mutation mutation hotspot somatic nucleotide purine pyrimidine adenine guanine cytosine thymine uracil gene locus protein encoding control region exon intron genetic code codon anticodon redundancy synonymous codons stop codons degenerate position repeated sequences transposable elements pseudogene processed pseudogene reverse transcription genetic marker haplotype gene mutations point mutation transition transversion synonymous mutation frameshift replication slippage meiotic recombination intragenic recombination gene conversion unequal crossing over transposable elements insertion sequence transposon retroelement chromosome mutations euploidy autopolyploidy allopolyploidy aneuploidy inversion pericentric paracentric translocation fission fusion acrocentric metacentric neutral nonsense missense silent neutral mutation rate phenotypic detection back mutation screening mutation accumulation species comparison molecular clock constraints random deterministic teleological allelic frequencies ratios allelic genotypic phenotypic ratios epigenetic inheritance polymorphic monomorphic concealed genetic variation fixation inbreeding depression linkage disequilibrium electrophoresis homeotic mutation recombination selection artificial selection natural selection directional selection selected for against fitness individual selection selection pressure adaptation crypsis cryptic stabilizing selection disruptive selection heterotic balance diversifying selection balanced polymorphism rare type advantage rare male advantage seasonal selection niche partitioning sexual selection male vs. female strategy mating systems monogamy polygamy simultaneous or sequential polygyny polyandry promiscuity intrasexual selection intersexual selection traits that are hinderance sexual dimorphism sex identification species identification role partitioning unselected consequence selection for viable mates courship dance handicap principle truth in advertising runaway selection sexy son hypothesis sexual selection and speciation sexual selection in humans individual selection kin selection inclusive fitness index of relatedness altruism apparent altruism eusociality haplodiploidy epideictic display satellite males rb>c altruism in humans coevolution coadaptation sequential evolution diffuse coevolution guild interliving symbiosis mutualism predation parasitism commensalism amensalism competition adaptive coloration adaptive significance crypsis eucrypsis homochromy disruptive coloration contershading protective resemblance bizarre pattern distraction mechanism pseudocephalism shock pattern aposematism advertisement of noxiousness mimicry pseudaposematism mimic model dupe behavioral Batesian mimicry olfactory Batesian mimicry synaposematism aggressive mimicry auditory aggressive mimicry olfactory aggressive mimicry pseudocopulation photomimicry molecular mimicry predator mimicry random phenomena genetic drift effective population size drunkard walk founders effect bottleneck effect neutralist vs. selectionist debate polymorphic enzyme loci neutral alleles small vs. large populations effectively neutral neutral theory kv substitution rate null model of mutation mutation fraction of neutral mutation UT influences on neutral mutation rate functional constraints base pair position in codon population size coding DNA molecular clock time in generations evidence for against neutral theory species biological species concept evolutionary species concept typological species concept speciation reproductive isolation mechanisms prezygotic IM habitat IM behavioral IM seasonal IM morphological IM gamete mortality postzygotic IM zygote early mortality hybrid inviability hybrid sterility meiotic failure abnormal sperm hybrid breakdown hybrid floral isolation geographic allopatric speciation panmictic pop. geographic barrier NS operates differently reproductive isolation test of sympatry allopatric allotopic sympatric syntopic dichopatry parapatry sister groups isolation on islands dumbbell model peripheral isolate model parapatric speciation clinal variation hybrid zone sympatric speciation allopolyploidy allophagic allochronic other species concepts: evolutionary morphological phenetic phylogenetic recognition cohesion ecological character displacement ecological reproductive introgressive hybridization sister species sibling species cryptic species adaptive radiation geographic variation clinal variation discontinuous variation chaotic variation concordant variation subspecies race semispecies strain breed etc. intergrade zone of intergradation subspeciation monotypic range high vagility variation garden experimient plasticity of test not evolutionary developmental biology interdisciplinary evolution of biodiversity homeotic genes homeobox homeodomain regulatory enhancers spatio-temporal effects genetic model species knock out gene transfer in situ hybridization antibody detection reporter construct analysis conserved vs. evolved traits biological homology concept homologous analogous evolutionarily conserved pathways heterochrony recapitulation acceleration hypermophosis paedomorphosis progenesis neoteny developmental constraints antennapedia colinearity eon era period epoch precambrian first life anaerobic aerobic cyanobacteria photosynthesis microfossils stromatolites endosymbiotic origin of eukaryotes first multicellular organisms systematics phylogeny classification namenclature taxon taxa taxonomic level species genus genera family order class phylum kingdom domain sub- super- infra- tribe reasons for differences divergent evolution patterns of extinction extinction mass extinction factors influencing likelihood of extinction rates of evolution horotely bradytely tachytely reasons for similarity common ancestry convergent evolution parallel evolution mimicry homologous analogous homoplasy fossil record fossilization plesiomorphic apomorphic symplesiomorphic synapomorphic autapomorphic rule of majority outgroup comparison embryological evidence dendogram phylogram cladogram phenogram chronogram anagenesis cladogenesis phenetic systematics numerical taxonomy cladistic systematics evolutionary systematics sister groups clade monophyletic holophyletic paraphyletic polyphyletic hypothetical taxonomic unit rules of nomenclature international commission of zoological nomenclature international commission of botanical nomenclature code of nomenclature provisions scope starting point uninomen binomen trinomen availability synonym homonym latin neolatin nomen conservandum nomina conservanda nomen oblitum description tautonym authorship nominate coordinate categories patronym nominate adjectival singular plural geographical epithet revision rule of parsimony deme