiencer field goal is a kind of instrument or method is an instance of logical place manner material modifier name object patient objective place or per place is part of possessor partner purpose quantity result reason consequence source case time marker initial time final time via first person second person third person ability about above according to across active adjective adverb advice after again against agreement all alliteration almost along also although among anacoluthon anadiplosis anaphora anastrophe and anger angle bracket antanaclasis anterior anthropomorphism anticlimax antimetabole antiphrasis antithesis antonomasia any apposition archaic around as as far as as of as per as regards as well as as if assertion assonance assumption asyndeton at attention back barring because because of before behind belief below beside besides between beyond both bottom brace brachylogia but by by means of catachresis causative certain chiasmus circa climax clockwise colloquial command comment concerning conclusion condition confirmation consent consequence consonance contact contentment continuative conviction decision deduction definitive desire despite determination dialect disagreement discontentment dissent distal double negative double parenthesis double quote doubt down dual due to during dysphemism each either ellipsis emphasis enough entire entry epanalepsis epanorthosis equal equivalent euphemism even even if except except for except if exclamation excluding exhortation expectation experiential extra failing familiar far fear female focus following for from front future generic given habitual half hesitation hope hyperbole hypothesis if if only imperfective in in accordance with in addition to in case in case of in front of in place of in spite of inceptive inchoative including indefinitive inferior inside instead of intention interrogation intimate invitation irony iterative jargon judgement least left less like literary majority male maybe medial metaphor metonymy minority minus more most multal narrative near near to necessity neither neutral no not notwithstanding noun obligation of off on on account of on behalf of on top of only onomatopoeia opinion opposite or ordinal other outside over owing to own oxymoron pace pain paradox parallelism parenthesis paronomasia part passive past paucal pejorative per perfect perfective periphrasis permission permissive persistent person plural pleonasm plus polite polyptoton polysyndeton possibility posterior prediction present presumption prior to probability progressive prohibition promise prospective proximal pursuant to qua quadrual recent reciprocal reflexive regarding regardless of regret relative relief remote repetition request result reverential right round same save side since single quote singular slang so speculation speech square bracket subsequent to such suggestion superior surprise symploce synecdoche synesthesia taboo terminative than thanks to that of thing threat through throughout times title to top topic towards trial tuple under unit unless unlike until up upon verb versus vocative warning weariness with with regard to with respect to within without worth yes zoomorphism compassion equanimity empathy donate patience meditation ethics reincarnation rebirth tranquil benevolence forbearance diligence wisdom calm mindful awake mudita self-control virtue moral samsara holy divine cosmos emptiness impermanence god soul mindstream illusion mana animism stretch posture yoga goal liberation myth legend story truthfulness chastity safety charity diet fortitude simplicity purity contentment introspection contemplation remorse humility mantra ritual ascetic jewel lotus compassionate meditate buddha compile username password disk central processing unit graphics hard modem monitor mouse network interface card printer applications bit boot browser bug byte click database diskette double download drag driver frequently asked questions file folder graphical user interface internet protocol memory menu peripheral random read-only scroll spreadsheet tool bar status radio select bit octet digit binary trinary setup assign encode decode documentation readme buffer algorithm analog app application array backup bandwidth binary bit bitmap bite blog blogger bookmark boot broadband browser buffer bug bus byte cache caps-lock captcha cd client clip-art clip-board cloud-computing command compile compress computer computer-program configure cookie copy central-processing-unit cybercrime cyberspace dashboard data database data-mining debug decompress delete desktop development digital disk domain-name-system document domain domain-name dot dot-matrix download drag dvd dynamic email emoticon encrypt encryption enter exabyte frequently-asked-questions file finder firewall firmware flaming flash flash-drive floppy-disk flowchart folder font format frame freeware gigabyte graphics hack hacker hardware home-page host html hyperlink hypertext icon inbox integer interface internet ip-address iteration java joystick junk-mail kernel key keyboard keyword laptop laser printer link login log-out logic lurking mainframe macro malware media memory mirror modem monitor motherboard mouse multimedia net network node notebook computer offline online open-source operating-system option output page password paste path phishing piracy pirate platform plug-in podcast pop-up portal print printer privacy process program programmer protocol queue qwerty random-access-memory real-time reboot resolution restore read-only-memory root router runtime save scan scanner screen screenshot script scroll scroll-bar search-engine security server shareware shell shift shift-key snapshot social-networking software spam spammer spreadsheet status-bar storage spyware supercomputer surf syntax table tag template terabyte teminal text-editor thread toolbar trash trojan-horse typeface undo unix upload user-interface username url user utility version virtual virtual-memory virus web web-host webmaster website widget window wireless wiki word-processor workstation world-wide-web worm www xml zip virtual-reality contents pointer list hash commands foundations number discrete mathematics mathematicians mathematical notation mathematical beauty mathematics education foundations of mathematics mathematical logic proof godel's incompleteness theorems model recursion set naive set axiomatic set category topos number algebraic number analytic number arithmetic numbers natural numbers prime numbers rational numbers algebraic numbers discrete mathematics combinatorics combinatorial coding combinatorial design enumerative combinatorics combinatorial optimization graph order lattice algebra analysis geometry and topology applied mathematics algebra elementary algebra abstract algebra group ring field commutative algebra geometric algebra linear algebra matrix multilinear algebra universal algebra source analysis calculus vector calculus geometric calculus measure real analysis complex analysis differential equations ordinary differential equations partial differential equations integral equations approximation special functions potential harmonic analysis fourier analysis functional analysis operator geometry euclidean trigonometry analytic non euclidean affine projective convex discrete algebraic differential riemannian lie groups topology general topology algebraic topology geometric topology differential topology applied mathematics mathematical modeling mathematical physics dynamical systems control calculus of variations optimization mathematical economics game mathematical finance statistics probability stochastic processes numerical analysis theoretical computer science computability complexity cryptography information theory add g subtract g divide g multiply g nth-power g root g logarithm g absolute g value abstract number acute angle addition algorithm arctan arithmetic mean arithmetic sequence associative property asymptote axiom average avogadro's number binary operation brownian motion butterfly effect calculus cartesian coordinates chaos chord circle circumference closure property coefficient common denominator common factor common logarithm common ratio commutative property complementary angles complex numbers composite number congruent constant coordinate cosine law counting number cube root curve decimal degree of an angle denominator derivative differential equations diameter differential calculus differential equation digit dimension distributive property division dynamics e equilibrium even number exponent exponential function extrapolation factorial factor factorisation fermat prime fibonacci sequence fractals fraction function geometry geometric mean geometric sequence goldbach conjecture gradient greek alphabet harmonic mean hierarchy of operations highest common factor hypotenuse i identity element imaginary number improper fraction infinite infinitesimal integer integral calculus integration intersection intercept interpolation inverse function irrational number iteration least squares method linear linear expression literal numbers logarithm logistic model lowest common multiple matrix mechanics prime mixed number modulus multiplication natural logarithm natural number numerator obtuse angle odd number odds ordinate origin parallel perfect number permutation perpendicular pi poisson distribution polar equation polygon polynomial precalculus prime factors prime number probability distributions product proper divisor proper fraction proportion pythagoras theorem quadratic equation quotient radian radius rate ratio rational number real number reciprocal reflex angle repeating decimal right angle root rounding scalar scientific notation secant line sequence sigma significant figure sine law skew lines stationary point straight line subtend subtraction supplementary angles tangent law expansions transcendental number triangle trigonometry union unit variable vector vertex whole number remainder achieve acquisition alternative analysis approach area aspects assessment assume authority available benefit circumstances comments components concept consistent corresponding criteria data deduction demonstrate derived distribution dominant elements equation estimate evaluation factors features final function initial instance interpretation journal maintenance method perceived percent period positive potential previous primary principle procedure process range region relevant required research resources response role section select significant similar source specific strategies structure theory transfer variables mutation mutation hotspot somatic nucleotide purine pyrimidine adenine guanine cytosine thymine uracil gene locus protein encoding control region exon intron genetic code codon anticodon redundancy synonymous codons stop codons degenerate position repeated sequences transposable elements pseudogene processed pseudogene reverse transcription genetic marker haplotype gene mutations point mutation transition transversion synonymous mutation frameshift replication slippage meiotic recombination intragenic recombination gene conversion unequal crossing over transposable elements insertion sequence transposon retroelement chromosome mutations euploidy autopolyploidy allopolyploidy aneuploidy inversion pericentric paracentric translocation fission fusion acrocentric metacentric neutral nonsense missense silent neutral mutation rate phenotypic detection back mutation screening mutation accumulation species comparison molecular clock constraints random deterministic teleological allelic frequencies ratios allelic genotypic phenotypic ratios epigenetic inheritance polymorphic monomorphic concealed genetic variation fixation inbreeding depression linkage disequilibrium electrophoresis homeotic mutation recombination selection artificial selection natural selection directional selection selected for against fitness individual selection selection pressure adaptation crypsis cryptic stabilizing selection disruptive selection heterotic balance diversifying selection balanced polymorphism rare type advantage rare male advantage seasonal selection niche partitioning sexual selection male vs. female strategy mating systems monogamy polygamy simultaneous or sequential polygyny polyandry promiscuity intrasexual selection intersexual selection traits that are hinderance sexual dimorphism sex identification species identification role partitioning unselected consequence selection for viable mates courship dance handicap principle truth in advertising runaway selection sexy son hypothesis sexual selection and speciation sexual selection in humans individual selection kin selection inclusive fitness index of relatedness altruism apparent altruism eusociality haplodiploidy epideictic display satellite males rb>c altruism in humans coevolution coadaptation sequential evolution diffuse coevolution guild interliving symbiosis mutualism predation parasitism commensalism amensalism competition adaptive coloration adaptive significance crypsis eucrypsis homochromy disruptive coloration contershading protective resemblance bizarre pattern distraction mechanism pseudocephalism shock pattern aposematism advertisement of noxiousness mimicry pseudaposematism mimic model dupe behavioral Batesian mimicry olfactory Batesian mimicry synaposematism aggressive mimicry auditory aggressive mimicry olfactory aggressive mimicry pseudocopulation photomimicry molecular mimicry predator mimicry random phenomena genetic drift effective population size drunkard walk founders effect bottleneck effect neutralist vs. selectionist debate polymorphic enzyme loci neutral alleles small vs. large populations effectively neutral neutral theory kv substitution rate null model of mutation mutation fraction of neutral mutation UT influences on neutral mutation rate functional constraints base pair position in codon population size coding DNA molecular clock time in generations evidence for against neutral theory species biological species concept evolutionary species concept typological species concept speciation reproductive isolation mechanisms prezygotic IM habitat IM behavioral IM seasonal IM morphological IM gamete mortality postzygotic IM zygote early mortality hybrid inviability hybrid sterility meiotic failure abnormal sperm hybrid breakdown hybrid floral isolation geographic allopatric speciation panmictic pop. geographic barrier NS operates differently reproductive isolation test of sympatry allopatric allotopic sympatric syntopic dichopatry parapatry sister groups isolation on islands dumbbell model peripheral isolate model parapatric speciation clinal variation hybrid zone sympatric speciation allopolyploidy allophagic allochronic other species concepts: evolutionary morphological phenetic phylogenetic recognition cohesion ecological character displacement ecological reproductive introgressive hybridization sister species sibling species cryptic species adaptive radiation geographic variation clinal variation discontinuous variation chaotic variation concordant variation subspecies race semispecies strain breed etc. intergrade zone of intergradation subspeciation monotypic range high vagility variation garden experimient plasticity of test not evolutionary developmental biology interdisciplinary evolution of biodiversity homeotic genes homeobox homeodomain regulatory enhancers spatio-temporal effects genetic model species knock out gene transfer in situ hybridization antibody detection reporter construct analysis conserved vs. evolved traits biological homology concept homologous analogous evolutionarily conserved pathways heterochrony recapitulation acceleration hypermophosis paedomorphosis progenesis neoteny developmental constraints antennapedia colinearity eon era period epoch precambrian first life anaerobic aerobic cyanobacteria photosynthesis microfossils stromatolites endosymbiotic origin of eukaryotes first multicellular organisms systematics phylogeny classification namenclature taxon taxa taxonomic level species genus genera family order class phylum kingdom domain sub- super- infra- tribe reasons for differences divergent evolution patterns of extinction extinction mass extinction factors influencing likelihood of extinction rates of evolution horotely bradytely tachytely reasons for similarity common ancestry convergent evolution parallel evolution mimicry homologous analogous homoplasy fossil record fossilization plesiomorphic apomorphic symplesiomorphic synapomorphic autapomorphic rule of majority outgroup comparison embryological evidence dendogram phylogram cladogram phenogram chronogram anagenesis cladogenesis phenetic systematics numerical taxonomy cladistic systematics evolutionary systematics sister groups clade monophyletic holophyletic paraphyletic polyphyletic hypothetical taxonomic unit rules of nomenclature international commission of zoological nomenclature international commission of botanical nomenclature code of nomenclature provisions scope starting point uninomen binomen trinomen availability synonym homonym latin neolatin nomen conservandum nomina conservanda nomen oblitum description tautonym authorship nominate coordinate categories patronym nominate adjectival singular plural geographical epithet revision rule of parsimony deme absorption achromatic adaptation aerobic algae alimentary allergy amoeba amphibian analogue anatomy ancestor antibody appendage aquatic arboreal asexual assimilation atrophy auditory backbone bacteria balance barrier benign biology biome bisect botany branch breathe carnivorous catalyst cavity cell chlorophyll cholesterol chromatic chromosome cilia classification cohesive collagen communicable community contraction control convolution coronary cyclic darwin deciduous decomposition dermis develop dichotomous dietary differentiation diffusion digestion dinosaur discipline displacement division dna dominant dormant ecology ecosystem ectoplasm edema embryo endangered endemic endoskeleton endothermic energy environment enzyme epidermis erosion essential estrogen evolution exoskeleton exothermic extermination extinct factor feedback fertilization fetus fibrillation filament fish fission flower food chain fossil function gamete gaseous gastrin genetics genome genus germ gestation gills grafting greenhouse effect growth habitat hemoglobin herbivore heredity heterogeneous hibernation hierarchy homogeneous hormone horticulture host human hybrid immunity inclusion incubate ingestion inherited traits inoculate inquiry insoluble instinct insulate insulin interdependent invertebrate involuntary isolate isotope juncture kinesthesia kingdom latitude leaf life cycle linkage living luminescent lymph malignant mammal marine meiosis membrane memory metabolism microbiology microscope migration mildew molt muscle mutation mutualism natural nerve neuron nitrogen nonliving nucleus omnivorous optic order organs osmosis ossification oviparous oxidation paleontologist parasite parasympathetic pathogen permeable photosynthesis plankton plasma platelet pollen pollution portion predator preserve pressure producer protein protoplasm pulmonary pyramid quest question radial receptor recessive recycling reflex regeneration regulate replicate repress reptile residual resource respiration restriction rh factor root scope secrete seed sensor shelter skeleton skin solar spatial species specimen statistics stimulus stress structure symbiosis symmetry synapse system taste taxonomy tendril terrestrial tissue tolerance toxin transformation transpiration tundra turgid unsaturated vacuole variation ventilate vertebrate viable virus vital vitamin viviparous volume voluntary waste weather chromosome chromosome zone zoology absorption access adaptation admire advocate alternatives announcement anticipation anxiety appliance appreciation aquatic atmosphere attraction audience awesome backlash balance benefit biodegradable biodiversity biota boost building buzz calamity canvas capacity celebration celestial certify change clean clean up climate coastal collection combustible commitment communication community compliance composting concept conference confidence conservation conserve conserve construct consumption contribution convenience conviction cooling costs creation crucial culture curb current damage deft deposits design detection devastation development difference direction discovery disposable diversity documentary domination dramatize drastic drought dynamic earth eco friendly ecological ecology ecosystem effective efficiency elation electrifying elimination emissions emotion energy energy efficient energy star enthusiasm enviro home environment environs envision epa eradicate euphoria evaluate evergreen evidence evolution exchange exclusive expanse experience exploration extreme fauna fcs forest stewardship council feature fertile fibrous fields filter fisheries flora flourish fluorescent light bulb foam food chain forecast forestry fossil fuels gallons galvanize geothermal heat glass global global warming goal granite grasslands gray water green greenhouse groundwater guard guideline habitat harbor harvest healthy heating heliotrope hemp high efficiency humanity humidity hygiene impact improvements incorporate indigenous influence inhabit inhabitant initiative innovative inquiry insight inspiration insulation intense interference investigation irrigation journalists judgment keen land form land trust landmark landscape layer leakage lifestyle light limits low flow shower low flow toilet maintenance management marine maritime marsh materials maximization meadow measurement metamorphosis minimize moratorium motion mountains movement mulch nascent national native native plants natural nature nouveau nutrients objective observations official orientation original outdoors ozone panel parkland passionate peninsula performance peril perpetual perspective planet planting plants plastic plumbing popular popularity powerful precipitation preservation pressure prevention pride primeval pristine prize problems proclaim prognosis program progress projection protection protest public pure quality quest questions quiet rainwater reclamation recognition record rectify recycle recycled tire rubber reduction reflect refuge rehabilitation reliance remains renewable rescue research reserves reservoir resilience resistance resolve resource respect restoration reusable revitalize revival revolutionary rights role safeguard safety salute salvage sanitation save scientist sea sea floor sealing sediment sentiment shade shade trees shelter shortages skepticism slide soil covered roof solar solar panels solar power soluble sonar spatial species speculation speech spiel splendid sponges spotlight spray foam standards staples staunch stewardship structure success sun sunlight supplies support surface survival survive sustainable sustainable symbiosis symptoms synergy tactic task technique technology temperature terrain terrestrial thrive tidal pool tides timber toil tolerance topography transformation treatment trex materials tributary tribute triumph tropical ultimate underwater undeveloped unique universal upgrade uplifting useful utilitarian valley vapor variety vegetation ventilation venue versatile vested interest vigilance violation visible vision vista volatile volt volunteers vulnerable waste water water saving waterfall watershed waterway weather wells wetlands wilderness wildlife wind wind power winner wood world world wide world class xeriscape yield zealous zero tolerance zone absorption abundance access accessibility accommodate acid acid rain activist adaptation admire admonition advocacy advocate agent agriculture alternatives altitude amazon announcement anticipation anxiety apathetic apogee appreciation aquatic aquifer archipelago asteroid astronomer astronomy atmosphere attraction audience awareness awesome backlash bacteria balance barren beach beachfront benefit bio diesel biodegradable biodiversity biota blight bog boost botanical boundary bountiful breeze brilliant bug buoyancy buzz calamity canyon capacity carbon dioxide catastrophe category celebration celestial cepheids ceremony chemicals chemistry choked clean up climate coastal color combustible commercial commercialism commitment community condensation conference confidence conflagration confluence conservation conserve conspicuous consume consumption contamination contiguous continent continental crust contribution conviction corrosion county crater creation creature crops crowd crucial crust culture curb current cyclone cynicism dam damage decline decompose defoliate deforestation deft demise density denude deplete deplorable deposits desert destructive detection devastation development diesel difference dike direction disaster discharge discovery disease disposable diversity documentary domination dramatize drench drilling drought dumping dunes dust dynamic earth earthquake ecological ecology ecosystem eddy efficiency effluent elation electrifying elimination emissions emotional encroach endangered endemic energy enigmatic enthusiasm environment environs envision epicenter eradicate erode erosion eruption esker estuary euphoria euthenics evaporation evergreen evidence evolution exclusive exhaustion expanse experience exploration extinction extreme failure fallow falls famine fault fauna feature fertile fibrous fields fierce filter fire fire break fisheries flood flood waters flora flourish flow fluorescence food chain forecast forestry fossil fuels fracas fresh air frigid fumigation funnel cloud fuss galaxy gallons galvanize gander gases geothermal germs girdle glacier global global warming grasslands gravity greed greenhouse effect groundwater groves guideline gust habitat harbor harvest hatred hazard haze herbicide high risk hillside homeless hubbub humanity humidity hurricane hydroelectric hydrology hydroponic hydrosphere hygiene ice impact improvements incineration indigenous industry infect influence inhabit inhabitant initiative inquiry insects insight inspiration insulation intense interference inundation invade inversion investigation irrigation journalists keen lagoon land form land trust landmark landscape layer lease litter logging magical magnificence magnificent mammal management marine maritime marsh maximization meadow measurement members mercury metamorphosis meteor methane microbes migration migratory mildew monsoon moon moratorium morphology mortality motion mountains movement mulch nascent national native natural nature navigable nebula neglect nesting nitrogen nontoxic nostalgia nova nuclear nutrients obliterate observance ocean official onslaught ooze opposition organic organism organization original overlook overpopulation ozone panel parasite parkland passionate peninsula peril permutation perpetual pesticide pests petrify petroleum photovoltaic cells piedmont pinnacle plague planet plankton plants plot poison pole pollutant pollute pollution popular popularity powerful prairie precipitation predator predict prehistoric preservation preserve pressure pride primeval pristine prize proclaim prognosis program progress projection propagation property prosperity protean protection protest public pumping station quake quality quantity quasar quest quiet radioactive rainwater recipient reclamation recognition record rectify recycle redwoods reeds reefs refuge reliance remains renewable replica repository reproduction rescue reserves reservoir resilience resolve respect restoration retrogression reusable revitalize revival ridge rights risk role rot rubble ruin rupture safety salinity salt flats salute salvage sand sandbar sanitation savanna scars science scientist scrap sea seafloor sediment seismic sentiment sewage shallows shelter shore shortages skepticism slide smog smoke smolder solar solstice soluble sonar source space spatial species spectra speculation speech spelunking spew spiel splendid sponges spotlight sprawl spring squatters staples starvation staunch stewardship storm stress stunning success sulfur sun sunlight supplies support surface survival survive sustainable swamp symbiosis symptoms synergy taint task technology tectonic plate temperate temperature tempest tension terrain terrestrial thicket thrive tidal pool tides timber toil topography tornado toxic toxin tract traffic treatment tremor trespass tributary tribute triumph tropical trumpet tsunami tundra twister typhoon ultimate ultraviolet rays underwater undeveloped unique uplifting uproot valley vanish vapor vegetation velocity ventilation venue versatile vested interest vigilance violation virus visible vision vista volatile volcanoes volunteers vulnerable wallow waste watching water waterfall watershed waterspout waterway weather weeds wells wetlands whirlwind whitecaps whitewater wilderness wildfire wildlife wind wind power winner world world class worldwide wreck xeriscape yield zealot zealous zenith zero tolerance zone absolute-zero acceleration accuracy acoustics action adhesion affect alteration amplitude angular antiproton apparent applied apply aptitude aristotle aspect atmosphere atom atomic attenuate attraction aviation axis bachelor's degree balance basic bodies boson branch calculus capacity centrifugal changes chaos charge chemical chromatics circular collide component compression condensation conductivity conservation constant control conversion copernicus cosmology curie damping decibel density dependence deposits design development deviation diode direction discipline displacement distance distortion disturbance doctorate drag dynamics effect einstein elasticity electricity electromagnetic electron electronics emission energy engine engineer entropy equation equilibrium equivalent evaporation expansion experiment explosion external factor fission flight flow fluid flying focus force form formula frequency friction fulcrum fundamental force galileo gas generate geophysics gilbert graph gravitation gravity guide gyroscope half-life harness heat hertz hold hydraulics identical impact impulse incandescent inertia influence innovate inquiry interaction intervening invention inverse investigation invisible irradiate isotope joule kaon kinetics laser laws level lift light liquids loft lumen machinery magnet magnetism magnitude mass mathematics matter measure mechanics meteorology metrics modulate molecule motion movement navigation negative newton nuclear nucleus objects optics oscillation overload parallax parity particle performance phenomenon photon piston pitch plasma position prediction pressure principal projectile propagation properties proportion psi pulse quality quandary quanta quantitative quantity quantum jump quantum leap quark radiation radioactivity reception relationship relative relativity repulsion research resistance resolution resonance rest reversal robotic rotation saturation scalar science scientific seismology semiconductor shape shift sir issac newton solid sonic sound space spectrum speed standing stationary statistics strain stress structure study sublimation substance surface suspension symmetry system temperature tensile tension theoretical theory thermal thermodynamics thrust torque training trajectory transformation transistor transition trough turning ultrasonic uncertainty uniform unify unique unit universal university vacuum value vapor variable variation vector velocity viscosity volatile voltage volume wave weight white noise x-ray zone accuracy acid rain air air-pressure altitude anemometer arctic arid atmosphere avalanche axis balance balloon balmy barometer biting bitter black ice blackout bleak blimp blizzard boreal breezy bright broadcast cataclysm celestial celsius centigrade chemicals chemistry chill circulation cirrus clear clement climate cloudburst cloudy col cold color composition condensation conditions controversial convection conversion crystals cumulus current cycle cyclone damage damp decay degree deluge demonstrate density depression detection devastation dew dew point direction disruption dissipation doldrums doppler radar downpour dreary drizzle droplets drought dry dull dust devils earth science earthquake easterlies eclipse eddies el nino electricity emergency energy environment erosion eruption evacuate evaporation evaporation exposure extreme fahrenheit fall floe flood flooding fluids flurries foehn fog force forecast freezing freezing rain frigid front frost frozen funnel gale gauge gelid glacial global gravity greenhouse effect gusty haar hail hailstone haze headwind heat heat wave high tide hoarfrost hot humidity hurricane ice impact inclement indian summer inexact influence informative inquiry instruction instruments intermittent interplay inversion investigation isobar isotherm jet stream knot landslide latitude layers lightening liquid longitude low pressure low tide marine maritime measurement melt mercury meteorologist meteorology mild millibar mist mistral moisture monsoon moon movement mud slide muggy natural nature normal numb observation occluded front occlusion ocean orbit outage overcast ozone pattern physics polar pollution pouring power precipitation prediction pressure puddles quake quantity query radar radiation rain rainbow rainbow raindrops rainfall rainstorm raw regional regulation report research rotation satellite saturation scale scorching seasons severe shady shiver showers sirocco sky sleet slush smog snow snowflakes snowstorm solar system space spring squall storm stratus clouds sub zero summer sunny sunrise sunset sunshine survival swirling technology temperate temperatures tempest thermal thermometer thunder thunder clouds thunder showers thunderstorms tidal wave tilt tornado torrent torrential track tramotane transfer transmission tremor trigger tropical tropics trough tsunami typhoon umbrellas undertow undulate uniform updraft upwind vapor variegated veering velocity violent visibility vital volcanic eruption vortex warm warm front warming warnings watch water cycle waterspout wave weather weather forecast weather vane westerly wet whirlwind whiteout wind wind chill wind sock windstorm winter wintry zephyr zone abiosis abrade absorption acceleration accumulation acid acidic activist adaptation agonistic agrarian airborne alchemist alignment allele alluvial alveoli ambiparous amphibian amplitude analysis ancestor anodize anomaly anther antigen apiary apparatus application approximation aquatic aquifer arboreal archeology artery assessment asteroid atmosphere atomic atrophy attenuate aven aviary axis bacteria balance bases biome biosphere black hole blight buoyancy calcium canopy capacity capillary carapace carcinogen catalyst cauldron celestial cells centigrade centimeter centrifugal chemical reaction chemicals chemistry chlorophyll choked chromosome chronic churn classification climate cloud comet composition compound compression condensation conditions conduction conductivity conservation constant constellation continental convection convention cool core cosmic crater creature crystals cycle cytoplasm dampness data decay decibel deciduous defoliate density denude dependency deposits depth desiccant detritus development digestible dilute direction disappearance discovery dislodge displace dissection dissolution dissolve distance diurnal diverse doldrums dynamics earthquake eclipse ecology ecosystem electricity elements elevation embryo endangered endocrine energy entropy environment enzyme epidermis epoch equilibrium equine erosion essential estuary ethical evaporation event evidence evolution examination existence expansion experiment exploration extinction extreme facet fault fauna feldspar ferment fission fissure flora flourish flowstone foliage food chain forage force forecast forensics formations fossil fuel frequency friction fungi fusion galaxy gastric geo-science geothermal germination gestation global gravitation green greenhouse effect grotto groundwater habitat heat heavens hemisphere hemoglobin herpetologist hormones host humidity hyaline hydrogen hydrology hypothesis ichthyology illumination imagination impact impulse incandescent indigenous inertia inevitable inherit inquiry insoluble instinct instruments integrity intelligence interact interdependence interplanetary invertebrate investigation invisible ions irradiate isobar isotope joule jungle jurassic jutting kilometer kinetics kingdom knot laser latitude lava lethal life lift light limestone lipid lithosphere load lodestone luminous luster magma magnet magnetism mangrove mantle marine marsh mass matter measurements mechanical meiosis meridian metamorphosis meteor microbes microcosm migration millennia minerals modulate moisture molecule molten monograph monolith motion movement mutant mutation mysterious natural navigable navigation negligence nervous system nesting neutrons niche nocturnal nuclear energy numerous nurture obsidian ocean oceanography omnivorous oolites cave pearls opaque orbit organ organism ornithology osmosis oxygen paleontologist parallax particle penumbra percolate permafrost permutation petrify petrograph phenomena physical property planetary plasma polar pole pollination polymer population precipitation predator prehensile preservation preserve pressure primate pristine probe process propagation properties protected proton pulley qualitative data quantum quark quarry radiation radioactivity rain forest ratio reaction reagent realm redwoods reeds reflection refraction relationships reptile research resistance resonate rookery rubble runoff salinity sandbar satellite saturation scientific investigation scientist sea floor season sedentary sediment sedimentary seepage seismic sensors shard similarity solar soluble solvent sonic sound source species spectacular spectrum speed sphere spring stage stalactite stalagmites stimulus substance subterranean sulfuric acid surface survival swamp sylvan symbiosis symbol synergy synthesis taiga taxidermy technology tectonics temperate temperature terrestrial thermals thermometer thrust torque toxin trade winds transformation tremors tropical umbra unbelievable underwater unearth unique unite unity universal unpredictable unusual ursine vacuole valuable vapor variable variety vast velocity ventifact verdant vespiary viable vibration virus viscosity visible vista vital vitreous volt volume vulpine wave wax weather westerlies wetlands whitewater xeriscape xylem yield zero-impact zone zygote bacteria protista plantae fungi animalia archaea eukaryota prokaryota vertebrate invertebrate fishes amphibian amphibians reptile reptiles bird brids mammal mammals insect insects mollusc molluscs crustacean crustaceans coral corals arachnid arachnids horsehoe-crab velvet-worm rhodophyta glaucophyta viridiplantae phyta embryophytes streptophyta charales chlorophyta algae bryophyte pteridophytes spermatophyte phyte cycadophyta ginkgophyta pinophyta gnetophyta magnoliophyta pteridophyta lycopodiophyta bryophyta anthocerotophyta marchantiophyta charophyta chlorphyta heterokonta chordata tetrapod cnidaria parazoa eumetazoa radiata bilateria mesozoa mephrozoa deuterostomia protostomia stomia phylum ecdysozoa platyzoa lophotrochozoa phylum angiosperm sperm monocot poaceae poales polygonaceae amaranthaceae brassica eudicot rosaceae rosid betulaceae ahead analysis appropriate approximate asset brain-child brain-storming breathtaking built business calculate century collection commercialization community consumer-focus control cost creativity design designation develop developer device discussions download effort engineer entrepreneurial equipment errors focus forefront funding future grail groups guess hope humanoid ideas implication improvement incremental individuals industry information ingenuity innovation investment involvement issues leading-edge manufacture measurements miscalculation model momentum movement need next opportunity organization phd physics ponder power process program programmable promise props prototype proximity quality quantity recognition refinement revolutionize robot robotic roboticist safety smart software sophistication sound start-ups steer studies surprises talk shop tasks team technology theory thinking time top trail unveil user utilize version versions vision want wonder worthwhile abutment acceleration activation advice advise amplitude analysis angle assembly automation axis axle balance battery bearing blueprint building calculation cantilever cell circumference combustion communication component component compress concept constriction construction consultation control conversion conveyance conveyor belt cooling coupling crank current curves degree depth design device diagram diameter diesel dimension direction distill distribution elastic electrical electronics element ellipse energy engine excavation expert fabrication flexible flow fluid fluorescent force frame friction fuel fulcrum gear gears generate generator gimbals grade grading hardware heat hoist horizontal hydraulic illumination information injection installation instrument intersection joint lever lift liquid load machine management manufacturing mark measurement mechanize modular mold motion motor negative nuclear object operation oscilloscope physics pivot plumb pneumatic power precision process production project propulsion pulley radiate ream refine refrigeration regulation repair retrofit revolution rotation savvy scheme schooling scientific sequence shape slide solar stability strength structure structure studying superstructure suspension technology tools transform transmission transmit turbine vacuum valve vertical vibration weight weld withstand worker alkali alternate alternator ammeter ampere amplifer amplitude analog anode arc argon attract ballast band battery beam binary blackout branch brownout bulb buzzer cable capacitor cathode cell charge chip circuit coaxial computer condenser conductor configuration connection connector contact control copper couple crystal current current cycle density device diode direction discharge distort duration electrician electrode electrolysis electromagnetism element equipment excessive farad field filament filter flow flux force frequency fuse galvanometer gamma ray gas generator grid ground heat hertz humidistat impede impulse impurity incandescent inductor infrared installation insulation insulator integrate intensity interaction ion jack joule kilowatt lamp laser leads level light load loadstone loop luminous magnetism magnify mass melt microchip migration modulation motion motor negative network object ohm optics oscillate outlet output particle patch board path peak photoelectric physics point polarization positive potential power power cord probe property pulsate quantity radiation radio ratio ray receiver receptacle reference relay repel resistance resistor resonance rheostat rod schematic secondary semiconductor sensor signal socket solder solenoid spectral static static static storage supply supply surge switch target telecommunication telegraph telephone television terminal testing thermistor thermocouple thermostat tracer transducer transfer transistor transmit tube tweeter ultraviolet unit usage vacuum value velocity volt voltage watt waveform wavelength wire wire woofer wrapped x-ray zero acres advances affect agrarian agriculture ailment animals arable arid attitude barn bison brawn breed bureau business capital cattle chemicals. chickens chores climate collective commercial cotter compounds conditions conservation consume consumers cooperative cotton cows crocodiles crops cultivation culture dairy degree demands dependence development disease disk diversity domestication drainage drought ducks. edible effort emus environment equipment erosion experiment extensive farm farmers feed fertile fertilize fiber food forage fruit trees fungicide fungus fur furrow gather geese genetic modification goal grange graze ground grower hard harmful harness harvest hectare help heritage holdings homestead horses husbandry hybrid ideal impoverished improvement industry insects intensive irrigation jaded joyous kibbutz knowledge labor laborer land lease livestock llamas. loan location machinery manage manure market price materials migrants milk mink moisture money mulch nature nitrogen no-till nutrient orchards organic organization ostriches output oxen pastoral pesticide pests. pineapples plantation planter planting plow poultry produce productive products provisions quality quantity quest questions rain raise ranch rancher reap reform region regional resistant rotation sales seedlings serf sharecropper sharing sheep skin slash-and-burn soil sowing specialize spurt squatter sterilize strength stretch subsistence sugar cane sunshine supply surplus techniques tenant farmer terrain territory theory till time toil tract tractor truck farming turkeys undependable uprooting variety water weather whim willingness wool worker yeoman young youth zeal abundance acclimation adaptation adjust aeration agriculture all-organic amount annual anther ants aphid appearance arbor aroma arrangement atmosphere attractive backyard balance bamboo barrier beautiful beauty bee balm bees beetles beneficial biennial biodegradable biological birds bloom blooming blossom bog bone meal boost botanical botanist bountiful bouquet bower breeder bulbs bumper crop bush butterflies cart change choices chore circulation classification clay clematis climate clippings cluster collection colorful community compost conditions confine conservation consistency container convenient crop cultivate cuttings cycles dainty damage deadhead deciduous decomposition decoration decorative dedication dehydrated manure delicate depth destruction develop dibble different digging dirt disinfect disperse distinctive diversity division domain dormancy dormant drainage dried flowers early ecology edge edible effective elements embed enclosure encroach energy ensure environment eradicate erosion espalier evaporation evolve exotic exotic expanse experiment exposure extraordinary fan farming feathered friends feeder feeding fencing fertilization fertilizer filtering fish emulsion floral floral designer florist flourish flowering flowers foliage foliage fragile fragrant frond frost fumigation fungus garden gardener gazebo generate genus germination gloves gopher graft grassy green thumb greenhouse ground grove grow lights habitat hardy harvest healthy hedge heirloom heliotrope honey bee hornet horticulture hose host houseplant hue humidity hummingbird humus hybrid hydroponics implement impressive improvement indoors inorganic insects interaction interconnection inundate involve irrigation jardiniere jeopardy judge judgment juicy juxtapose keepsake kelp key kingdom kit kneeling ladybugs landscape late lawn leaf legume lichen loam lopper magnet mass materials maturation maturity meadow miniature miracle gro mites mix mixture moisture moss mulch needles niche nitrate nitrogen noticeable nursery nurture nutrient oasis open options orchard orderly organic original ornamental outdoors over-breed over-harvest overgrown palette parasite park parterre patch pattern peat moss perception perennial perfume perlite pesticide pests petals phloem phosphate photosynthesis pitch fork planter plantings plentiful pollen pollination popularity population pots potting mix potting soil prairie precipitation predator preserve pretty prevention produce profusion proliferate prolong prominence propagate prune quality quantity quarantine rain rainfall raise raised beds rake ramble range rare rectify relationship remote replenish reservoir resistance resource rhizome rhythm rock garden roof garden rot roto-tiller ruck gardening sample sand saturation seasonal seaweed sediment seed seeding seedlings seeds selection self-watering sensor shade shears shovel simplicity slow-release snip sod soil space spade specie species sprig sprinkler sprout stake stimulate stoma subsoil succulent suitable sunlight sunshine supply surface surroundings survival sustainable symbiosis taproot temperatures threat thrive till tolerant tools topiary toxic tractor transmit transplant trees trellis trimming trowel trunk tuber unexpected unique universal unruly unusual upright upside down value variation variety various vascular vegetation verdant vermiculture versatile viable vibrant vigilance vine vineyard warmth wasps water watering can weather weeds wellies wetlands widespread wilt wither woodlands worms xeriscape xylem xyst yard yellow jackets zone zucchini zygophyte affect agriculture aid biology biotechnology branch breeding chemistry classification combination contour plowing control corn crop crop grading crossbreeding deficiencies degrees development diseases disorders divisions drainage earth science ecology economics effect energy environment equipment erosion farming fertility fertilizer fiber field-crop focus food fuel genetics growth healthy history horticulture husbandry identification impact influences insects intense interest involvement irrigation issues lab livestock management meteorology methods need nitrogen nutrients oilseed organic permaculture phosphorous physiology plants plants plowing pollution potassium pricing production profitable protein quality quantity query quest range reclamation research roots rotation rural rye schooling science seeds soil soybean study substances sustainable systems technology toxicology training triticale urban varieties vegetables vital waste water ways weeds wheat wheat wind yields zone academia accountability accounting accuracy acquisition advice adviser affidavit affiliation ages alignment allure amateur ambition analysis analyze anatomy ancient anthropology antiquity appraisal appreciation archeology area arrangement articulated artifacts ash assessment attempt attention attentive authenticate authenticity authority backer barrow below benefactor black market bones brush burial buried camp captivate career careless carving catalog caution cautious centuries challenge chamber civilization closure colleague community computer concession conditions consultation contacts contribution control cooperative corpse counsel crate crouch crypt culture curator curiosity damage dating debris decomposition decorative dedication deity descendant description desecration desert designation destiny destruction detail detection determination develop devotion diagram digging digital diplomacy dirt discoloration discovery dismissal display documentation dolmen dramatic drawings dust early earnest earthen education efforts emerge enforce entomologist entry eon epoch equip equipment era esteem evaluation evidence examination excavate exhibit expedition expense experience expert explanation factor fascination field financing findings focus foreign forensic forgotten fossil fragments frustration funding funerary generation geometric graduate grants grave grid grisly ground guard hallow haul heat heirloom heritage hidden historian historic hunch hundreds iconic idol illegal indicate indication information initial inorganic inscriptions insight inspiration insurance integrity intent intention interest interment international interval intrigue intrusive investigate isotope issues itemize jigsaw journey jumbled keen landmark layer lecture legacy legality ley line lifetime loan locate location looter majestic major map mark masterful measurement megalith menhir methodical meticulous miniature minor misrepresentation missing monolith monumental mound mumification museum mystery nameless necessity negate nomad notation note notification notion notoriety number objective objects obligation obsession obtain official old open opening operation outpost overture overwhelm painstaking passage patience period permission perseverance persistence petition photography pit positive potsherd pottery prehistoric preservation priceless procedure professional professor project projection proof property protection protuberance publicity qualification quality quantity query quest question radiocarbon dating rarified rarity record rectify refuse region relic remains remote renown report reputation research resource retrieve reveal revelation reverence rivalry ruins sacred sacrilege safeguard science scientific security select selection sequence shaft share shelter sift sign significance site skeletal skeleton skull spade specialization specialty spectacular speculation stakes statuary stature structure studies subordinate substantial substantiate success support suspicion suspicious tagging tamper team technology tedious temple tenacity tendency tent terrain theft time toil tomb topsoil track down trade treasures trench uncommon uncover underwrite undetermined undiscovered unique university unknown unusual unwrap upright valuable value vault venture verification vindication weird wisdom wise witness worksheet world-class worship years yield zeal zealous abiosis acid acidic affect alchemist alkaline allotrope alteration amphoteric analysis anomaly antigen apparatus application arrangement astatine atomic atomic number atrophy azeotropic balance base benzene bonding bromine burning carbon carcinogen catalyst cell centigrade chain change chemical bond chlorine colloid combination composition compound concentration conclusion consumption crystal current data decomposition desalination desiccant determination detritus discovery display distillation dopant dynamics efflorescence electrical electrolysis electron elements enzyme equilibrium ester examination ferment fission fluid fluorine formula fractionation fuel cells gas halogen heat helium hydrocarbon hydrogen hydrolysis hydroxide hypothesis impurity inactive inert inhibitor inorganic inquiry instruction interaction interactive investigation iodine ion ions isomer isotope kinetics laser latent heat light lipid liquid litmus paper magnetic matter measure melt metals microbe mixture molecule negative charge neon neutralize neutrons non-carbon non-living nonmetallic nuclear nucleus number orbit organic osmosis oxidation oxygen particle periodic table pharmacology phenomena physical pipette pollution polymer positive charge power practical process properties protein protons pure quantum theory quark radiation radical radioactivity reaction reagent rectify reduction refine release revelation revert salt scientist semiconductor separation soluble solvent speed substance suspension symbiosis symbol syneresis synergy synthesis synthesize systematic name table temperature titration toxin transformation transition undissolved unit unreactive uranium valency validation values vapor vary versatile viscosity water wave-particle duality weight xenon ytrium zinc zirconium zymoscope abrade acid aeration aftershock alloy alluvial alter alteration anodize aquifer assessment avalanche back reef bacteria basin batholith bedrock burning butte calcium calcium carbonate carbon dioxide carbon dating carbonic acid carve cataclysm cavern cavities change chemical reaction chimney cinder cone cirque classified climate changes clod collision compaction composite composition compression cone configuration continent continental coral crag creep crevasse crust crystals cycle dampness decay decomposition delta dendrite denude deposits depth detritus dike dilute disaster discovery dissolution dissolve distance dome drainage earthquake elements elevation eluvium environment eolian epicenter epoch erosion esker evaporation examination exploration explosion extinction extrude facet fault feldspar fissure flowstone fluvial foliation force formations fossil fracture fuel geode geodesic geologic geologist geothermal geyser glacial glacier gravity grotto groundwater guyot gypsum hade honeycombed horizon humidity humus hyaline hydrocarbon hydrogen sulfide hydrologic ice age icecap igneous illumination imminent impact impassable inanimate inquiry instruments integrity intrusive joint jurassic jutting karst keen kettle lake landmark landscape landslide launch lava layer leach lethal lignite limestone lithosphere lodestone loess luminous luster magma mantle massif matter meander measurements mesa metamorphosis microbe migration millennia minerals moisture molten monograph monolith mosaic movement nubbin numerous oasis objects obsidian official oolites cave pearls organic outcropping outwash plain oxygen paleoclimates paleontologist passageways percolate permafrost permian petrified petrify petrographer physical plate plateau playa porous precipitation prediction pressure pristine probe prospecting quarry quartz quest questions quit ratios reef residual richter scale rift rill rimrock rivers rocks rockslide rubble runoff salt sandstone saturation schist scientific scree sculpt sedimentary seepage seismic shale shard shelf shelf stone shift slag slope slurry soil speleologist spew stalactite stalagmites stone stratification subterranean sulfuric acid talus tectonic thermals thrust tilt topography trail head triassic tundra underground unearth unique unity universal upheaval upstream vapor vein vent ventifact vitreous volcano volume waterfalls weathering wonder worldwide zealous zero impact zest zigzag zone accuracy association attribute categorical continuous classifier confusion negative positive accuracy true true precision false false coverage cost cross-validation data data data dimension error example feature feature field inducer instance knowledge loss machine missing model model olap record regressor resubstitution schema sensitivity specificity supervised tuple unsupervised utility the be and of a in to have to it I that for you he with on do say this they at but we his from that not n't by she or as what go their can who get if would her all my make about know will as up one time there year so think when which them some me people take out into just see him your come could now than like other how then its our two more these want way look first also new because day more use no man find here thing give many well only those tell one very her even back any good woman through us life child there work down may after should call world over school still try in as last ask need too feel three when state never become between high really something most another much family own out leave put old while mean on keep student why let great same big group begin seem country help talk where turn problem every start hand might American show part about against place over such again few case most week company where system each right program hear so question during work play government run small number off always move like night live Mr point believe hold today bring happen next without before large all million must home under water room write mother area national money story young fact month different lot right study book eye job word though business issue side kind four head far black long both little house yes after since long provide service around friend important father sit away until power hour game often yet line political end among ever stand bad lose however member pay law meet car city almost include continue set later community much name five once white least president learn real change team minute best several idea kid body information nothing ago right lead social understand whether back watch together follow around parent only stop face anything create public already speak others read level allow add office spend door health person art sure such war history party within grow result open change morning walk reason low win research girl guy early food before moment himself air teacher force offer enough both education across although remember foot second boy maybe toward able age off policy everything love process music including consider appear actually buy probably human wait serve market die send expect home sense build stay fall oh nation plan cut college interest death course someone experience behind reach local kill six remain effect use yeah suggest class control raise care perhaps little late hard field else pass former sell major sometimes require along development themselves report role better economic effort up decide rate strong possible heart drug show leader light voice wife whole police mind finally pull return free military price report less according decision explain son hope even develop view relationship carry town road drive arm true federal break better difference thank receive value international building action full model join season society because tax director early position player agree especially record pick wear paper special space ground form support event official whose matter everyone center couple site end project hit base activity star table need court produce eat American teach oil half situation easy cost industry figure face street image itself phone either data cover quite picture clear practice piece land recent describe product doctor wall patient worker news test movie certain north love personal open support simply third technology catch step baby computer type attention draw film Republican tree source red nearly organization choose cause hair look point century evidence window difficult listen soon culture billion chance brother energy period course summer less realize hundred available plant likely opportunity term short letter condition choice place single rule daughter administration south husband Congress floor campaign material population well call economy medical hospital church close thousand risk current fire future wrong involve defense anyone increase security bank myself certainly west sport board seek per subject officer private rest behavior deal performance fight throw top quickly past goal second bed order author fill represent focus foreign drop plan blood upon agency push nature color no recently store reduce sound note fine before near movement page enter share than common poor other natural race concern series significant similar hot language each usually response dead rise animal factor decade article shoot east save seven artist away scene stock career despite central eight thus treatment beyond happy exactly protect approach lie size dog fund serious occur media ready sign thought list individual simple quality pressure accept answer hard resource identify left meeting determine prepare disease whatever success argue cup particularly amount ability staff recognize indicate character growth loss degree wonder attack herself region television box TV training pretty trade deal election everybody physical lay general feeling standard bill message fail outside arrive analysis benefit name sex forward lawyer present section environmental glass answer skill sister PM professor operation financial crime stage ok compare authority miss design sort one act ten knowledge gun station blue state strategy little clearly discuss indeed force truth song example democratic check environment leg dark public various rather laugh guess executive set study prove hang entire rock design enough forget since claim note remove manager help close sound enjoy network legal religious cold form final main science green memory card above seat cell establish nice trial expert that spring firm Democrat radio visit management care avoid imagine tonight huge ball no close finish yourself talk theory impact respond statement maintain charge popular traditional onto reveal direction weapon employee cultural contain peace head control base pain apply play measure wide shake fly interview manage chair fish particular camera structure politics perform bit weight suddenly discover candidate top production treat trip evening affect inside conference unit best style adult worry range mention rather far deep past edge individual specific writer trouble necessary throughout challenge fear shoulder institution middle sea dream bar beautiful property instead improve stuff detail method sign somebody magazine hotel soldier reflect heavy sexual cause bag heat fall marriage tough sing surface purpose exist pattern whom skin agent owner machine gas down ahead generation commercial address cancer test item reality coach step Mrs yard beat violence total tend investment discussion finger garden notice collection modern task partner positive civil kitchen consumer shot budget wish painting scientist safe agreement capital mouth nor victim newspaper instead threat responsibility smile attorney score account interesting break audience rich dinner figure vote western relate travel debate prevent citizen majority none front born admit senior assume wind key professional mission fast alone customer suffer speech successful option participant southern fresh eventually no forest video global Senate reform access restaurant judge publish cost relation like release own bird opinion credit critical corner concerned recall version stare safety effective neighborhood original act troop income directly hurt species immediately track basic strike hope sky freedom absolutely plane nobody achieve object attitude labor refer concept client powerful perfect nine therefore conduct announce conversation examine touch please attend completely vote variety sleep turn involved investigation nuclear researcher press conflict spirit experience replace British encourage argument by once camp brain feature afternoon AM weekend dozen possibility along insurance department battle beginning date generally African very sorry crisis complete fan stick define easily through hole element vision status normal Chinese ship solution stone slowly scale bit university introduce driver attempt park spot lack ice boat drink sun front distance wood handle truck return mountain survey supposed tradition winter village Soviet refuse sales roll communication run screen gain resident hide gold club future farm potential increase middle European presence independent district shape reader Ms contract crowd Christian express apartment willing strength previous band obviously horse interested target prison ride guard terms demand reporter deliver text share tool wild vehicle observe flight inside facility understanding average emerge advantage quick light leadership earn pound basis bright operate guest sample contribute tiny block protection settle feed collect additional while highly identity title mostly lesson faith river promote living present count unless marry tomorrow technique path ear shop folk order principle survive lift border competition jump gather limit fit claim cry equipment worth associate critic warm aspect result insist failure annual French Christmas comment responsible affair approach until procedure regular spread chairman baseball soft ignore egg measure belief demonstrate anybody murder gift religion review editor past engage coffee document speed cross influence anyway threaten commit female youth wave move afraid quarter background native broad wonderful deny apparently slightly reaction twice suit perspective growing blow construction kind intelligence destroy cook connection charge burn shoe view grade context committee hey mistake focus smile location clothes Indian quiet dress promise aware neighbor complete drive function bone active extend chief average combine wine below cool voter mean demand learning bus hell dangerous remind moral United category relatively victory key academic visit Internet healthy fire negative following historical medicine tour depend photo finding grab direct classroom contact justice participate daily fair pair famous exercise knee flower tape hire familiar appropriate supply fully cut will actor birth search tie democracy eastern primary yesterday circle device progress next front bottom island exchange clean studio train lady colleague application neck lean damage plastic tall plate hate otherwise writing press male start alive expression football intend attack chicken army abuse theater shut map extra session danger welcome domestic lots literature rain desire assessment injury respect northern nod paint fuel leaf direct dry Russian instruction fight pool climb sweet lead engine fourth salt expand importance metal fat ticket software disappear corporate strange lip reading urban mental increasingly lunch educational somewhere farmer above sugar planet favorite explore obtain enemy greatest complex surround athlete invite repeat carefully soul scientific impossible panel meaning mom married alone instrument predict weather presidential emotional commitment Supreme bear pocket thin temperature surprise poll proposal consequence half breath sight cover balance adopt minority straight attempt connect works teaching belong aid advice okay photograph empty regional trail novel code somehow organize jury breast Iraqi human acknowledge theme storm union record desk fear thanks fruit under expensive yellow conclusion prime shadow struggle conclude analyst dance limit like regulation being last ring largely shift revenue mark locate county appearance package difficulty bridge recommend obvious train basically e-mail generate anymore propose thinking possibly trend visitor loan currently comfortable investor but profit angry crew deep accident male meal hearing traffic muscle notion capture prefer truly earth Japanese chest search thick cash museum beauty emergency unique feature internal ethnic link stress content select root nose declare outside appreciate actual bottle hardly setting launch dress file sick outcome ad defend matter judge duty sheet ought ensure Catholic extremely extent component mix long-term slow contrast zone wake challenge airport chief brown standard shirt pilot warn ultimately cat contribution capacity ourselves estate guide circumstance snow English politician steal pursue slip percentage meat funny neither soil influence surgery correct Jewish blame estimate due basketball late golf investigate crazy significantly chain address branch combination just frequently governor relief user dad kick part manner ancient silence rating golden motion German gender solve fee landscape used bowl equal long official forth frame typical except conservative eliminate host hall trust ocean score row producer afford meanwhile regime division confirm fix appeal mirror tooth smart length entirely rely topic complain issue variable back range telephone perception attract confidence bedroom secret debt rare his tank nurse coverage opposition aside anywhere bond file pleasure master era requirement check stand fun expectation wing separate now clear struggle mean somewhat pour stir judgment clean except beer English reference tear doubt grant seriously account minister totally hero industrial cloud stretch winner volume travel seed surprised rest fashion pepper separate busy intervention copy tip below cheap aim cite welfare vegetable gray dish beach improvement everywhere opening overall divide initial terrible oppose contemporary route multiple essential question league criminal careful core upper rush necessarily specifically tired rise tie employ holiday dance vast resolution household fewer abortion apart witness match barely sector representative lack beneath beside black incident limited proud flow faculty increased waste merely mass emphasize experiment definitely bomb enormous tone liberal massive engineer wheel female decline invest promise cable towards expose rural AIDS Jew narrow cream secretary gate solid hill typically noise grass unfortunately hat legislation succeed either celebrate achievement fishing drink accuse hand useful land secret reject talent taste characteristic milk escape cast sentence unusual closely convince height physician assess sleep plenty ride virtually first addition sharp creative lower behind approve explanation outside gay campus proper live guilty living acquire compete technical plus mind potential immigrant weak illegal hi alternative interaction column personality signal curriculum list honor passenger assistance forever fun regard Israeli association twenty knock review wrap lab offer display criticism asset depression spiritual musical journalist prayer suspect scholar warning climate cheese observation childhood payment sir permit cigarette definition priority bread creation graduate request emotion scream dramatic universe gap excellent deeply prosecutor mark green lucky drag airline library agenda recover factory selection primarily roof unable expense initiative diet arrest funding therapy wash schedule sad brief housing post purchase existing dark steel regarding shout remaining visual fairly chip violent silent suppose self bike tea perceive comparison settlement layer planning far description later slow slide widely wedding inform portion territory immediate opponent abandon link mass lake transform tension display leading bother consist alcohol enable bend saving gain desert shall error release cop Arab double walk sand Spanish rule hit print preserve passage formal transition existence album participation arrange atmosphere joint reply cycle opposite lock whole deserve consistent resistance discovery tear exposure pose stream sale trust benefit pot grand mine hello coalition tale knife resolve racial phase present joke coat Mexican symptom contact manufacturer philosophy potato interview foundation quote online pass negotiation good urge occasion dust breathe elect investigator jacket glad ordinary reduction rarely shift pack suicide numerous touch substance discipline elsewhere iron practical moreover passion volunteer implement essentially gene enforcement vs sauce independence marketing priest amazing intense advance employer shock inspire adjust retire sure visible kiss illness cap habit competitive juice congressional involvement dominate previously whenever transfer analyze another attach for Indian disaster parking prospect boss complaint championship coach exercise fundamental severe enhance mystery impose poverty other entry fat spending king evaluate symbol still trade maker mood accomplish emphasis illustrate boot monitor Asian entertainment bean evaluation creature commander digital arrangement concentrate total usual anger psychological heavily peak approximately increasing disorder missile equally vary wire round distribution transportation holy ring twin command commission interpretation breakfast stop strongly engineering luck so-called constant race clinic veteran smell tablespoon capable nervous tourist light toss crucial bury pray tomato exception butter deficit bathroom objective block electronic ally journey reputation mixture surely tower smoke confront pure glance dimension toy prisoner fellow smooth nearby peer designer personnel shape educator relative immigration belt teaspoon birthday implication perfectly coast supporter accompany silver teenager recognition retirement flag recovery whisper watch gentleman corn moon inner junior rather throat salary swing observer due straight publication pretty crop dig strike permanent plant phenomenon anxiety unlike wet literally resist convention embrace supply assist exhibition construct viewer pan consultant soon line administrator date occasionally mayor consideration CEO secure pink smoke estimate buck historic poem grandmother bind fifth constantly enterprise favor testing stomach apparent weigh install sensitive suggestion mail recipe reasonable preparation wooden elementary concert aggressive false intention channel extreme tube drawing protein quit absence roll Latin rapidly jail comment diversity honest Palestinian pace employment speaker impression essay respondent giant cake historian negotiate restore substantial pop particular specialist origin approval mine quietly advise conventional drop count depth wealth disability shell general criticize fast professional effectively biological pack onion deputy flat brand assure mad award criteria dealer via alternative utility precisely arise armed nevertheless highway clinical routine schedule wage normally phrase ingredient stake Muslim dream fiber activist Islamic snap terrorism refugee incorporate hip ultimate switch corporation valuable assumption gear graduate barrier minor provision killer assign gang developing classic chemical wave label teen index vacation advocate draft extraordinary heaven rough yell pregnant distant drama satellite personally wonder clock chocolate Italian Canadian ceiling sweep advertising universal spin house button bell rank darkness ahead clothing super yield fence portrait paint survival roughly lawsuit bottom testimony bunch beat wind found burden react chamber furniture cooperation string ceremony communicate taste cheek lost profile mechanism disagree like penalty match ie advance resort destruction bear unlikely tissue constitutional pant stranger infection cabinet broken apple electric proceed track bet literary virus stupid dispute fortune strategic assistant overcome remarkable occupy statistics shopping cousin encounter wipe initially blind white port honor electricity genetic adviser pay spokesman retain latter incentive slave chemical translate accurate whereas terror though expansion elite Olympic dirt odd rice bullet tight Bible chart solar decline conservative process square stick concentration complicated gently champion scenario telescope reflection revolution strip interpret friendly tournament fiction detect balance likely tremendous lifetime recommendation flow senator market hunting salad guarantee innocent boundary pause remote satisfaction journal bench lover raw awareness surprising withdraw general deck similarly newly pole testify mode dialogue imply naturally mutual founder top advanced pride dismiss aircraft delivery mainly bake freeze platform finance sink attractive respect diverse relevant ideal joy worth regularly working singer evolve shooting partly unknown assistant offense counter DNA smell potentially transfer thirty justify protest crash craft treaty terrorist insight possess politically tap lie extensive episode double swim tire fault loose free shortly originally considerable prior intellectual mix assault relax stair adventure external proof confident headquarters sudden dirty violation tongue license hold shelter rub controversy entrance favorite practice properly fade defensive tragedy net characterize funeral profession alter spot constitute establishment squeeze imagination target mask convert comprehensive prominent presentation regardless easy load stable introduction appeal pretend not elderly representation deer split violate partnership pollution emission steady vital neither fate earnings oven distinction segment nowhere poet mere exciting variation comfort radical stress adapt Irish honey correspondent pale musician significance load round vessel storage flee mm-hmm leather distribute evolution ill tribe shelf can grandfather lawn buyer dining wisdom council vulnerable instance garlic capability poetry celebrity gradually stability doubt fantasy scared guide plot framework gesture depending ongoing psychology since counselor witness chapter fellow divorce owe pipe athletic slight math shade tail sustain mount obligation angle palm differ custom store economist fifteen soup celebration efficient damage composition satisfy pile briefly carbon closer consume scheme crack frequency tobacco survivor besides in psychologist wealthy galaxy given fund ski limitation OK trace appointment preference meter explosion arrest publicly incredible fighter rapid admission hunter educate painful friendship aide infant calculate fifty rid porch tendency uniform formation scholarship hay efficiency waste qualify mall derive scandal PC helpful impress heel resemble privacy fabric surprise contest proportion guideline rifle maintenance conviction trick organic tent examination publisher strengthen French proposed myth sophisticated cow etc standing asleep tennis nerve barrel bombing membership ratio menu purchase controversial desperate rate lifestyle humor loud glove suspect sufficient narrative photographer helicopter Catholic modest provider delay agricultural explode stroke scope punishment handful badly horizon curious downtown girlfriend prompt request cholesterol absorb adjustment taxpayer eager principal detailed motivation assignment restriction across Palestinian laboratory workshop differently auto romantic cotton motor sue flavor overlook float undergo sequence demonstration jet orange consumption assert blade temporary medication print cabin bite relative edition valley yours pitch pine brilliant versus manufacturing risk Christian complex absolute chef discrimination offensive German suit boom register appoint heritage God terrorist dominant successfully shit lemon hungry sense dry wander submit economics naked anticipate nut legacy extension shrug fly battery arrival legitimate orientation inflation cope flame cluster host wound dependent shower institutional depict operating flesh garage operator instructor collapse borrow furthermore comedy mortgage sanction civilian twelve weekly habitat grain brush consciousness devote crack measurement province ease seize ethics nomination permission wise actress summit acid odds gifted frustration medium function physically grant distinguish shore repeatedly lung firm running correct distinct artistic discourse basket ah fighting impressive competitor ugly worried portray powder ghost persuade moderate subsequent continued cookie carrier cooking frequent ban swing orange awful admire pet miracle exceed rhythm widespread killing lovely sin charity script tactic identification transformation everyday headline crash venture invasion military nonetheless adequate piano grocery intensity exhibit high blanket margin principal quarterback mouse rope concrete prescription African-American chase document brick recruit patch consensus horror recording changing painter colonial pie sake gaze courage pregnancy swear defeat clue reinforce win confusion slice occupation dear coal sacred criminal formula cognitive collective exact uncle square captain sigh attribute dare okay homeless cool gallery soccer defendant tunnel fitness lap grave toe container virtue abroad architect dramatically makeup inquiry rose surprisingly highlight decrease indication rail anniversary couch alliance hypothesis boyfriend compose peer mess rank legend regulate adolescent shine norm upset remark resign reward gentle related organ lightly concerning invent laughter fit northwest counseling tight receiver ritual insect interrupt salmon favor trading concern magic superior combat stem surgeon acceptable physics rape counsel brush jeans hunt continuous log echo pill excited sculpture compound integrate flour bitter bare slope rent presidency serving subtle greatly bishop drinking delay cry acceptance collapse shop pump candy evil final finance pleased medal beg sponsor ethical secondary slam export experimental melt midnight net curve integrity entitle evident logic essence park exclude harsh closet suburban greet favor interior corridor murder retail pitcher march snake pitch excuse cross weakness pig cold classical estimated T-shirt online unemployment civilization fold patient pop daily reverse missing correlation humanity flash developer reliable excitement beef Islam Roman stretch architecture occasional administrative elbow deadly Muslim Hispanic allegation tip confuse airplane monthly duck dose Korean plead initiate lecture van sixth bay mainstream suburb sandwich unlike trunk rumor implementation swallow motivate render longtime trap restrict cloth seemingly legislative effectiveness enforce lens reach inspector lend plain fraud companion contend nail array strict assemble frankly rat burst hallway cave inevitable southwest monster speed protest unexpected obstacle facilitate encounter rip herb overwhelming integration crystal recession wish top written motive label flood pen ownership nightmare notice inspection supervisor consult arena laugh diagnosis possession forgive warm consistently basement project drift drain last prosecution maximum announcement warrior prediction bacteria questionnaire mud infrastructure hurry privilege temple medium outdoor suck and/or broadcast re leap random past wrist curtain monitor pond domain guilt cattle subject walking playoff minimum fiscal skirt dump hence database uncomfortable aim execute limb ideology average welcome tune continuing harm railroad endure radiation horn chronic peaceful innovation strain guitar replacement behave administer simultaneously dancer amendment guard pad transmission await retired trigger spill grateful grace virtual response colony adoption slide indigenous closed convict civilian towel modify particle award glance prize landing conduct blue boost bat alarm festival grip weird undermine freshman sweat outer European drunk survey research separation traditionally stuff govern southeast intelligent wherever ballot rhetoric convinced driving vitamin enthusiasm accommodate praise injure wilderness nearby endless mandate pause excuse respectively uncertainty chaos short mechanical canvas forty matter lobby profound format trait currency turkey reserve beam abuse astronomer corruption contractor apologize doctrine genuine thumb unity compromise horrible behavioral exclusive scatter commonly convey rush twist complexity fork disk relieve suspicion lock finish residence shame meaningful sidewalk Olympics technological signature pleasant wow suspend rebel frozen desire spouse fluid pension resume theoretical sodium blow promotion delicate forehead rebuild bounce electrical hook detective traveler click compensation signal exit attraction dedicate altogether pickup carve needle belly ship scare portfolio shuttle invisible timing engagement ankle transaction rescue counterpart historically firmly mild rider doll noon exhibit amid identical precise anxious structural residential loud diagnose carbohydrate liberty poster theology nonprofit crawl oxygen handsome magic sum provided businessman promising conscious determination donor hers pastor jazz opera Japanese bite frame evil acquisition pit hug wildlife punish giant primary equity wrong doorway departure elevator teenage guidance happiness statue pursuit repair decent gym oral clerk Israeli envelope reporting destination fist endorse exploration generous bath rescue thereby overall indicator sunlight feedback spectrum purple laser bold reluctant starting expertise practically program picture tune eating age volunteer hint sharply parade advocate realm ban strip cancel blend therapist slice peel pizza recipient hesitate flip accounting debate bias huh metaphor candle handle worry judicial entity suffering full-time feel lamp garbage servant addition regulatory diplomatic elegant inside reception vanish automatically chin trail necessity confess racism starter interior banking casual gravity enroll diminish prevention Arab value minimize chop performer intent isolate pump inventory productive assembly civic silk magnitude steep hostage collector popularity kiss alien dynamic scary equation angel switch offering rage photography repair toilet disappointed precious prohibit representative content realistic Russian hidden command tender wake gathering outstanding stumble lonely automobile artificial dawn abstract descend silly hook tide shared hopefully readily cooperate revolutionary romance hardware pillow kit cook spread continent seal circuit sink ruling shortage annually lately trap scan fool deadline rear processing ranch coastal undertake softly reserve burning verbal tribal ridiculous automatic diamond credibility import sexually spring way divine sentiment cart oversee stem elder pro inspiration Dutch quantity trailer mate o'clock Greek genius monument bid quest sacrifice invitation accuracy juror officially broker treasure loyalty credit shock talented gasoline stiff output nominee extended please diabetes slap toxic alleged jaw grief mysterious rocket donate inmate tackle dynamics bow ours senior dignity carpet parental bubble heat buddy barn sword flash seventh glory tightly protective tuck drum faint post queen dilemma input specialize northeast shallow liability sail merchant stadium improved bloody defeat associated withdrawal refrigerator nest near thoroughly lane ancestor condemn steam accent escape optimistic unite cage equip shrimp homeland exchange rack costume wolf courtroom statute cartoon besides productivity grin symbolic seal bug bless aunt agriculture rock hostile root conceive combined instantly bankruptcy vaccine bonus collaboration mixed opposed orbit grasp patience spite tropical voting patrol willingness position revelation rent calm jewelry Cuban haul concede trace wagon afterward spectacular ruin sheer prior immune reliability ass alongside bush exotic fascinating secure clip thigh bull drawer regard sheep discourage coordinator ideological runner secular intimate empire cab divorce exam documentary neutral biology flexible progressive web conspiracy catch casualty republic execution terrific whale functional star draft instinct teammate aluminum whoever ministry verdict instruct skull self-esteem ease cooperative manipulate bee practitioner loop edit whip puzzle mushroom subsidy boil tragic mathematics mechanic jar respect earthquake pork creativity safely underlying dessert sympathy fisherman incredibly isolation sock near jump eleven sexy entrepreneur syndrome bureau seat workplace ambition touchdown utilize breeze costly ambitious Christianity presumably influential translation uncertain dissolve object statistical gut metropolitan rolling aesthetic spell insert booth helmet waist expected lion accomplishment royal panic cast crush actively cliff minimal cord fortunately cocaine illusion anonymous tolerate appreciation commissioner harm flexibility instructional scramble casino tumor decorate sort charge pulse equivalent fixed experienced donation diary sibling irony spoon midst alley upset interact soap cute rival short-term punch pin hockey passing persist supplier known momentum purse shed liquid icon elephant consequently legislature associate franchise correctly mentally foster bicycle encouraging cheat access heal fever filter rabbit coin exploit accessible organism sensation partially stay upstairs dried minimum pro conservation shove backyard charter stove consent comprise reminder alike placement dough grandchild dam reportedly well-known surrounding ecological outfit unprecedented columnist workout preliminary patent shy quote trash disabled gross damn hormone texture counter pencil associate frontier spray bet disclose custody banker beast interfere oak case eighth notebook outline gaze attendance speculation uncover behalf innovative shark reward mill installation stimulate tag vertical swimming fleet catalog outsider sacrifice desperately stance compel sensitivity someday instant debut proclaim worldwide hike required confrontation colorful ideal constitution trainer Thanksgiving scent stack eyebrow sack cease inherit tray pioneer organizational textbook uh nasty shrink model emerging dot wheat fierce envision rational kingdom aisle weaken protocol exclusively vocal marketplace openly unfair terrain deploy risky pasta genre distract merit planner depressed chunk closest discount no ladder jungle migration breathing invade hurricane retailer classify wound coup aid ambassador density supportive curiosity skip aggression stimulus journalism robot flood dip likewise informal Persian feather sphere tighten boast pat perceived sole publicity major unfold joke well-being validity ecosystem strictly partial collar weed compliance streak supposedly added builder glimpse premise specialty deem artifact sneak monkey mentor two-thirds listener lightning legally sleeve disappointment disturb rib excessive high-tech debris pile rod logical liberal ash socially parish slavery blank commodity cure mineral hunger dying developmental faster spare halfway cure equality cemetery harassment deliberately fame regret striking likelihood carrot atop toll rim embarrassed fucking cling isolated blink suspicious wheelchair squad eligible processor plunge this sponsor grin color demographic rain chill refuge steer legislator rally programming cheer outlet intact vendor thrive peanut chew elaborate intellectual conception auction steak comply triumph shareholder comparable transport conscience calculation considerably interval scratch awake jurisdiction inevitably feminist constraint emotionally expedition allegedly compromise strain similarity butt lid dumb bulk sprinkle mortality philosophical conversion patron municipal any liver harmony solely tolerance instant goat arm blessing banana running palace formerly peasant neat grandparent lawmaker supermarket cruise mobile plain part calendar widow deposit beard brake downtown screening impulse forbid fur brutal predator poke opt voluntary trouble valid forum dancing happily soar removal autonomy enact round thread light landmark unhappy offender coming privately fraction distinctive tourism threshold calm routinely suite remark regulator straw theological apart exhaust globe fragile objection chemistry old-fashioned crowded circle blast prevail overnight denial rental fantastic fragment level screw warmth undergraduate liquid headache policeman yield projection battle suitable mention graduation drill cruel mansion regard grape authorize cottage driveway charm sexuality loyal clay pound balloon invention ego fare homework disc sofa guarantee availability radar frown regain leave permit sweater rehabilitation rubber retreat molecule freely favorable steadily veteran integrated ha youngster broadcast premium accountability overwhelm one-third contemplate update spark ironically fatigue beyond speculate marker low preach bucket bomb blond confession provoke marble substantially twist defender fish explicit transport disturbing surveillance magnetic technician mutter devastating depart arrow trauma neighboring soak ribbon meantime transmit screen harvest consecutive republican coordinate worldwide within spy slot riot nutrient citizenship severely sovereignty ridge brave lighting specify contributor frustrate crowd articulate importantly transit dense seminar electronics sunny shorts swell accusation soften photograph straighten terribly cue sudden bride biography hazard compelling seldom tile economically honestly troubled bow twentieth balanced foreigner launch convenience delight weave timber till accurately plea bulb copy flying sustainable devil bolt cargo spine seller skilled managing public marine dock organized fog diplomat boring sometime summary missionary epidemic fatal trim warehouse accelerate butterfly bronze drown inherent praise nationwide spit harvest kneel vacuum selected dictate stereotype sensor laundry manual pistol naval plaintiff kid middle-class apology till