#!/usr/bin/env bash # # This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. # # This software is provided for the purpose of reasonable personal use of # the Google Translate service, i.e., for those who prefer command line to # web interface. For other purposes, please refer to the official Google # Translate API . # # By using this software, you ("the user") are aware that: # # 1. Google Translate is a proprietary service provided and owned by # Google Inc. # # 2. Translate Shell is NOT a Google product. Neither this software nor # its author is affiliated with Google Inc. # # 3. The software is provided "AS IS", without warranty of any kind, # express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of # merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In # no event shall the authors be liable for any claim, damages or other # liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising # from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other # dealings in the software. # if ! [[ $LANG =~ '[UTF|utf]-?8$' ]]; then export LANG=en_US.UTF-8; fi read -r -d '' TRANS_PROGRAM << 'EOF' BEGIN { Name = "Translate Shell" Description = "Google Translate to serve as a command-line tool" Version = "" ReleaseDate = "2015-12-18" Command = "trans" EntryPoint = "translate.awk" } function initConst() { NULLSTR = "" STDIN = "/dev/stdin" STDOUT = "/dev/stdout" STDERR = "/dev/stderr" SUPOUT = " > /dev/null " SUPERR = " 2> /dev/null " PIPE = " | " } function anything(array, i) { for (i in array) if (array[i]) return 1 return 0 } function exists(value) { if (isarray(value)) return anything(value) else return value ? 1 : 0 } function belongsTo(element, array, i) { for (i in array) if (element == array[i]) return element return NULLSTR } function identical(x, y, i) { if (!isarray(x) && !isarray(y)) return x == y else if (isarray(x) && isarray(y)) { if (length(x) != length(y)) return 0 for (i in x) if (!identical(x[i], y[i])) return 0 return 1 } else return 0 } function append(array, element) { array[anything(array) ? length(array) : 0] = element } function isnum(string) { return string == string + 0 } function startsWithAny(string, substrings, i) { for (i in substrings) if (index(string, substrings[i]) == 1) return substrings[i] return NULLSTR } function matchesAny(string, patterns, i) { for (i in patterns) if (string ~ "^" patterns[i]) return patterns[i] return NULLSTR } function replicate(string, len, i, temp) { temp = NULLSTR for (i = 0; i < len; i++) temp = temp string return temp } function join(array, separator, sortedIn, preserveNull, i, j, saveSortedIn, temp) { if (!separator) separator = " " if (!sortedIn) sortedIn = "@ind_num_asc" temp = NULLSTR j = 0 if (isarray(array)) { saveSortedIn = PROCINFO["sorted_in"] PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = sortedIn for (i in array) if (preserveNull || array[i] != NULLSTR) temp = j++ ? temp separator array[i] : array[i] PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = saveSortedIn } else temp = array return temp } function explode(string, array) { split(string, array, NULLSTR) } function escapeChar(char) { switch (char) { case "b": return "\b" case "f": return "\f" case "n": return "\n" case "r": return "\r" case "t": return "\t" case "v": return "\v" case "u0026": return "&" default: return char } } function literal(string, c, cc, escaping, i, s) { if (string !~ /^".*"$/) return string explode(string, s) string = NULLSTR escaping = 0 for (i = 2; i < length(s); i++) { c = s[i] if (escaping) { if (cc) { cc = cc c if (length(cc) == 5) { string = string escapeChar(cc) escaping = 0 cc = NULLSTR } } else if (c == "u") { cc = c } else { string = string escapeChar(c) escaping = 0 } } else { if (c == "\\") escaping = 1 else string = string c } } return string } function escape(string) { gsub(/\\/, "\\\\", string) gsub(/"/, "\\\"", string) return string } function parameterize(string, quotationMark) { if (!quotationMark) quotationMark = "'" if (quotationMark == "'") { gsub(/'/, "'\\''", string) return "'" string "'" } else { return "\"" escape(string) "\"" } } function toString(value, inline, heredoc, valOnly, numSub, level, sortedIn, i, items, j, k, p, saveSortedIn, temp, v) { if (!level) level = 0 if (!sortedIn) sortedIn = "@ind_num_asc" if (isarray(value)) { saveSortedIn = PROCINFO["sorted_in"] PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = sortedIn p = 0 for (i in value) { split(i, j, SUBSEP); k = join(j, ",") if (!numSub || !isnum(k)) k = parameterize(k, "\"") v = toString(value[i], inline, heredoc, valOnly, numSub, level + 1, sortedIn) if (!isarray(value[i])) v = parameterize(v, "\"") if (valOnly) items[p++] = inline ? v : (replicate("\t", level) v) else items[p++] = inline ? (k ": " v) : (replicate("\t", level) k "\t" v) } PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = saveSortedIn temp = inline ? join(items, ", ") : ("\n" join(items, "\n") "\n" replicate("\t", level)) temp = valOnly ? ("[" temp "]") : ("{" temp "}") return temp } else { if (heredoc) return "'''\n" value "\n'''" else return value } } function squeeze(line, preserveIndent) { if (!preserveIndent) gsub(/^[[:space:]]+/, NULLSTR, line) gsub(/^[[:space:]]*#.*$/, NULLSTR, line) gsub(/#[^"/]*$/, NULLSTR, line) gsub(/[[:space:]]+$/, NULLSTR, line) gsub(/[[:space:]]+\\$/, "\\", line) return line } function yn(string) { return (tolower(string) ~ /^([0fn]|off)/) ? 0 : 1 } function initAnsiCode() { if (ENVIRON["TERM"] == "dumb") return AnsiCode["reset"] = AnsiCode[0] = "\33[0m" AnsiCode["bold"] = "\33[1m" AnsiCode["underline"] = "\33[4m" AnsiCode["negative"] = "\33[7m" AnsiCode["no bold"] = "\33[22m" AnsiCode["no underline"] = "\33[24m" AnsiCode["positive"] = "\33[27m" AnsiCode["black"] = "\33[30m" AnsiCode["red"] = "\33[31m" AnsiCode["green"] = "\33[32m" AnsiCode["yellow"] = "\33[33m" AnsiCode["blue"] = "\33[34m" AnsiCode["magenta"] = "\33[35m" AnsiCode["cyan"] = "\33[36m" AnsiCode["gray"] = "\33[37m" AnsiCode["default"] = "\33[39m" AnsiCode["dark gray"] = "\33[90m" AnsiCode["light red"] = "\33[91m" AnsiCode["light green"] = "\33[92m" AnsiCode["light yellow"] = "\33[93m" AnsiCode["light blue"] = "\33[94m" AnsiCode["light magenta"] = "\33[95m" AnsiCode["light cyan"] = "\33[96m" AnsiCode["white"] = "\33[97m" } function ansi(code, text) { switch (code) { case "bold": return AnsiCode[code] text AnsiCode["no bold"] case "underline": return AnsiCode[code] text AnsiCode["no underline"] case "negative": return AnsiCode[code] text AnsiCode["positive"] default: return AnsiCode[code] text AnsiCode[0] } } function w(text) { print ansi("yellow", text) > STDERR } function e(text) { print ansi("bold", ansi("yellow", text)) > STDERR } function wtf(text) { print ansi("bold", ansi("red", text)) > STDERR } function d(text) { print ansi("gray", text) > STDERR } function da(value, name, inline, heredoc, valOnly, numSub, sortedIn, i, j, saveSortedIn) { if (!name) name = "_" if (!sortedIn) sortedIn = "@ind_num_asc" d(name " = " toString(value, inline, heredoc, valOnly, numSub, 0, sortedIn)) } function assert(x, message) { if (!message) message = "[ERROR] Assertion failed." if (x) return x else e(message) } function initUrlEncoding() { UrlEncoding["\n"] = "%0A" UrlEncoding[" "] = "%20" UrlEncoding["!"] = "%21" UrlEncoding["\""] = "%22" UrlEncoding["#"] = "%23" UrlEncoding["$"] = "%24" UrlEncoding["%"] = "%25" UrlEncoding["&"] = "%26" UrlEncoding["'"] = "%27" UrlEncoding["("] = "%28" UrlEncoding[")"] = "%29" UrlEncoding["*"] = "%2A" UrlEncoding["+"] = "%2B" UrlEncoding[","] = "%2C" UrlEncoding["-"] = "%2D" UrlEncoding["."] = "%2E" UrlEncoding["/"] = "%2F" UrlEncoding[":"] = "%3A" UrlEncoding[";"] = "%3B" UrlEncoding["<"] = "%3C" UrlEncoding["="] = "%3D" UrlEncoding[">"] = "%3E" UrlEncoding["?"] = "%3F" UrlEncoding["@"] = "%40" UrlEncoding["["] = "%5B" UrlEncoding["\\"] = "%5C" UrlEncoding["]"] = "%5D" UrlEncoding["^"] = "%5E" UrlEncoding["_"] = "%5F" UrlEncoding["`"] = "%60" UrlEncoding["{"] = "%7B" UrlEncoding["|"] = "%7C" UrlEncoding["}"] = "%7D" UrlEncoding["~"] = "%7E" } function quote(string, i, r, s) { r = NULLSTR explode(string, s) for (i = 1; i <= length(s); i++) r = r (s[i] in UrlEncoding ? UrlEncoding[s[i]] : s[i]) return r } function initUriSchemes() { UriSchemes[0] = "file://" UriSchemes[1] = "http://" UriSchemes[2] = "https://" } function readFrom(file, line, text) { if (!file) file = "/dev/stdin" text = NULLSTR while (getline line < file) text = (text ? text "\n" : NULLSTR) line return text } function writeTo(text, file) { if (!file) file = "/dev/stdout" print text > file } function getOutput(command, content, line) { content = NULLSTR while ((command |& getline line) > 0) content = (content ? content "\n" : NULLSTR) line return content } function fileExists(file) { return !system("test -f " parameterize(file)) } function dirExists(file) { return !system("test -d " parameterize(file)) } function detectProgram(prog, arg, returnOutput, temp) { if (returnOutput) { prog " " arg SUPERR | getline temp return temp } else return (prog " " arg SUPERR | getline) ? prog : NULLSTR } function getGitHead( line, group) { if (fileExists(".git/HEAD")) { getline line < ".git/HEAD" match(line, /^ref: (.*)$/, group) if (fileExists(".git/" group[1])) { getline line < (".git/" group[1]) return substr(line, 1, 7) } else return NULLSTR } else return NULLSTR } BEGIN { initConst() initAnsiCode() initUrlEncoding() initUriSchemes() } function initGawk( group) { Gawk = "gawk" GawkVersion = PROCINFO["version"] split(PROCINFO["version"], group, ".") if (group[1] < 4) { e("[ERROR] Oops! Your gawk (version " GawkVersion ") "\ "appears to be too old.\n"\ " You need at least gawk 4.0.0 to run this program.") exit 1 } } function initBiDi() { FriBidi = detectProgram("fribidi", "--version", 1) BiDiNoPad = FriBidi ? "fribidi --nopad" : "rev" BiDi = FriBidi ? "fribidi --width %s" : "rev | sed \"s/'/\\\\\\'/\" | xargs printf '%%s '" } function initRlwrap() { Rlwrap = detectProgram("rlwrap", "--version") } function initEmacs() { Emacs = detectProgram("emacs", "--version") } function initCurl() { Curl = detectProgram("curl", "--version") } function l(value, name, inline, heredoc, valOnly, numSub, sortedIn) { if (Option["debug"]) { if (name) da(value, name, inline, heredoc, valOnly, numSub, sortedIn) else d(value) } } function m(string) { if (Option["debug"]) return ansi("cyan", string) RS } function newerVersion(ver1, ver2, i, group1, group2) { split(ver1, group1, ".") split(ver2, group2, ".") for (i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { if (group1[i] + 0 > group2[i] + 0) return 1 else if (group1[i] + 0 < group2[i] + 0) return 0 } return 0 } function rlwrapMe( i, command) { initRlwrap() if (!Rlwrap) { l(">> not found: rlwrap") return 1 } else if (!(ENVIRON["TRANS_PROGRAM"] || fileExists(EntryPoint))) { l(">> not found: $TRANS_PROGRAM or EntryPoint") return 1 } else { command = Rlwrap " " Gawk " " (ENVIRON["TRANS_PROGRAM"] ? "\"${TRANS_PROGRAM}\"" : "-f " EntryPoint)\ " - " parameterize("-no-rlwrap") for (i = 1; i < length(ARGV); i++) if (ARGV[i]) command = command " " parameterize(ARGV[i]) l(">> forking: " command) if (!system(command)) { l(">> process exited with code 0") exit ExitCode } else { l(">> process exited with non-zero return code") return 1 } } } function emacsMe( i, params, el, command) { initEmacs() if (!Emacs) { l(">> not found: emacs") return 1 } else if (!(ENVIRON["TRANS_PROGRAM"] || fileExists(EntryPoint))) { l(">> not found: $TRANS_PROGRAM or EntryPoint") return 1 } else { params = "" for (i = 1; i < length(ARGV); i++) if (ARGV[i]) params = params " " parameterize(ARGV[i], "\"") if (ENVIRON["TRANS_PROGRAM"]) { el = "(progn (setq trans-program (getenv \"TRANS_PROGRAM\")) "\ "(setq explicit-shell-file-name \"" Gawk "\") "\ "(setq explicit-" Gawk "-args (cons trans-program '(\"-\" \"-I\" \"-no-rlwrap\"" params "))) "\ "(command-execute 'shell) (rename-buffer \"" Name "\"))" } else { el = "(progn (setq explicit-shell-file-name \"" Gawk "\") "\ "(setq explicit-" Gawk "-args '(\"-f\" \"" EntryPoint "\" \"--\" \"-I\" \"-no-rlwrap\"" params ")) "\ "(command-execute 'shell) (rename-buffer \"" Name "\"))" } command = Emacs " --eval " parameterize(el) l(">> forking: " command) if (!system(command)) { l(">> process exited with code 0") exit ExitCode } else { l(">> process exited with non-zero return code") return 1 } } } function curl(url, command, content, line) { initCurl() if (!Curl) { l(">> not found: curl") w("[WARNING] curl is not found.") return NULLSTR } else { command = Curl " --location --silent " url content = NULLSTR while ((command |& getline line) > 0) content = (content ? content "\n" : NULLSTR) line return content } } function dump(text, group, command, temp) { command = "hexdump" " -v -e'1/1 \"%03u\" \" \"'" ("echo " parameterize(text) PIPE command) | getline temp split(temp, group, " ") return length(group) - 1 } function genRL(a, x, b, c, d, i, y) { tokenize(y, x) parseList(b, y) i = SUBSEP 0 for (c = 0; c < length(b[i]) - 2; c += 3) { d = b[i][c + 2] d = d >= 97 ? d - 87 : d - 48 d = b[i][c + 1] == 43 ? rshift(a, d) : lshift(a, d) a = b[i][c] == 43 ? and(a + d, 4294967295) : xor(a, d) } return a } function genTK(text, a, d, dLen, e, tkk, ub, vb) { if (TK[text]) return TK[text] tkk = systime() / 3600 ub = "[43,45,51,94,43,98,43,45,102]" vb = "[43,45,97,94,43,54]" dLen = dump(text, d) a = tkk for (e = 1; e <= dLen; e++) a = genRL(a + d[e], vb) a = genRL(a, ub) 0 > a && (a = and(a, 2147483647) + 2147483648) a %= 1e6 TK[text] = a "." xor(a, tkk) l(text, "text") l(tkk, "tkk") l(TK[text], "tk") return TK[text] } function initLocale( i) { Locale["am"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["am"]["name"] = "Amharic" Locale["am"]["endonym"] = "አማርኛ" Locale["am"]["family"] = "Afro-Asiatic" Locale["am"]["iso"] = "amh" Locale["am"]["glotto"] = "amha1245" Locale["am"]["script"] = "Ethi" Locale["as"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["as"]["name"] = "Assamese" Locale["as"]["endonym"] = "অসমীয়া" Locale["as"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["as"]["iso"] = "asm" Locale["as"]["glotto"] = "assa1263" Locale["as"]["script"] = "Beng" Locale["ba"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["ba"]["name"] = "Bashkir" Locale["ba"]["endonym"] = "башҡорт теле" Locale["ba"]["family"] = "Turkic" Locale["ba"]["iso"] = "bak" Locale["ba"]["glotto"] = "bash1264" Locale["ba"]["script"] = "Cyrl" Locale["br"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["br"]["name"] = "Breton" Locale["br"]["endonym"] = "Brezhoneg" Locale["br"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["br"]["iso"] = "bre" Locale["br"]["glotto"] = "bret1244" Locale["br"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["co"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["co"]["name"] = "Corsican" Locale["co"]["endonym"] = "Corsu" Locale["co"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["co"]["iso"] = "cos" Locale["co"]["glotto"] = "cors1242" Locale["co"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["dz"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["dz"]["name"] = "Dzongkha" Locale["dz"]["endonym"] = "རྫོང་ཁ" Locale["dz"]["family"] = "Sino-Tibetan" Locale["dz"]["iso"] = "dzo" Locale["dz"]["glotto"] = "nucl1307" Locale["dz"]["script"] = "Tibt" Locale["fo"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["fo"]["name"] = "Faroese" Locale["fo"]["endonym"] = "Føroyskt" Locale["fo"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["fo"]["iso"] = "fao" Locale["fo"]["glotto"] = "faro1244" Locale["fo"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["fj"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["fj"]["name"] = "Fijian" Locale["fj"]["endonym"] = "Vosa Vakaviti" Locale["fj"]["family"] = "Austronesian" Locale["fj"]["iso"] = "fij" Locale["fj"]["glotto"] = "fiji1243" Locale["fj"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["gn"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["gn"]["name"] = "Guarani" Locale["gn"]["endonym"] = "Avañe'ẽ" Locale["gn"]["family"] = "Tupian" Locale["gn"]["iso"] = "grn" Locale["gn"]["glotto"] = "para1311" Locale["gn"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["ie"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["ie"]["name"] = "Interlingue" Locale["ie"]["endonym"] = "Interlingue" Locale["ie"]["family"] = "Artificial Language" Locale["ie"]["iso"] = "ile" Locale["ie"]["glotto"] = "occi1241" Locale["ie"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["rw"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["rw"]["name"] = "Kinyarwanda" Locale["rw"]["endonym"] = "Ikinyarwanda" Locale["rw"]["family"] = "Atlantic-Congo" Locale["rw"]["iso"] = "kin" Locale["rw"]["glotto"] = "kiny1244" Locale["rw"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["ky"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["ky"]["name"] = "Kyrgyz" Locale["ky"]["endonym"] = "Кыргызча" Locale["ky"]["family"] = "Turkic" Locale["ky"]["iso"] = "kir" Locale["ky"]["glotto"] = "kirg1245" Locale["ky"]["script"] = "Cyrl" Locale["ku"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["ku"]["name"] = "Kurdish" Locale["ku"]["endonym"] = "Kurdî" Locale["ku"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["ku"]["iso"] = "kur" Locale["ku"]["glotto"] = "kurd1259" Locale["ku"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["lb"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["lb"]["name"] = "Luxembourgish" Locale["lb"]["endonym"] = "Lëtzebuergesch" Locale["lb"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["lb"]["iso"] = "ltz" Locale["lb"]["glotto"] = "luxe1241" Locale["lb"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["oc"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["oc"]["name"] = "Occitan" Locale["oc"]["endonym"] = "Occitan" Locale["oc"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["oc"]["iso"] = "oci" Locale["oc"]["glotto"] = "occi1239" Locale["oc"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["om"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["om"]["name"] = "Oromo" Locale["om"]["endonym"] = "Afaan Oromoo" Locale["om"]["family"] = "Afro-Asiatic" Locale["om"]["iso"] = "orm" Locale["om"]["glotto"] = "nucl1736" Locale["om"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["or"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["or"]["name"] = "Oriya" Locale["or"]["endonym"] = "ଓଡ଼ିଆ" Locale["or"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["or"]["iso"] = "ori" Locale["or"]["glotto"] = "macr1269" Locale["or"]["script"] = "Orya" Locale["ps"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["ps"]["name"] = "Pashto" Locale["ps"]["endonym"] = "پښتو" Locale["ps"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["ps"]["iso"] = "pus" Locale["ps"]["glotto"] = "pash1269" Locale["ps"]["script"] = "Arab" Locale["ps"]["rtl"] = "true" Locale["rm"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["rm"]["name"] = "Romansh" Locale["rm"]["endonym"] = "Rumantsch" Locale["rm"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["rm"]["iso"] = "roh" Locale["rm"]["glotto"] = "roma1326" Locale["rm"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["sd"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["sd"]["name"] = "Sindhi" Locale["sd"]["endonym"] = "سنڌي" Locale["sd"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["sd"]["iso"] = "snd" Locale["sd"]["glotto"] = "sind1272" Locale["sd"]["script"] = "Arab" Locale["sd"]["rtl"] = "true" Locale["sm"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["sm"]["name"] = "Samoan" Locale["sm"]["endonym"] = "Gagana Sāmoa" Locale["sm"]["family"] = "Austronesian" Locale["sm"]["iso"] = "smo" Locale["sm"]["glotto"] = "samo1305" Locale["sm"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["gd"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["gd"]["name"] = "Scottish Gaelic" Locale["gd"]["endonym"] = "Gàidhlig" Locale["gd"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["gd"]["iso"] = "gla" Locale["gd"]["glotto"] = "scot1245" Locale["gd"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["sn"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["sn"]["name"] = "Shona" Locale["sn"]["endonym"] = "chiShona" Locale["sn"]["family"] = "Atlantic-Congo" Locale["sn"]["iso"] = "sna" Locale["sn"]["glotto"] = "core1255" Locale["sn"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["ti"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["ti"]["name"] = "Tigrinya" Locale["ti"]["endonym"] = "ትግርኛ" Locale["ti"]["family"] = "Afro-Asiatic" Locale["ti"]["iso"] = "tir" Locale["ti"]["glotto"] = "tigr1271" Locale["ti"]["script"] = "Ethi" Locale["bo"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["bo"]["name"] = "Tibetan" Locale["bo"]["endonym"] = "བོད་ཡིག" Locale["bo"]["family"] = "Sino-Tibetan" Locale["bo"]["iso"] = "bod" Locale["bo"]["glotto"] = "tibe1272" Locale["bo"]["script"] = "Tibt" Locale["tk"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["tk"]["name"] = "Turkmen" Locale["tk"]["endonym"] = "Türkmen" Locale["tk"]["family"] = "Turkic" Locale["tk"]["iso"] = "tuk" Locale["tk"]["glotto"] = "turk1304" Locale["tk"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["tt"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["tt"]["name"] = "Tatar" Locale["tt"]["endonym"] = "татарча" Locale["tt"]["family"] = "Turkic" Locale["tt"]["iso"] = "tat" Locale["tt"]["glotto"] = "tata1255" Locale["tt"]["script"] = "Cyrl" Locale["ug"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["ug"]["name"] = "Uyghur" Locale["ug"]["endonym"] = "ئۇيغۇر تىلى" Locale["ug"]["family"] = "Turkic" Locale["ug"]["iso"] = "uig" Locale["ug"]["glotto"] = "uigh1240" Locale["ug"]["script"] = "Arab" Locale["ug"]["rtl"] = "true" Locale["vo"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["vo"]["name"] = "Volapük" Locale["vo"]["endonym"] = "Volapük" Locale["vo"]["family"] = "Artificial Language" Locale["vo"]["iso"] = "vol" Locale["vo"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["wo"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["wo"]["name"] = "Wolof" Locale["wo"]["endonym"] = "Wollof" Locale["wo"]["family"] = "Atlantic-Congo" Locale["wo"]["iso"] = "wol" Locale["wo"]["glotto"] = "wolo1247" Locale["wo"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["fy"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["fy"]["name"] = "Western Frisian" Locale["fy"]["endonym"] = "Frysk" Locale["fy"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["fy"]["iso"] = "fry" Locale["fy"]["glotto"] = "west2354" Locale["fy"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["xh"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["xh"]["name"] = "Xhosa" Locale["xh"]["endonym"] = "isiXhosa" Locale["xh"]["family"] = "Atlantic-Congo" Locale["xh"]["iso"] = "xho" Locale["xh"]["glotto"] = "xhos1239" Locale["xh"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["chr"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["chr"]["name"] = "Cherokee" Locale["chr"]["endonym"] = "ᏣᎳᎩ" Locale["chr"]["family"] = "Iroquoian" Locale["chr"]["iso"] = "chr" Locale["chr"]["glotto"] = "cher1273" Locale["chr"]["script"] = "Cher" Locale["haw"]["support"] = "unstable" Locale["haw"]["name"] = "Hawaiian" Locale["haw"]["endonym"] = "ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi" Locale["haw"]["family"] = "Austronesian" Locale["haw"]["iso"] = "haw" Locale["haw"]["glotto"] = "hawa1245" Locale["haw"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["af"]["name"] = "Afrikaans" Locale["af"]["endonym"] = "Afrikaans" Locale["af"]["translations-of"] = "Vertalings van %s" Locale["af"]["definitions-of"] = "Definisies van %s" Locale["af"]["synonyms"] = "Sinonieme" Locale["af"]["examples"] = "Voorbeelde" Locale["af"]["see-also"] = "Sien ook" Locale["af"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["af"]["iso"] = "afr" Locale["af"]["glotto"] = "afri1274" Locale["af"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["sq"]["name"] = "Albanian" Locale["sq"]["endonym"] = "Shqip" Locale["sq"]["translations-of"] = "Përkthimet e %s" Locale["sq"]["definitions-of"] = "Përkufizime të %s" Locale["sq"]["synonyms"] = "Sinonime" Locale["sq"]["examples"] = "Shembuj" Locale["sq"]["see-also"] = "Shihni gjithashtu" Locale["sq"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["sq"]["iso"] = "sqi" Locale["sq"]["glotto"] = "alba1267" Locale["sq"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["ar"]["name"] = "Arabic" Locale["ar"]["endonym"] = "العربية" Locale["ar"]["translations-of"] = "ترجمات %s" Locale["ar"]["definitions-of"] = "تعريفات %s" Locale["ar"]["synonyms"] = "مرادفات" Locale["ar"]["examples"] = "أمثلة" Locale["ar"]["see-also"] = "انظر أيضًا" Locale["ar"]["family"] = "Afro-Asiatic" Locale["ar"]["iso"] = "ara" Locale["ar"]["glotto"] = "stan1318" Locale["ar"]["script"] = "Arab" Locale["ar"]["rtl"] = "true" Locale["hy"]["name"] = "Armenian" Locale["hy"]["endonym"] = "Հայերեն" Locale["hy"]["translations-of"] = "%s-ի թարգմանությունները" Locale["hy"]["definitions-of"] = "%s-ի սահմանումները" Locale["hy"]["synonyms"] = "Հոմանիշներ" Locale["hy"]["examples"] = "Օրինակներ" Locale["hy"]["see-also"] = "Տես նաև" Locale["hy"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["hy"]["iso"] = "hye" Locale["hy"]["glotto"] = "nucl1235" Locale["hy"]["script"] = "Armn" Locale["az"]["name"] = "Azerbaijani" Locale["az"]["endonym"] = "Azərbaycanca" Locale["az"]["translations-of"] = "%s sözünün tərcüməsi" Locale["az"]["definitions-of"] = "%s sözünün tərifləri" Locale["az"]["synonyms"] = "Sinonimlər" Locale["az"]["examples"] = "Nümunələr" Locale["az"]["see-also"] = "Həmçinin, baxın:" Locale["az"]["family"] = "Turkic" Locale["az"]["iso"] = "aze" Locale["az"]["glotto"] = "nort2697" Locale["az"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["eu"]["name"] = "Basque" Locale["eu"]["endonym"] = "Euskara" Locale["eu"]["translations-of"] = "%s esapidearen itzulpena" Locale["eu"]["definitions-of"] = "Honen definizioak: %s" Locale["eu"]["synonyms"] = "Sinonimoak" Locale["eu"]["examples"] = "Adibideak" Locale["eu"]["see-also"] = "Ikusi hauek ere" Locale["eu"]["family"] = "Language Isolate" Locale["eu"]["iso"] = "eus" Locale["eu"]["glotto"] = "basq1248" Locale["eu"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["be"]["name"] = "Belarusian" Locale["be"]["endonym"] = "беларуская" Locale["be"]["translations-of"] = "Пераклады %s" Locale["be"]["definitions-of"] = "Вызначэннi %s" Locale["be"]["synonyms"] = "Сінонімы" Locale["be"]["examples"] = "Прыклады" Locale["be"]["see-also"] = "Гл. таксама" Locale["be"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["be"]["iso"] = "bel" Locale["be"]["glotto"] = "bela1254" Locale["be"]["script"] = "Cyrl" Locale["bn"]["name"] = "Bengali" Locale["bn"]["endonym"] = "বাংলা" Locale["bn"]["translations-of"] = "%s এর অনুবাদ" Locale["bn"]["definitions-of"] = "%s এর সংজ্ঞা" Locale["bn"]["synonyms"] = "প্রতিশব্দ" Locale["bn"]["examples"] = "উদাহরণ" Locale["bn"]["see-also"] = "আরো দেখুন" Locale["bn"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["bn"]["iso"] = "ben" Locale["bn"]["glotto"] = "beng1280" Locale["bn"]["script"] = "Beng" Locale["bs"]["name"] = "Bosnian" Locale["bs"]["endonym"] = "Bosanski" Locale["bs"]["translations-of"] = "Prijevod za: %s" Locale["bs"]["definitions-of"] = "Definicije za %s" Locale["bs"]["synonyms"] = "Sinonimi" Locale["bs"]["examples"] = "Primjeri" Locale["bs"]["see-also"] = "Pogledajte i" Locale["bs"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["bs"]["iso"] = "bos" Locale["bs"]["glotto"] = "bosn1245" Locale["bs"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["bg"]["name"] = "Bulgarian" Locale["bg"]["endonym"] = "български" Locale["bg"]["translations-of"] = "Преводи на %s" Locale["bg"]["definitions-of"] = "Дефиниции за %s" Locale["bg"]["synonyms"] = "Синоними" Locale["bg"]["examples"] = "Примери" Locale["bg"]["see-also"] = "Вижте също" Locale["bg"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["bg"]["iso"] = "bul" Locale["bg"]["glotto"] = "bulg1262" Locale["bg"]["script"] = "Cyrl" Locale["ca"]["name"] = "Catalan" Locale["ca"]["endonym"] = "Català" Locale["ca"]["translations-of"] = "Traduccions per a %s" Locale["ca"]["definitions-of"] = "Definicions de: %s" Locale["ca"]["synonyms"] = "Sinònims" Locale["ca"]["examples"] = "Exemples" Locale["ca"]["see-also"] = "Vegeu també" Locale["ca"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["ca"]["iso"] = "cat" Locale["ca"]["glotto"] = "stan1289" Locale["ca"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["ceb"]["name"] = "Cebuano" Locale["ceb"]["endonym"] = "Cebuano" Locale["ceb"]["translations-of"] = "%s Mga Paghubad sa PULONG_O_HUGPONG SA PAMULONG" Locale["ceb"]["definitions-of"] = "Mga kahulugan sa %s" Locale["ceb"]["synonyms"] = "Mga Kapulong" Locale["ceb"]["examples"] = "Mga pananglitan:" Locale["ceb"]["see-also"] = "Kitaa pag-usab" Locale["ceb"]["family"] = "Austronesian" Locale["ceb"]["iso"] = "ceb" Locale["ceb"]["glotto"] = "cebu1242" Locale["ceb"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["ny"]["name"] = "Chichewa" Locale["ny"]["endonym"] = "Nyanja" Locale["ny"]["translations-of"] = "Matanthauzidwe a %s" Locale["ny"]["definitions-of"] = "Mamasulidwe a %s" Locale["ny"]["synonyms"] = "Mau ofanana" Locale["ny"]["examples"] = "Zitsanzo" Locale["ny"]["see-also"] = "Onaninso" Locale["ny"]["family"] = "Atlantic-Congo" Locale["ny"]["iso"] = "nya" Locale["ny"]["glotto"] = "nyan1308" Locale["ny"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["zh-CN"]["name"] = "Chinese Simplified" Locale["zh-CN"]["endonym"] = "简体中文" Locale["zh-CN"]["translations-of"] = "%s 的翻译" Locale["zh-CN"]["definitions-of"] = "%s的定义" Locale["zh-CN"]["synonyms"] = "同义词" Locale["zh-CN"]["examples"] = "示例" Locale["zh-CN"]["see-also"] = "另请参阅" Locale["zh-CN"]["family"] = "Sino-Tibetan" Locale["zh-CN"]["iso"] = "zho-CN" Locale["zh-CN"]["glotto"] = "mand1415" Locale["zh-CN"]["script"] = "Hans" Locale["zh-CN"]["dictionary"] = "true" Locale["zh-TW"]["name"] = "Chinese Traditional" Locale["zh-TW"]["endonym"] = "正體中文" Locale["zh-TW"]["translations-of"] = "「%s」的翻譯" Locale["zh-TW"]["definitions-of"] = "「%s」的定義" Locale["zh-TW"]["synonyms"] = "同義詞" Locale["zh-TW"]["examples"] = "例句" Locale["zh-TW"]["see-also"] = "另請參閱" Locale["zh-TW"]["family"] = "Sino-Tibetan" Locale["zh-TW"]["iso"] = "zho-TW" Locale["zh-TW"]["glotto"] = "mand1415" Locale["zh-TW"]["script"] = "Hant" Locale["zh-TW"]["dictionary"] = "true" Locale["hr"]["name"] = "Croatian" Locale["hr"]["endonym"] = "Hrvatski" Locale["hr"]["translations-of"] = "Prijevodi riječi ili izraza %s" Locale["hr"]["definitions-of"] = "Definicije riječi ili izraza %s" Locale["hr"]["synonyms"] = "Sinonimi" Locale["hr"]["examples"] = "Primjeri" Locale["hr"]["see-also"] = "Također pogledajte" Locale["hr"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["hr"]["iso"] = "hrv" Locale["hr"]["glotto"] = "croa1245" Locale["hr"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["cs"]["name"] = "Czech" Locale["cs"]["endonym"] = "Čeština" Locale["cs"]["translations-of"] = "Překlad výrazu %s" Locale["cs"]["definitions-of"] = "Definice výrazu %s" Locale["cs"]["synonyms"] = "Synonyma" Locale["cs"]["examples"] = "Příklady" Locale["cs"]["see-also"] = "Viz také" Locale["cs"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["cs"]["iso"] = "ces" Locale["cs"]["glotto"] = "czec1258" Locale["cs"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["da"]["name"] = "Danish" Locale["da"]["endonym"] = "Dansk" Locale["da"]["translations-of"] = "Oversættelser af %s" Locale["da"]["definitions-of"] = "Definitioner af %s" Locale["da"]["synonyms"] = "Synonymer" Locale["da"]["examples"] = "Eksempler" Locale["da"]["see-also"] = "Se også" Locale["da"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["da"]["iso"] = "dan" Locale["da"]["glotto"] = "dani1285" Locale["da"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["nl"]["name"] = "Dutch" Locale["nl"]["endonym"] = "Nederlands" Locale["nl"]["translations-of"] = "Vertalingen van %s" Locale["nl"]["definitions-of"] = "Definities van %s" Locale["nl"]["synonyms"] = "Synoniemen" Locale["nl"]["examples"] = "Voorbeelden" Locale["nl"]["see-also"] = "Zie ook" Locale["nl"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["nl"]["iso"] = "nld" Locale["nl"]["glotto"] = "dutc1256" Locale["nl"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["nl"]["dictionary"] = "true" Locale["en"]["name"] = "English" Locale["en"]["endonym"] = "English" Locale["en"]["translations-of"] = "Translations of %s" Locale["en"]["definitions-of"] = "Definitions of %s" Locale["en"]["synonyms"] = "Synonyms" Locale["en"]["examples"] = "Examples" Locale["en"]["see-also"] = "See also" Locale["en"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["en"]["iso"] = "eng" Locale["en"]["glotto"] = "stan1293" Locale["en"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["en"]["dictionary"] = "true" Locale["eo"]["name"] = "Esperanto" Locale["eo"]["endonym"] = "Esperanto" Locale["eo"]["translations-of"] = "Tradukoj de %s" Locale["eo"]["definitions-of"] = "Difinoj de %s" Locale["eo"]["synonyms"] = "Sinonimoj" Locale["eo"]["examples"] = "Ekzemploj" Locale["eo"]["see-also"] = "Vidu ankaŭ" Locale["eo"]["family"] = "Artificial Language" Locale["eo"]["iso"] = "epo" Locale["eo"]["glotto"] = "espe1235" Locale["eo"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["et"]["name"] = "Estonian" Locale["et"]["endonym"] = "Eesti" Locale["et"]["translations-of"] = "Sõna(de) %s tõlked" Locale["et"]["definitions-of"] = "Sõna(de) %s definitsioonid" Locale["et"]["synonyms"] = "Sünonüümid" Locale["et"]["examples"] = "Näited" Locale["et"]["see-also"] = "Vt ka" Locale["et"]["family"] = "Uralic" Locale["et"]["iso"] = "est" Locale["et"]["glotto"] = "esto1258" Locale["et"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["tl"]["name"] = "Filipino" Locale["tl"]["endonym"] = "Tagalog" Locale["tl"]["translations-of"] = "Mga pagsasalin ng %s" Locale["tl"]["definitions-of"] = "Mga kahulugan ng %s" Locale["tl"]["synonyms"] = "Mga Kasingkahulugan" Locale["tl"]["examples"] = "Mga Halimbawa" Locale["tl"]["see-also"] = "Tingnan rin ang" Locale["tl"]["family"] = "Austronesian" Locale["tl"]["iso"] = "tgl" Locale["tl"]["glotto"] = "taga1270" Locale["tl"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["fi"]["name"] = "Finnish" Locale["fi"]["endonym"] = "Suomi" Locale["fi"]["translations-of"] = "Käännökset tekstille %s" Locale["fi"]["definitions-of"] = "Määritelmät kohteelle %s" Locale["fi"]["synonyms"] = "Synonyymit" Locale["fi"]["examples"] = "Esimerkkejä" Locale["fi"]["see-also"] = "Katso myös" Locale["fi"]["family"] = "Uralic" Locale["fi"]["iso"] = "fin" Locale["fi"]["glotto"] = "finn1318" Locale["fi"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["fr"]["name"] = "French" Locale["fr"]["endonym"] = "Français" Locale["fr"]["translations-of"] = "Traductions de %s" Locale["fr"]["definitions-of"] = "Définitions de %s" Locale["fr"]["synonyms"] = "Synonymes" Locale["fr"]["examples"] = "Exemples" Locale["fr"]["see-also"] = "Voir aussi" Locale["fr"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["fr"]["iso"] = "fra" Locale["fr"]["glotto"] = "stan1290" Locale["fr"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["fr"]["dictionary"] = "true" Locale["gl"]["name"] = "Galician" Locale["gl"]["endonym"] = "Galego" Locale["gl"]["translations-of"] = "Traducións de %s" Locale["gl"]["definitions-of"] = "Definicións de %s" Locale["gl"]["synonyms"] = "Sinónimos" Locale["gl"]["examples"] = "Exemplos" Locale["gl"]["see-also"] = "Ver tamén" Locale["gl"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["gl"]["iso"] = "glg" Locale["gl"]["glotto"] = "gali1258" Locale["gl"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["ka"]["name"] = "Georgian" Locale["ka"]["endonym"] = "ქართული" Locale["ka"]["translations-of"] = "%s-ის თარგმანები" Locale["ka"]["definitions-of"] = "%s-ის განსაზღვრებები" Locale["ka"]["synonyms"] = "სინონიმები" Locale["ka"]["examples"] = "მაგალითები" Locale["ka"]["see-also"] = "ასევე იხილეთ" Locale["ka"]["family"] = "Kartvelian" Locale["ka"]["iso"] = "kat" Locale["ka"]["glotto"] = "nucl1302" Locale["ka"]["script"] = "Geor" Locale["de"]["name"] = "German" Locale["de"]["endonym"] = "Deutsch" Locale["de"]["translations-of"] = "Übersetzungen für %s" Locale["de"]["definitions-of"] = "Definitionen von %s" Locale["de"]["synonyms"] = "Synonyme" Locale["de"]["examples"] = "Beispiele" Locale["de"]["see-also"] = "Siehe auch" Locale["de"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["de"]["iso"] = "deu" Locale["de"]["glotto"] = "stan1295" Locale["de"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["de"]["dictionary"] = "true" Locale["el"]["name"] = "Greek" Locale["el"]["endonym"] = "Ελληνικά" Locale["el"]["translations-of"] = "Μεταφράσεις του %s" Locale["el"]["definitions-of"] = "Όρισμοί %s" Locale["el"]["synonyms"] = "Συνώνυμα" Locale["el"]["examples"] = "Παραδείγματα" Locale["el"]["see-also"] = "Δείτε επίσης" Locale["el"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["el"]["iso"] = "ell" Locale["el"]["glotto"] = "mode1248" Locale["el"]["script"] = "Grek" Locale["gu"]["name"] = "Gujarati" Locale["gu"]["endonym"] = "ગુજરાતી" Locale["gu"]["translations-of"] = "%s ના અનુવાદ" Locale["gu"]["definitions-of"] = "%s ની વ્યાખ્યાઓ" Locale["gu"]["synonyms"] = "સમાનાર્થી" Locale["gu"]["examples"] = "ઉદાહરણો" Locale["gu"]["see-also"] = "આ પણ જુઓ" Locale["gu"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["gu"]["iso"] = "guj" Locale["gu"]["glotto"] = "guja1252" Locale["gu"]["script"] = "Gujr" Locale["ht"]["name"] = "Haitian Creole" Locale["ht"]["endonym"] = "Kreyòl Ayisyen" Locale["ht"]["translations-of"] = "Tradiksyon %s" Locale["ht"]["definitions-of"] = "Definisyon nan %s" Locale["ht"]["synonyms"] = "Sinonim" Locale["ht"]["examples"] = "Egzanp:" Locale["ht"]["see-also"] = "Wè tou" Locale["ht"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["ht"]["iso"] = "hat" Locale["ht"]["glotto"] = "hait1244" Locale["ht"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["ha"]["name"] = "Hausa" Locale["ha"]["endonym"] = "Hausa" Locale["ha"]["translations-of"] = "Fassarar %s" Locale["ha"]["definitions-of"] = "Ma'anoni na %s" Locale["ha"]["synonyms"] = "Masu kamancin ma'ana" Locale["ha"]["examples"] = "Misalai" Locale["ha"]["see-also"] = "Duba kuma" Locale["ha"]["family"] = "Afro-Asiatic" Locale["ha"]["iso"] = "hau" Locale["ha"]["glotto"] = "haus1257" Locale["ha"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["he"]["name"] = "Hebrew" Locale["he"]["endonym"] = "עִבְרִית" Locale["he"]["translations-of"] = "תרגומים של %s" Locale["he"]["definitions-of"] = "הגדרות של %s" Locale["he"]["synonyms"] = "מילים נרדפות" Locale["he"]["examples"] = "דוגמאות" Locale["he"]["see-also"] = "ראה גם" Locale["he"]["family"] = "Afro-Asiatic" Locale["he"]["iso"] = "heb" Locale["he"]["glotto"] = "hebr1245" Locale["he"]["script"] = "Hebr" Locale["he"]["rtl"] = "true" Locale["hi"]["name"] = "Hindi" Locale["hi"]["endonym"] = "हिन्दी" Locale["hi"]["translations-of"] = "%s के अनुवाद" Locale["hi"]["definitions-of"] = "%s की परिभाषाएं" Locale["hi"]["synonyms"] = "समानार्थी" Locale["hi"]["examples"] = "उदाहरण" Locale["hi"]["see-also"] = "यह भी देखें" Locale["hi"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["hi"]["iso"] = "hin" Locale["hi"]["glotto"] = "hind1269" Locale["hi"]["script"] = "Deva" Locale["hmn"]["name"] = "Hmong" Locale["hmn"]["endonym"] = "Hmoob" Locale["hmn"]["translations-of"] = "Lus txhais: %s" Locale["hmn"]["family"] = "Hmong-Mien" Locale["hmn"]["iso"] = "hmn" Locale["hmn"]["glotto"] = "firs1234" Locale["hmn"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["hu"]["name"] = "Hungarian" Locale["hu"]["endonym"] = "Magyar" Locale["hu"]["translations-of"] = "%s fordításai" Locale["hu"]["definitions-of"] = "%s jelentései" Locale["hu"]["synonyms"] = "Szinonimák" Locale["hu"]["examples"] = "Példák" Locale["hu"]["see-also"] = "Lásd még" Locale["hu"]["family"] = "Uralic" Locale["hu"]["iso"] = "hun" Locale["hu"]["glotto"] = "hung1274" Locale["hu"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["is"]["name"] = "Icelandic" Locale["is"]["endonym"] = "Íslenska" Locale["is"]["translations-of"] = "Þýðingar á %s" Locale["is"]["definitions-of"] = "Skilgreiningar á" Locale["is"]["synonyms"] = "Samheiti" Locale["is"]["examples"] = "Dæmi" Locale["is"]["see-also"] = "Sjá einnig" Locale["is"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["is"]["iso"] = "isl" Locale["is"]["glotto"] = "icel1247" Locale["is"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["ig"]["name"] = "Igbo" Locale["ig"]["endonym"] = "Igbo" Locale["ig"]["translations-of"] = "Ntụgharị asụsụ nke %s" Locale["ig"]["definitions-of"] = "Nkọwapụta nke %s" Locale["ig"]["synonyms"] = "Okwu oyiri" Locale["ig"]["examples"] = "Ọmụmaatụ" Locale["ig"]["see-also"] = "Hụkwuo" Locale["ig"]["family"] = "Atlantic-Congo" Locale["ig"]["iso"] = "ibo" Locale["ig"]["glotto"] = "nucl1417" Locale["ig"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["id"]["name"] = "Indonesian" Locale["id"]["endonym"] = "Bahasa Indonesia" Locale["id"]["translations-of"] = "Terjemahan dari %s" Locale["id"]["definitions-of"] = "Definisi %s" Locale["id"]["synonyms"] = "Sinonim" Locale["id"]["examples"] = "Contoh" Locale["id"]["see-also"] = "Lihat juga" Locale["id"]["family"] = "Austronesian" Locale["id"]["iso"] = "ind" Locale["id"]["glotto"] = "indo1316" Locale["id"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["ga"]["name"] = "Irish" Locale["ga"]["endonym"] = "Gaeilge" Locale["ga"]["translations-of"] = "Aistriúcháin ar %s" Locale["ga"]["definitions-of"] = "Sainmhínithe ar %s" Locale["ga"]["synonyms"] = "Comhchiallaigh" Locale["ga"]["examples"] = "Samplaí" Locale["ga"]["see-also"] = "féach freisin" Locale["ga"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["ga"]["iso"] = "gle" Locale["ga"]["glotto"] = "iris1253" Locale["ga"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["it"]["name"] = "Italian" Locale["it"]["endonym"] = "Italiano" Locale["it"]["translations-of"] = "Traduzioni di %s" Locale["it"]["definitions-of"] = "Definizioni di %s" Locale["it"]["synonyms"] = "Sinonimi" Locale["it"]["examples"] = "Esempi" Locale["it"]["see-also"] = "Vedi anche" Locale["it"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["it"]["iso"] = "ita" Locale["it"]["glotto"] = "ital1282" Locale["it"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["it"]["dictionary"] = "true" Locale["ja"]["name"] = "Japanese" Locale["ja"]["endonym"] = "日本語" Locale["ja"]["translations-of"] = "「%s」の翻訳" Locale["ja"]["definitions-of"] = "%s の定義" Locale["ja"]["synonyms"] = "同義語" Locale["ja"]["examples"] = "例" Locale["ja"]["see-also"] = "関連項目" Locale["ja"]["family"] = "Japonic" Locale["ja"]["iso"] = "jpn" Locale["ja"]["glotto"] = "nucl1643" Locale["ja"]["script"] = "Jpan" Locale["ja"]["dictionary"] = "true" Locale["jv"]["name"] = "Javanese" Locale["jv"]["endonym"] = "Basa Jawa" Locale["jv"]["translations-of"] = "Terjemahan %s" Locale["jv"]["definitions-of"] = "Arti %s" Locale["jv"]["synonyms"] = "Sinonim" Locale["jv"]["examples"] = "Conto" Locale["jv"]["see-also"] = "Deleng uga" Locale["jv"]["family"] = "Austronesian" Locale["jv"]["iso"] = "jav" Locale["jv"]["glotto"] = "java1254" Locale["jv"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["kn"]["name"] = "Kannada" Locale["kn"]["endonym"] = "ಕನ್ನಡ" Locale["kn"]["translations-of"] = "%s ನ ಅನುವಾದಗಳು" Locale["kn"]["definitions-of"] = "%s ನ ವ್ಯಾಖ್ಯಾನಗಳು" Locale["kn"]["synonyms"] = "ಸಮಾನಾರ್ಥಕಗಳು" Locale["kn"]["examples"] = "ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗಳು" Locale["kn"]["see-also"] = "ಇದನ್ನೂ ಗಮನಿಸಿ" Locale["kn"]["family"] = "Dravidian" Locale["kn"]["iso"] = "kan" Locale["kn"]["glotto"] = "nucl1305" Locale["kn"]["script"] = "Knda" Locale["kk"]["name"] = "Kazakh" Locale["kk"]["endonym"] = "Қазақ тілі" Locale["kk"]["translations-of"] = "%s аудармалары" Locale["kk"]["definitions-of"] = "%s анықтамалары" Locale["kk"]["synonyms"] = "Синонимдер" Locale["kk"]["examples"] = "Мысалдар" Locale["kk"]["see-also"] = "Келесі тізімді де көріңіз:" Locale["kk"]["family"] = "Turkic" Locale["kk"]["iso"] = "kaz" Locale["kk"]["glotto"] = "kaza1248" Locale["kk"]["script"] = "Cyrl" Locale["km"]["name"] = "Khmer" Locale["km"]["endonym"] = "ភាសាខ្មែរ" Locale["km"]["translations-of"] = "ការ​បក​ប្រែ​នៃ %s" Locale["km"]["definitions-of"] = "និយមន័យ​នៃ​ %s" Locale["km"]["synonyms"] = "សទិសន័យ" Locale["km"]["examples"] = "ឧទាហរណ៍" Locale["km"]["see-also"] = "មើល​ផង​ដែរ" Locale["km"]["family"] = "Austroasiatic" Locale["km"]["iso"] = "khm" Locale["km"]["glotto"] = "cent1989" Locale["km"]["script"] = "Khmr" Locale["ko"]["name"] = "Korean" Locale["ko"]["endonym"] = "한국어" Locale["ko"]["translations-of"] = "%s의 번역" Locale["ko"]["definitions-of"] = "%s의 정의" Locale["ko"]["synonyms"] = "동의어" Locale["ko"]["examples"] = "예문" Locale["ko"]["see-also"] = "참조" Locale["ko"]["family"] = "Koreanic" Locale["ko"]["iso"] = "kor" Locale["ko"]["glotto"] = "kore1280" Locale["ko"]["script"] = "Kore" Locale["ko"]["dictionary"] = "true" Locale["lo"]["name"] = "Lao" Locale["lo"]["endonym"] = "ລາວ" Locale["lo"]["translations-of"] = "ຄຳ​ແປ​ສຳລັບ %s" Locale["lo"]["definitions-of"] = "ຄວາມໝາຍຂອງ %s" Locale["lo"]["synonyms"] = "ຄຳທີ່ຄ້າຍກັນ %s" Locale["lo"]["examples"] = "ຕົວຢ່າງ" Locale["lo"]["see-also"] = "ເບິ່ງ​ເພີ່ມ​ເຕີມ" Locale["lo"]["family"] = "Tai-Kadai" Locale["lo"]["iso"] = "lao" Locale["lo"]["glotto"] = "laoo1244" Locale["lo"]["script"] = "Laoo" Locale["la"]["name"] = "Latin" Locale["la"]["endonym"] = "Latina" Locale["la"]["translations-of"] = "Versio de %s" Locale["la"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["la"]["iso"] = "lat" Locale["la"]["glotto"] = "lati1261" Locale["la"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["lv"]["name"] = "Latvian" Locale["lv"]["endonym"] = "Latviešu" Locale["lv"]["translations-of"] = "%s tulkojumi" Locale["lv"]["definitions-of"] = "%s definīcijas" Locale["lv"]["synonyms"] = "Sinonīmi" Locale["lv"]["examples"] = "Piemēri" Locale["lv"]["see-also"] = "Skatiet arī" Locale["lv"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["lv"]["iso"] = "lav" Locale["lv"]["glotto"] = "latv1249" Locale["lv"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["lt"]["name"] = "Lithuanian" Locale["lt"]["endonym"] = "Lietuvių" Locale["lt"]["translations-of"] = "„%s“ vertimai" Locale["lt"]["definitions-of"] = "„%s“ apibrėžimai" Locale["lt"]["synonyms"] = "Sinonimai" Locale["lt"]["examples"] = "Pavyzdžiai" Locale["lt"]["see-also"] = "Taip pat žiūrėkite" Locale["lt"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["lt"]["iso"] = "lit" Locale["lt"]["glotto"] = "lith1251" Locale["lt"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["mk"]["name"] = "Macedonian" Locale["mk"]["endonym"] = "Македонски" Locale["mk"]["translations-of"] = "Преводи на %s" Locale["mk"]["definitions-of"] = "Дефиниции на %s" Locale["mk"]["synonyms"] = "Синоними" Locale["mk"]["examples"] = "Примери" Locale["mk"]["see-also"] = "Види и" Locale["mk"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["mk"]["iso"] = "mkd" Locale["mk"]["glotto"] = "mace1250" Locale["mk"]["script"] = "Cyrl" Locale["mg"]["name"] = "Malagasy" Locale["mg"]["endonym"] = "Malagasy" Locale["mg"]["translations-of"] = "Dikan'ny %s" Locale["mg"]["definitions-of"] = "Famaritana ny %s" Locale["mg"]["synonyms"] = "Mitovy hevitra" Locale["mg"]["examples"] = "Ohatra" Locale["mg"]["see-also"] = "Jereo ihany koa" Locale["mg"]["family"] = "Austronesian" Locale["mg"]["iso"] = "mlg" Locale["mg"]["glotto"] = "plat1254" Locale["mg"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["ms"]["name"] = "Malay" Locale["ms"]["endonym"] = "Bahasa Melayu" Locale["ms"]["translations-of"] = "Terjemahan %s" Locale["ms"]["definitions-of"] = "Takrif %s" Locale["ms"]["synonyms"] = "Sinonim" Locale["ms"]["examples"] = "Contoh" Locale["ms"]["see-also"] = "Lihat juga" Locale["ms"]["family"] = "Austronesian" Locale["ms"]["iso"] = "msa" Locale["ms"]["glotto"] = "stan1306" Locale["ms"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["ml"]["name"] = "Malayalam" Locale["ml"]["endonym"] = "മലയാളം" Locale["ml"]["translations-of"] = "%s എന്നതിന്റെ വിവർത്തനങ്ങൾ" Locale["ml"]["definitions-of"] = "%s എന്നതിന്റെ നിർവ്വചനങ്ങൾ" Locale["ml"]["synonyms"] = "പര്യായങ്ങള്‍" Locale["ml"]["examples"] = "ഉദാഹരണങ്ങള്‍" Locale["ml"]["see-also"] = "ഇതും കാണുക" Locale["ml"]["family"] = "Dravidian" Locale["ml"]["iso"] = "mal" Locale["ml"]["glotto"] = "mala1464" Locale["ml"]["script"] = "Mlym" Locale["mt"]["name"] = "Maltese" Locale["mt"]["endonym"] = "Malti" Locale["mt"]["translations-of"] = "Traduzzjonijiet ta' %s" Locale["mt"]["definitions-of"] = "Definizzjonijiet ta' %s" Locale["mt"]["synonyms"] = "Sinonimi" Locale["mt"]["examples"] = "Eżempji" Locale["mt"]["see-also"] = "Ara wkoll" Locale["mt"]["family"] = "Afro-Asiatic" Locale["mt"]["iso"] = "mlt" Locale["mt"]["glotto"] = "malt1254" Locale["mt"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["mi"]["name"] = "Maori" Locale["mi"]["endonym"] = "Māori" Locale["mi"]["translations-of"] = "Ngā whakamāoritanga o %s" Locale["mi"]["definitions-of"] = "Ngā whakamārama o %s" Locale["mi"]["synonyms"] = "Ngā Kupu Taurite" Locale["mi"]["examples"] = "Ngā Tauira:" Locale["mi"]["see-also"] = "Tiro hoki:" Locale["mi"]["family"] = "Austronesian" Locale["mi"]["iso"] = "mri" Locale["mi"]["glotto"] = "maor1246" Locale["mi"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["mr"]["name"] = "Marathi" Locale["mr"]["endonym"] = "मराठी" Locale["mr"]["translations-of"] = "%s ची भाषांतरे" Locale["mr"]["definitions-of"] = "%s च्या व्याख्या" Locale["mr"]["synonyms"] = "समानार्थी शब्द" Locale["mr"]["examples"] = "उदाहरणे" Locale["mr"]["see-also"] = "हे देखील पहा" Locale["mr"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["mr"]["iso"] = "mar" Locale["mr"]["glotto"] = "mara1378" Locale["mr"]["script"] = "Deva" Locale["mn"]["name"] = "Mongolian" Locale["mn"]["endonym"] = "Монгол" Locale["mn"]["translations-of"] = "%s-н орчуулга" Locale["mn"]["definitions-of"] = "%s үгийн тодорхойлолт" Locale["mn"]["synonyms"] = "Ойролцоо утгатай" Locale["mn"]["examples"] = "Жишээнүүд" Locale["mn"]["see-also"] = "Мөн харах" Locale["mn"]["family"] = "Mongolic" Locale["mn"]["iso"] = "mon" Locale["mn"]["glotto"] = "mong1331" Locale["mn"]["script"] = "Cyrl" Locale["my"]["name"] = "Myanmar" Locale["my"]["endonym"] = "မြန်မာစာ" Locale["my"]["translations-of"] = "%s၏ ဘာသာပြန်ဆိုချက်များ" Locale["my"]["definitions-of"] = "%s၏ အနက်ဖွင့်ဆိုချက်များ" Locale["my"]["synonyms"] = "ကြောင်းတူသံကွဲများ" Locale["my"]["examples"] = "ဥပမာ" Locale["my"]["see-also"] = "ဖော်ပြပါများကိုလဲ ကြည့်ပါ" Locale["my"]["family"] = "Sino-Tibetan" Locale["my"]["iso"] = "mya" Locale["my"]["glotto"] = "nucl1310" Locale["my"]["script"] = "Mymr" Locale["ne"]["name"] = "Nepali" Locale["ne"]["endonym"] = "नेपाली" Locale["ne"]["translations-of"] = "%sका अनुवाद" Locale["ne"]["definitions-of"] = "%sको परिभाषा" Locale["ne"]["synonyms"] = "समानार्थीहरू" Locale["ne"]["examples"] = "उदाहरणहरु" Locale["ne"]["see-also"] = "यो पनि हेर्नुहोस्" Locale["ne"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["ne"]["iso"] = "nep" Locale["ne"]["glotto"] = "nepa1254" Locale["ne"]["script"] = "Deva" Locale["no"]["name"] = "Norwegian" Locale["no"]["endonym"] = "Norsk" Locale["no"]["translations-of"] = "Oversettelser av %s" Locale["no"]["definitions-of"] = "Definisjoner av %s" Locale["no"]["synonyms"] = "Synonymer" Locale["no"]["examples"] = "Eksempler" Locale["no"]["see-also"] = "Se også" Locale["no"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["no"]["iso"] = "nor" Locale["no"]["glotto"] = "norw1258" Locale["no"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["fa"]["name"] = "Persian" Locale["fa"]["endonym"] = "فارسی" Locale["fa"]["translations-of"] = "ترجمه‌های %s" Locale["fa"]["definitions-of"] = "تعریف‌های %s" Locale["fa"]["synonyms"] = "مترادف‌ها" Locale["fa"]["examples"] = "مثال‌ها" Locale["fa"]["see-also"] = "همچنین مراجعه کنید به" Locale["fa"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["fa"]["iso"] = "fas" Locale["fa"]["glotto"] = "west2369" Locale["fa"]["script"] = "Arab" Locale["fa"]["rtl"] = "true" Locale["pl"]["name"] = "Polish" Locale["pl"]["endonym"] = "Polski" Locale["pl"]["translations-of"] = "Tłumaczenia %s" Locale["pl"]["definitions-of"] = "%s – definicje" Locale["pl"]["synonyms"] = "Synonimy" Locale["pl"]["examples"] = "Przykłady" Locale["pl"]["see-also"] = "Zobacz też" Locale["pl"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["pl"]["iso"] = "pol" Locale["pl"]["glotto"] = "poli1260" Locale["pl"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["pt"]["name"] = "Portuguese" Locale["pt"]["endonym"] = "Português" Locale["pt"]["translations-of"] = "Traduções de %s" Locale["pt"]["definitions-of"] = "Definições de %s" Locale["pt"]["synonyms"] = "Sinônimos" Locale["pt"]["examples"] = "Exemplos" Locale["pt"]["see-also"] = "Veja também" Locale["pt"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["pt"]["iso"] = "por" Locale["pt"]["glotto"] = "port1283" Locale["pt"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["pt"]["dictionary"] = "true" Locale["pa"]["name"] = "Punjabi" Locale["pa"]["endonym"] = "ਪੰਜਾਬੀ" Locale["pa"]["translations-of"] = "ਦੇ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ%s" Locale["pa"]["definitions-of"] = "ਦੀਆਂ ਪਰਿਭਾਸ਼ਾ %s" Locale["pa"]["synonyms"] = "ਸਮਾਨਾਰਥਕ ਸ਼ਬਦ" Locale["pa"]["examples"] = "ਉਦਾਹਰਣਾਂ" Locale["pa"]["see-also"] = "ਇਹ ਵੀ ਵੇਖੋ" Locale["pa"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["pa"]["iso"] = "pan" Locale["pa"]["glotto"] = "panj1256" Locale["pa"]["script"] = "Guru" Locale["ro"]["name"] = "Romanian" Locale["ro"]["endonym"] = "Română" Locale["ro"]["translations-of"] = "Traduceri pentru %s" Locale["ro"]["definitions-of"] = "Definiții pentru %s" Locale["ro"]["synonyms"] = "Sinonime" Locale["ro"]["examples"] = "Exemple" Locale["ro"]["see-also"] = "Vedeți și" Locale["ro"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["ro"]["iso"] = "ron" Locale["ro"]["glotto"] = "roma1327" Locale["ro"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["ru"]["name"] = "Russian" Locale["ru"]["endonym"] = "Русский" Locale["ru"]["translations-of"] = "%s: варианты перевода" Locale["ru"]["definitions-of"] = "%s – определения" Locale["ru"]["synonyms"] = "Синонимы" Locale["ru"]["examples"] = "Примеры" Locale["ru"]["see-also"] = "Похожие слова" Locale["ru"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["ru"]["iso"] = "rus" Locale["ru"]["glotto"] = "russ1263" Locale["ru"]["script"] = "Cyrl" Locale["ru"]["dictionary"] = "true" Locale["sr"]["name"] = "Serbian" Locale["sr"]["endonym"] = "српски" Locale["sr"]["translations-of"] = "Преводи за „%s“" Locale["sr"]["definitions-of"] = "Дефиниције за %s" Locale["sr"]["synonyms"] = "Синоними" Locale["sr"]["examples"] = "Примери" Locale["sr"]["see-also"] = "Погледајте такође" Locale["sr"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["sr"]["iso"] = "srp" Locale["sr"]["glotto"] = "serb1264" Locale["sr"]["script"] = "Cyrl" Locale["st"]["name"] = "Sesotho" Locale["st"]["endonym"] = "Sesotho" Locale["st"]["translations-of"] = "Liphetolelo tsa %s" Locale["st"]["definitions-of"] = "Meelelo ea %s" Locale["st"]["synonyms"] = "Mantsoe a tšoanang ka moelelo" Locale["st"]["examples"] = "Mehlala" Locale["st"]["see-also"] = "Bona hape" Locale["st"]["family"] = "Atlantic-Congo" Locale["st"]["iso"] = "sot" Locale["st"]["glotto"] = "sout2807" Locale["st"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["si"]["name"] = "Sinhala" Locale["si"]["endonym"] = "සිංහල" Locale["si"]["translations-of"] = "%s හි පරිවර්තන" Locale["si"]["definitions-of"] = "%s හි නිර්වචන" Locale["si"]["synonyms"] = "සමානාර්ථ පද" Locale["si"]["examples"] = "උදාහරණ" Locale["si"]["see-also"] = "මෙයත් බලන්න" Locale["si"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["si"]["iso"] = "sin" Locale["si"]["glotto"] = "sinh1246" Locale["si"]["script"] = "Sinh" Locale["sk"]["name"] = "Slovak" Locale["sk"]["endonym"] = "Slovenčina" Locale["sk"]["translations-of"] = "Preklady výrazu: %s" Locale["sk"]["definitions-of"] = "Definície výrazu %s" Locale["sk"]["synonyms"] = "Synonymá" Locale["sk"]["examples"] = "Príklady" Locale["sk"]["see-also"] = "Pozrite tiež" Locale["sk"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["sk"]["iso"] = "slk" Locale["sk"]["glotto"] = "slov1269" Locale["sk"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["sl"]["name"] = "Slovenian" Locale["sl"]["endonym"] = "Slovenščina" Locale["sl"]["translations-of"] = "Prevodi za %s" Locale["sl"]["definitions-of"] = "Razlage za %s" Locale["sl"]["synonyms"] = "Sopomenke" Locale["sl"]["examples"] = "Primeri" Locale["sl"]["see-also"] = "Glejte tudi" Locale["sl"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["sl"]["iso"] = "slv" Locale["sl"]["glotto"] = "slov1268" Locale["sl"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["so"]["name"] = "Somali" Locale["so"]["endonym"] = "Soomaali" Locale["so"]["translations-of"] = "Turjumaada %s" Locale["so"]["definitions-of"] = "Qeexitaannada %s" Locale["so"]["synonyms"] = "La micne ah" Locale["so"]["examples"] = "Tusaalooyin" Locale["so"]["see-also"] = "Sidoo kale eeg" Locale["so"]["family"] = "Afro-Asiatic" Locale["so"]["iso"] = "som" Locale["so"]["glotto"] = "soma1255" Locale["so"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["es"]["name"] = "Spanish" Locale["es"]["endonym"] = "Español" Locale["es"]["translations-of"] = "Traducciones de %s" Locale["es"]["definitions-of"] = "Definiciones de %s" Locale["es"]["synonyms"] = "Sinónimos" Locale["es"]["examples"] = "Ejemplos" Locale["es"]["see-also"] = "Ver también" Locale["es"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["es"]["iso"] = "spa" Locale["es"]["glotto"] = "stan1288" Locale["es"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["es"]["dictionary"] = "true" Locale["su"]["name"] = "Sundanese" Locale["su"]["endonym"] = "Basa Sunda" Locale["su"]["translations-of"] = "Tarjamahan tina %s" Locale["su"]["definitions-of"] = "Panjelasan tina %s" Locale["su"]["synonyms"] = "Sinonim" Locale["su"]["examples"] = "Conto" Locale["su"]["see-also"] = "Tingali ogé" Locale["su"]["family"] = "Austronesian" Locale["su"]["iso"] = "sun" Locale["su"]["glotto"] = "sund1252" Locale["su"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["sw"]["name"] = "Swahili" Locale["sw"]["endonym"] = "Kiswahili" Locale["sw"]["translations-of"] = "Tafsiri ya %s" Locale["sw"]["definitions-of"] = "Ufafanuzi wa %s" Locale["sw"]["synonyms"] = "Visawe" Locale["sw"]["examples"] = "Mifano" Locale["sw"]["see-also"] = "Angalia pia" Locale["sw"]["family"] = "Atlantic-Congo" Locale["sw"]["iso"] = "swa" Locale["sw"]["glotto"] = "swah1253" Locale["sw"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["sv"]["name"] = "Swedish" Locale["sv"]["endonym"] = "Svenska" Locale["sv"]["translations-of"] = "Översättningar av %s" Locale["sv"]["definitions-of"] = "Definitioner av %s" Locale["sv"]["synonyms"] = "Synonymer" Locale["sv"]["examples"] = "Exempel" Locale["sv"]["see-also"] = "Se även" Locale["sv"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["sv"]["iso"] = "swe" Locale["sv"]["glotto"] = "swed1254" Locale["sv"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["tg"]["name"] = "Tajik" Locale["tg"]["endonym"] = "Тоҷикӣ" Locale["tg"]["translations-of"] = "Тарҷумаҳои %s" Locale["tg"]["definitions-of"] = "Таърифҳои %s" Locale["tg"]["synonyms"] = "Муродифҳо" Locale["tg"]["examples"] = "Намунаҳо:" Locale["tg"]["see-also"] = "Ҳамчунин Бинед" Locale["tg"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["tg"]["iso"] = "tgk" Locale["tg"]["glotto"] = "taji1245" Locale["tg"]["script"] = "Cyrl" Locale["ta"]["name"] = "Tamil" Locale["ta"]["endonym"] = "தமிழ்" Locale["ta"]["translations-of"] = "%s இன் மொழிபெயர்ப்புகள்" Locale["ta"]["definitions-of"] = "%s இன் வரையறைகள்" Locale["ta"]["synonyms"] = "இணைச்சொற்கள்" Locale["ta"]["examples"] = "எடுத்துக்காட்டுகள்" Locale["ta"]["see-also"] = "இதையும் காண்க" Locale["ta"]["family"] = "Dravidian" Locale["ta"]["iso"] = "tam" Locale["ta"]["glotto"] = "tami1289" Locale["ta"]["script"] = "Taml" Locale["te"]["name"] = "Telugu" Locale["te"]["endonym"] = "తెలుగు" Locale["te"]["translations-of"] = "%s యొక్క అనువాదాలు" Locale["te"]["definitions-of"] = "%s యొక్క నిర్వచనాలు" Locale["te"]["synonyms"] = "పర్యాయపదాలు" Locale["te"]["examples"] = "ఉదాహరణలు" Locale["te"]["see-also"] = "వీటిని కూడా చూడండి" Locale["te"]["family"] = "Dravidian" Locale["te"]["iso"] = "tel" Locale["te"]["glotto"] = "telu1262" Locale["te"]["script"] = "Telu" Locale["th"]["name"] = "Thai" Locale["th"]["endonym"] = "ไทย" Locale["th"]["translations-of"] = "คำแปลของ %s" Locale["th"]["definitions-of"] = "คำจำกัดความของ %s" Locale["th"]["synonyms"] = "คำพ้องความหมาย" Locale["th"]["examples"] = "ตัวอย่าง" Locale["th"]["see-also"] = "ดูเพิ่มเติม" Locale["th"]["family"] = "Tai-Kadai" Locale["th"]["iso"] = "tha" Locale["th"]["glotto"] = "thai1261" Locale["th"]["script"] = "Thai" Locale["tr"]["name"] = "Turkish" Locale["tr"]["endonym"] = "Türkçe" Locale["tr"]["translations-of"] = "%s çevirileri" Locale["tr"]["definitions-of"] = "%s için tanımlar" Locale["tr"]["synonyms"] = "Eş anlamlılar" Locale["tr"]["examples"] = "Örnekler" Locale["tr"]["see-also"] = "Ayrıca bkz." Locale["tr"]["family"] = "Turkic" Locale["tr"]["iso"] = "tur" Locale["tr"]["glotto"] = "nucl1301" Locale["tr"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["uk"]["name"] = "Ukrainian" Locale["uk"]["endonym"] = "Українська" Locale["uk"]["translations-of"] = "Переклади слова або виразу \"%s\"" Locale["uk"]["definitions-of"] = "\"%s\" – визначення" Locale["uk"]["synonyms"] = "Синоніми" Locale["uk"]["examples"] = "Приклади" Locale["uk"]["see-also"] = "Дивіться також" Locale["uk"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["uk"]["iso"] = "ukr" Locale["uk"]["glotto"] = "ukra1253" Locale["uk"]["script"] = "Cyrl" Locale["ur"]["name"] = "Urdu" Locale["ur"]["endonym"] = "اُردُو" Locale["ur"]["translations-of"] = "کے ترجمے %s" Locale["ur"]["definitions-of"] = "کی تعریفات %s" Locale["ur"]["synonyms"] = "مترادفات" Locale["ur"]["examples"] = "مثالیں" Locale["ur"]["see-also"] = "نیز دیکھیں" Locale["ur"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["ur"]["iso"] = "urd" Locale["ur"]["glotto"] = "urdu1245" Locale["ur"]["script"] = "Arab" Locale["ur"]["rtl"] = "true" Locale["uz"]["name"] = "Uzbek" Locale["uz"]["endonym"] = "Oʻzbek tili" Locale["uz"]["translations-of"] = "%s: tarjima variantlari" Locale["uz"]["definitions-of"] = "%s – ta’riflar" Locale["uz"]["synonyms"] = "Sinonimlar" Locale["uz"]["examples"] = "Namunalar" Locale["uz"]["see-also"] = "O‘xshash so‘zlar" Locale["uz"]["family"] = "Turkic" Locale["uz"]["iso"] = "uzb" Locale["uz"]["glotto"] = "uzbe1247" Locale["uz"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["vi"]["name"] = "Vietnamese" Locale["vi"]["endonym"] = "Tiếng Việt" Locale["vi"]["translations-of"] = "Bản dịch của %s" Locale["vi"]["definitions-of"] = "Nghĩa của %s" Locale["vi"]["synonyms"] = "Từ đồng nghĩa" Locale["vi"]["examples"] = "Ví dụ" Locale["vi"]["see-also"] = "Xem thêm" Locale["vi"]["family"] = "Austroasiatic" Locale["vi"]["iso"] = "vie" Locale["vi"]["glotto"] = "viet1252" Locale["vi"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["cy"]["name"] = "Welsh" Locale["cy"]["endonym"] = "Cymraeg" Locale["cy"]["translations-of"] = "Cyfieithiadau %s" Locale["cy"]["definitions-of"] = "Diffiniadau %s" Locale["cy"]["synonyms"] = "Cyfystyron" Locale["cy"]["examples"] = "Enghreifftiau" Locale["cy"]["see-also"] = "Gweler hefyd" Locale["cy"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["cy"]["iso"] = "cym" Locale["cy"]["glotto"] = "wels1247" Locale["cy"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["yi"]["name"] = "Yiddish" Locale["yi"]["endonym"] = "ייִדיש" Locale["yi"]["translations-of"] = "איבערזעצונגען פון %s" Locale["yi"]["definitions-of"] = "דפיניציונען %s" Locale["yi"]["synonyms"] = "סינאָנימען" Locale["yi"]["examples"] = "ביישפילע" Locale["yi"]["see-also"] = "זייען אויך" Locale["yi"]["family"] = "Indo-European" Locale["yi"]["iso"] = "yid" Locale["yi"]["glotto"] = "yidd1255" Locale["yi"]["script"] = "Hebr" Locale["yi"]["rtl"] = "true" Locale["yo"]["name"] = "Yoruba" Locale["yo"]["endonym"] = "Yorùbá" Locale["yo"]["translations-of"] = "Awọn itumọ ti %s" Locale["yo"]["definitions-of"] = "Awọn itumọ ti %s" Locale["yo"]["synonyms"] = "Awọn ọrọ onitumọ" Locale["yo"]["examples"] = "Awọn apẹrẹ" Locale["yo"]["see-also"] = "Tun wo" Locale["yo"]["family"] = "Atlantic-Congo" Locale["yo"]["iso"] = "yor" Locale["yo"]["glotto"] = "yoru1245" Locale["yo"]["script"] = "Latn" Locale["zu"]["name"] = "Zulu" Locale["zu"]["endonym"] = "isiZulu" Locale["zu"]["translations-of"] = "Ukuhumusha i-%s" Locale["zu"]["definitions-of"] = "Izincazelo ze-%s" Locale["zu"]["synonyms"] = "Amagama afanayo" Locale["zu"]["examples"] = "Izibonelo" Locale["zu"]["see-also"] = "Bheka futhi" Locale["zu"]["family"] = "Atlantic-Congo" Locale["zu"]["iso"] = "zul" Locale["zu"]["glotto"] = "zulu1248" Locale["zu"]["script"] = "Latn" for (i in Locale) { Locale[i]["display"] = show(Locale[i]["endonym"], i) LocaleAlias[Locale[i]["iso"]] = i LocaleAlias[tolower(Locale[i]["name"])] = i LocaleAlias[tolower(Locale[i]["endonym"])] = i } LocaleAlias["in"] = "id" LocaleAlias["iw"] = "he" LocaleAlias["ji"] = "yi" LocaleAlias["jw"] = "jv" LocaleAlias["mo"] = "ro" LocaleAlias["nb"] = "no" LocaleAlias["nn"] = "no" LocaleAlias["sh"] = "sr" LocaleAlias["zh"] = "zh-CN" LocaleAlias["zho"] = "zh-CN" LocaleAlias["chinese"] = "zh-CN" } function getCode(code) { if (code == "auto" || code in Locale) return code else if (code in LocaleAlias) return LocaleAlias[code] else if (tolower(code) in LocaleAlias) return LocaleAlias[tolower(code)] else return } function getName(code) { return Locale[getCode(code)]["name"] } function getEndonym(code) { return Locale[getCode(code)]["endonym"] } function getDisplay(code) { return Locale[getCode(code)]["display"] } function showTranslationsOf(code, text, fmt) { fmt = Locale[getCode(code)]["translations-of"] if (!fmt) fmt = Locale["en"]["translations-of"] return sprintf(fmt, text) } function showDefinitionsOf(code, text, fmt) { fmt = Locale[getCode(code)]["definitions-of"] if (!fmt) fmt = Locale["en"]["definitions-of"] return sprintf(fmt, text) } function showSynonyms(code, tmp) { tmp = Locale[getCode(code)]["synonyms"] if (!tmp) tmp = Locale["en"]["synonyms"] return tmp } function showExamples(code, tmp) { tmp = Locale[getCode(code)]["examples"] if (!tmp) tmp = Locale["en"]["examples"] return tmp } function showSeeAlso(code, tmp) { tmp = Locale[getCode(code)]["see-also"] if (!tmp) tmp = Locale["en"]["see-also"] return tmp } function getFamily(code) { return Locale[getCode(code)]["family"] } function getISO(code) { return Locale[getCode(code)]["iso"] } function getGlotto(code) { return Locale[getCode(code)]["glotto"] } function getScript(code) { return Locale[getCode(code)]["script"] } function isRTL(code) { return Locale[getCode(code)]["rtl"] ? 1 : 0 } function hasDictionary(code) { return Locale[getCode(code)]["dictionary"] ? 1 : 0 } function compName(i1, v1, i2, v2) { if (getName(i1) < getName(i2)) return -1 else return (getName(i1) != getName(i2)) } function scriptName(code) { switch (code) { case "Arab": return "Arabic" case "Armn": return "Armenian" case "Beng": return "Bengali" case "Cher": return "Cherokee" case "Cyrl": return "Cyrillic" case "Deva": return "Devanagari" case "Ethi": return "Ethiopic (Geʻez)" case "Geor": return "Georgian (Mkhedruli)" case "Grek": return "Greek" case "Gujr": return "Gujarati" case "Guru": return "Gurmukhi" case "Hani": return "Han" case "Hans": return "Han (Simplified)" case "Hant": return "Han (Traditional)" case "Hebr": return "Hebrew" case "Jpan": return "Japanese (Han + Hiragana + Katakana)" case "Khmr": return "Khmer" case "Knda": return "Kannada" case "Kore": return "Korean (Hangul + Han)" case "Laoo": return "Lao" case "Latn": return "Latin" case "Mlym": return "Malayalam" case "Mymr": return "Myanmar" case "Orya": return "Oriya" case "Sinh": return "Sinhala" case "Taml": return "Tamil" case "Telu": return "Telugu" case "Thai": return "Thai" case "Tibt": return "Tibetan" default: return "Unknown" } } function getDetails(code, group, iso, language, script) { if (code == "auto" || !getCode(code)) return prettify("languages", sprintf("%-22s%s\n", "Unknown code", ansi("bold", code))) script = scriptName(getScript(code)) if (isRTL(code)) script = script " (R-to-L)" split(getISO(code), group, "-") iso = group[1] split(getName(code), group, " ") language = length(group) == 1 ? group[1] "_language" : join(group, "_") return ansi("bold", sprintf("%s\n", getDisplay(code)))\ sprintf("%-22s%s\n", "Name", ansi("bold", getName(code)))\ sprintf("%-22s%s\n", "Family", ansi("bold", getFamily(code)))\ sprintf("%-22s%s\n", "Writing system", ansi("bold", script))\ sprintf("%-22s%s\n", "Code", ansi("bold", getCode(code)))\ sprintf("%-22s%s\n", "ISO 639-3", ansi("bold", iso))\ sprintf("%-22s%s\n", "Ethnologue", ansi("bold", "http://www.ethnologue.com/language/" iso))\ sprintf("%-22s%s\n", "Glottolog", getGlotto(code) ? ansi("bold", "http://glottolog.org/resource/languoid/id/" getGlotto(code)) : "")\ sprintf("%-22s%s", "Wikipedia", ansi("bold", "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/" language)) } function showPhonetics(phonetics, code) { if (code && getCode(code) == "en") return "/" phonetics "/" else return "(" phonetics ")" } function show(text, code, temp) { if (!code || isRTL(code)) { if (Cache[text][0]) return Cache[text][0] else { if ((FriBidi || (code && isRTL(code))) && BiDiNoPad) ("echo " parameterize(text) PIPE BiDiNoPad) | getline temp else temp = text return Cache[text][0] = temp } } else return text } function s(text, code, width, temp) { if (!code || isRTL(code)) { if (!width) width = Option["width"] if (Cache[text][width]) return Cache[text][width] else { if ((FriBidi || (code && isRTL(code))) && BiDi) ("echo " parameterize(text) PIPE sprintf(BiDi, width)) | getline temp else temp = text return Cache[text][width] = temp } } else return text } function ins(level, text, code, width, i, temp) { if (code && isRTL(code)) { if (!width) width = Option["width"] return s(text, code, width - Option["indent"] * level) } else return replicate(" ", Option["indent"] * level) text } function parseLang(lang, code, group) { match(lang, /^([a-z][a-z][a-z]?)(_|$)/, group) code = getCode(group[1]) if (lang ~ /^zh_(CN|SG)/) code = "zh-CN" else if (lang ~ /^zh_(TW|HK)/) code = "zh-TW" if (!code) code = "en" return code } function initUserLang( lang, utf) { if (lang = ENVIRON["LANGUAGE"]) { if (!UserLocale) UserLocale = lang utf = utf || tolower(lang) ~ /utf-?8$/ } if (lang = ENVIRON["LC_ALL"]) { if (!UserLocale) UserLocale = lang utf = utf || tolower(lang) ~ /utf-?8$/ } if (lang = ENVIRON["LANG"]) { if (!UserLocale) UserLocale = lang utf = utf || tolower(lang) ~ /utf-?8$/ } if (!UserLocale) { UserLocale = "en_US.UTF-8" utf = 1 } if (!utf) w("[WARNING] Your locale codeset (" UserLocale ") is not UTF-8.") UserLang = parseLang(UserLocale) } function getVersion( build, gitHead, platform) { initAudioPlayer() initPager() platform = detectProgram("uname", "-s", 1) if (ENVIRON["TRANS_BUILD"]) build = "-" ENVIRON["TRANS_BUILD"] else { gitHead = getGitHead() build = gitHead ? "-git:" gitHead : "" } return ansi("bold", sprintf("%-22s%s%s\n\n", Name, Version, build))\ sprintf("%-22s%s\n", "platform", platform)\ sprintf("%-22s%s\n", "gawk (GNU Awk)", PROCINFO["version"])\ sprintf("%s\n", FriBidi ? FriBidi : "fribidi (GNU FriBidi) [NOT INSTALLED]")\ sprintf("%-22s%s\n", "audio player", AudioPlayer ? AudioPlayer : "[NOT INSTALLED]")\ sprintf("%-22s%s\n", "terminal pager", Pager ? Pager : "[NOT INSTALLED]")\ sprintf("%-22s%s\n", "terminal type", ENVIRON["TERM"])\ sprintf("%-22s%s (%s)\n", "user locale", UserLocale, getName(UserLang))\ sprintf("%-22s%s\n", "home language", Option["hl"])\ sprintf("%-22s%s\n", "source language", Option["sl"])\ sprintf("%-22s%s\n", "target language", join(Option["tl"], "+"))\ sprintf("%-22s%s\n", "proxy", Option["proxy"] ? Option["proxy"] : "[NONE]")\ sprintf("%-22s%s\n", "user-agent", Option["user-agent"] ? Option["user-agent"] : "[NONE]")\ sprintf("%-22s%s\n", "theme", Option["theme"])\ sprintf("%-22s%s\n", "init file", InitScript ? InitScript : "[NONE]")\ sprintf("\n%-22s%s", "Report bugs to:", "https://github.com/soimort/translate-shell/issues") } function getHelp() { return "Usage: " ansi("bold", Command)\ " [" ansi("underline", "OPTIONS") "]"\ " [" ansi("underline", "SOURCE") "]"\ ":[" ansi("underline", "TARGETS") "]"\ " [" ansi("underline", "TEXT") "]..." RS\ RS "Information options:" RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-V") ", " ansi("bold", "-version")) RS\ ins(2, "Print version and exit.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-H") ", " ansi("bold", "-help")) RS\ ins(2, "Print help message and exit.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-M") ", " ansi("bold", "-man")) RS\ ins(2, "Show man page and exit.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-T") ", " ansi("bold", "-reference")) RS\ ins(2, "Print reference table of languages and exit.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-R") ", " ansi("bold", "-reference-english")) RS\ ins(2, "Print reference table of languages (in English names) and exit.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-L ") ansi("underline", "CODES")\ ", " ansi("bold", "-list ") ansi("underline", "CODES")) RS\ ins(2, "Print details of languages and exit.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-U") ", " ansi("bold", "-upgrade")) RS\ ins(2, "Check for upgrade of this program.") RS\ RS "Display options:" RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-verbose")) RS\ ins(2, "Verbose mode. (default)") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-b") ", " ansi("bold", "-brief")) RS\ ins(2, "Brief mode.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-d") ", " ansi("bold", "-dictionary")) RS\ ins(2, "Dictionary mode.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-identify")) RS\ ins(2, "Language identification.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-show-original ") ansi("underline", "Y/n")) RS\ ins(2, "Show original text or not.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-show-original-phonetics ") ansi("underline", "Y/n")) RS\ ins(2, "Show phonetic notation of original text or not.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-show-translation ") ansi("underline", "Y/n")) RS\ ins(2, "Show translation or not.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-show-translation-phonetics ") ansi("underline", "Y/n")) RS\ ins(2, "Show phonetic notation of translation or not.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-show-prompt-message ") ansi("underline", "Y/n")) RS\ ins(2, "Show prompt message or not.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-show-languages ") ansi("underline", "Y/n")) RS\ ins(2, "Show source and target languages or not.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-show-original-dictionary ") ansi("underline", "y/N")) RS\ ins(2, "Show dictionary entry of original text or not.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-show-dictionary ") ansi("underline", "Y/n")) RS\ ins(2, "Show dictionary entry of translation or not.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-show-alternatives ") ansi("underline", "Y/n")) RS\ ins(2, "Show alternative translations or not.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-w ") ansi("underline", "NUM")\ ", " ansi("bold", "-width ") ansi("underline", "NUM")) RS\ ins(2, "Specify the screen width for padding.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-indent ") ansi("underline", "NUM")) RS\ ins(2, "Specify the size of indent (number of spaces).") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-theme ") ansi("underline", "FILENAME")) RS\ ins(2, "Specify the theme to use.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-no-theme")) RS\ ins(2, "Do not use any other theme than default.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-no-ansi")) RS\ ins(2, "Do not use ANSI escape codes.") RS\ RS "Audio options:" RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-p, -play")) RS\ ins(2, "Listen to the translation.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-speak")) RS\ ins(2, "Listen to the original text.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-player ") ansi("underline", "PROGRAM")) RS\ ins(2, "Specify the audio player to use, and listen to the translation.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-no-play")) RS\ ins(2, "Do not listen to the translation.") RS\ RS "Terminal paging and browsing options:" RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-v") ", " ansi("bold", "-view")) RS\ ins(2, "View the translation in a terminal pager.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-pager ") ansi("underline", "PROGRAM")) RS\ ins(2, "Specify the terminal pager to use, and view the translation.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-no-view")) RS\ ins(2, "Do not view the translation in a terminal pager.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-browser ") ansi("underline", "PROGRAM")) RS\ ins(2, "Specify the web browser to use.") RS\ RS "Networking options:" RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-x ") ansi("underline", "HOST:PORT")\ ", " ansi("bold", "-proxy ") ansi("underline", "HOST:PORT")) RS\ ins(2, "Use HTTP proxy on given port.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-u ") ansi("underline", "STRING")\ ", " ansi("bold", "-user-agent ") ansi("underline", "STRING")) RS\ ins(2, "Specify the User-Agent to identify as.") RS\ RS "Interactive shell options:" RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-I") ", " ansi("bold", "-interactive") ", " ansi("bold", "-shell")) RS\ ins(2, "Start an interactive shell.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-E") ", " ansi("bold", "-emacs")) RS\ ins(2, "Start the GNU Emacs front-end for an interactive shell.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-no-rlwrap")) RS\ ins(2, "Do not invoke rlwrap when starting an interactive shell.") RS\ RS "I/O options:" RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-i ") ansi("underline", "FILENAME")\ ", " ansi("bold", "-input ") ansi("underline", "FILENAME")) RS\ ins(2, "Specify the input file.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-o ") ansi("underline", "FILENAME")\ ", " ansi("bold", "-output ") ansi("underline", "FILENAME")) RS\ ins(2, "Specify the output file.") RS\ RS "Language preference options:" RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-l ") ansi("underline", "CODE")\ ", " ansi("bold", "-hl ") ansi("underline", "CODE")\ ", " ansi("bold", "-lang ") ansi("underline", "CODE")) RS\ ins(2, "Specify your home language.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-s ") ansi("underline", "CODE")\ ", " ansi("bold", "-sl ") ansi("underline", "CODE")\ ", " ansi("bold", "-source ") ansi("underline", "CODE")) RS\ ins(2, "Specify the source language.") RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-t ") ansi("underline", "CODES")\ ", " ansi("bold", "-tl ") ansi("underline", "CODE")\ ", " ansi("bold", "-target ") ansi("underline", "CODES")) RS\ ins(2, "Specify the target language(s), joined by '+'.") RS\ RS "Other options:" RS\ ins(1, ansi("bold", "-no-init")) RS\ ins(2, "Do not load any initialization script.") RS\ RS "See the man page " Command "(1) for more information." } function showMan( temp) { if (ENVIRON["TRANS_MANPAGE"]) { initPager() Groff = detectProgram("groff", "--version") if (Pager && Groff) { temp = "echo -E \"${TRANS_MANPAGE}\"" temp = temp PIPE\ Groff " -Wall -mtty-char -mandoc -Tutf8 "\ "-rLL=" Option["width"] "n -rLT=" Option["width"] "n" switch (Pager) { case "less": temp = temp PIPE\ Pager " -s -P\"\\ \\Manual page " Command "(1) line %lt (press h for help or q to quit)\"" break case "most": temp = temp PIPE Pager " -Cs" break default: temp = temp PIPE Pager } system(temp) return } } if (fileExists("man/" Command ".1")) system("man man/" Command ".1" SUPERR) else if (system("man " Command SUPERR)) print getHelp() } function getReference(displayName, code, col, cols, i, j, name, r, rows, saveSortedIn, t, tt) { rows = int(length(Locale) / 3) + 1 cols[0][0] = cols[1][0] = cols[2][0] = NULLSTR i = 0 saveSortedIn = PROCINFO["sorted_in"] PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = displayName == "endonym" ? "@ind_num_asc" : "compName" for (code in Locale) { col = int(i / rows) append(cols[col], code) i++ } PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = saveSortedIn if (displayName == "endonym") { r = "┌" replicate("─", 22) "┬" replicate("─", 23) "┬" replicate("─", 23) "┐" RS for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { r = r "│ " for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (cols[j][i]) { t = cols[j][i] == "bo" || cols[j][i] == "dz" || cols[j][i] == "he" || cols[j][i] == "hi" || cols[j][i] == "hu" || cols[j][i] == "la" || cols[j][i] == "ml" || cols[j][i] == "mn" || cols[j][i] == "ne" || cols[j][i] == "ny" || cols[j][i] == "pa" || cols[j][i] == "pl" || cols[j][i] == "ro" || cols[j][i] == "sr" || cols[j][i] == "te" || cols[j][i] == "tg" || cols[j][i] == "tr" || cols[j][i] == "ur" || cols[j][i] == "wo" || cols[j][i] == "yi" || cols[j][i] == "yo" || (cols[j][i] != "zh-CN" && cols[j][i] != "zh-TW" && length(getEndonym(cols[j][i])) < 6) ? "\t\t " : cols[j][i] == "id" ? "" : cols[j][i] == "haw" ? " " : "\t " tt = length(cols[j][i]) == 3 ? " │" : (cols[j][i] != "zh-CN" && cols[j][i] != "zh-TW") ? " │" : "" r = r getDisplay(cols[j][i]) t "- " ansi("bold", cols[j][i]) tt " " } else r = r "\t\t │" } r = r RS } r = r "└" replicate("─", 22) "┴" replicate("─", 23) "┴" replicate("─", 23) "┘" } else { r = "┌" replicate("─", 22) "┬" replicate("─", 23) "┬" replicate("─", 23) "┐" RS for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { r = r "│ " for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (cols[j][i]) { t = cols[j][i] == "he" || cols[j][i] == "kk" || cols[j][i] == "ko" || cols[j][i] == "ky" || cols[j][i] == "ne" || cols[j][i] == "pl" || cols[j][i] == "ps" || cols[j][i] == "sd" || cols[j][i] == "sk" || cols[j][i] == "sm" || cols[j][i] == "so" || cols[j][i] == "te" || cols[j][i] == "ug" || cols[j][i] == "yo" || (cols[j][i] != "zh-CN" && cols[j][i] != "zh-TW" && length(getName(cols[j][i])) < 6) ? "\t\t " : cols[j][i] == "fy" || cols[j][i] == "gd" || cols[j][i] == "ht" ? " " : "\t " tt = length(cols[j][i]) == 3 ? " │" : (cols[j][i] != "zh-CN" && cols[j][i] != "zh-TW") ? " │" : "" name = getName(cols[j][i]) if (cols[j][i] == "zh-CN" || cols[j][i] == "zh-TW") name = substr(name, 1, 12) "." r = r name t "- " ansi("bold", cols[j][i]) tt " " } else r = r "\t\t │" } r = r RS } r = r "└" replicate("─", 22) "┴" replicate("─", 23) "┴" replicate("─", 23) "┘" } return r } function getList(codes, code, i, r, saveSortedIn) { r = NULLSTR if (!isarray(codes)) r = getDetails(codes) else if (anything(codes)) { saveSortedIn = PROCINFO["sorted_in"] PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "@ind_num_asc" for (i in codes) r = (r ? r RS prettify("target-seperator", replicate(Option["chr-target-seperator"], Option["width"])) RS\ : r) getDetails(codes[i]) PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = saveSortedIn } else r = getDetails(Option["hl"]) return r } function tokenize(returnTokens, string, delimiters, newlines, quotes, escapeChars, leftBlockComments, rightBlockComments, lineComments, reservedOperators, reservedPatterns, blockCommenting, c, currentToken, escaping, i, lineCommenting, p, quoting, r, s, tempGroup, tempPattern, tempString) { if (!delimiters[0]) { delimiters[0] = " " delimiters[1] = "\t" delimiters[2] = "\v" } if (!newlines[0]) { newlines[0] = "\n" newlines[1] = "\r" } if (!quotes[0]) { quotes[0] = "\"" } if (!escapeChars[0]) { escapeChars[0] = "\\" } if (!leftBlockComments[0]) { leftBlockComments[0] = "#|" leftBlockComments[1] = "/*" leftBlockComments[2] = "(*" } if (!rightBlockComments[0]) { rightBlockComments[0] = "|#" rightBlockComments[1] = "*/" rightBlockComments[2] = "*)" } if (!lineComments[0]) { lineComments[0] = ";" lineComments[1] = "//" lineComments[2] = "#" } if (!reservedOperators[0]) { reservedOperators[0] = "(" reservedOperators[1] = ")" reservedOperators[2] = "[" reservedOperators[3] = "]" reservedOperators[4] = "{" reservedOperators[5] = "}" reservedOperators[6] = "," } if (!reservedPatterns[0]) { reservedPatterns[0] = "[+-]?((0|[1-9][0-9]*)|[.][0-9]*|(0|[1-9][0-9]*)[.][0-9]*)([Ee][+-]?[0-9]+)?" reservedPatterns[1] = "[+-]?0[0-7]+([.][0-7]*)?" reservedPatterns[2] = "[+-]?0[Xx][0-9A-Fa-f]+([.][0-9A-Fa-f]*)?" } split(string, s, "") currentToken = "" quoting = escaping = blockCommenting = lineCommenting = 0 p = 0 i = 1 while (i <= length(s)) { c = s[i] r = substr(string, i) if (blockCommenting) { if (tempString = startsWithAny(r, rightBlockComments)) blockCommenting = 0 i++ } else if (lineCommenting) { if (belongsTo(c, newlines)) lineCommenting = 0 i++ } else if (quoting) { currentToken = currentToken c if (escaping) { escaping = 0 } else { if (belongsTo(c, quotes)) { if (currentToken) { returnTokens[p++] = currentToken currentToken = "" } quoting = 0 } else if (belongsTo(c, escapeChars)) { escaping = 1 } else { } } i++ } else { if (belongsTo(c, delimiters) || belongsTo(c, newlines)) { if (currentToken) { returnTokens[p++] = currentToken currentToken = "" } i++ } else if (belongsTo(c, quotes)) { if (currentToken) { returnTokens[p++] = currentToken } currentToken = c quoting = 1 i++ } else if (tempString = startsWithAny(r, leftBlockComments)) { if (currentToken) { returnTokens[p++] = currentToken currentToken = "" } blockCommenting = 1 i += length(tempString) } else if (tempString = startsWithAny(r, lineComments)) { if (currentToken) { returnTokens[p++] = currentToken currentToken = "" } lineCommenting = 1 i += length(tempString) } else if (tempString = startsWithAny(r, reservedOperators)) { if (currentToken) { returnTokens[p++] = currentToken currentToken = "" } returnTokens[p++] = tempString i += length(tempString) } else if (tempPattern = matchesAny(r, reservedPatterns)) { if (currentToken) { returnTokens[p++] = currentToken currentToken = "" } match(r, "^" tempPattern, tempGroup) returnTokens[p++] = tempGroup[0] i += length(tempGroup[0]) } else { currentToken = currentToken c i++ } } } if (currentToken) returnTokens[p++] = currentToken } function parseJsonArray(returnAST, tokens, leftBrackets, rightBrackets, separators, i, j, key, p, stack, token) { if (!leftBrackets[0]) { leftBrackets[0] = "(" leftBrackets[1] = "[" leftBrackets[2] = "{" } if (!rightBrackets[0]) { rightBrackets[0] = ")" rightBrackets[1] = "]" rightBrackets[2] = "}" } if (!separators[0]) { separators[0] = "," } stack[p = 0] = 0 for (i = 0; i < length(tokens); i++) { token = tokens[i] if (belongsTo(token, leftBrackets)) stack[++p] = 0 else if (belongsTo(token, rightBrackets)) --p else if (belongsTo(token, separators)) stack[p]++ else { key = stack[0] for (j = 1; j <= p; j++) key = key SUBSEP stack[j] returnAST[key] = token } } } function parseList(returnAST, tokens, leftBrackets, rightBrackets, separators, i, j, key, p, stack, token) { if (!leftBrackets[0]) { leftBrackets[0] = "(" leftBrackets[1] = "[" leftBrackets[2] = "{" } if (!rightBrackets[0]) { rightBrackets[0] = ")" rightBrackets[1] = "]" rightBrackets[2] = "}" } if (!separators[0]) { separators[0] = "," } stack[p = 0] = 0 for (i = 0; i < length(tokens); i++) { token = tokens[i] if (belongsTo(token, leftBrackets)) { stack[++p] = 0 } else if (belongsTo(token, rightBrackets)) { stack[--p]++ } else if (belongsTo(token, separators)) { } else { key = NULLSTR if (p > 0) { for (j = 0; j < p - 1; j++) key = key SUBSEP stack[j] returnAST[key][stack[p - 1]] = NULLSTR key = key SUBSEP stack[p - 1] } returnAST[key][stack[p]] = token stack[p]++ } } } function prettify(name, string, i, temp) { temp = string if ("sgr-" name in Option) if (isarray(Option["sgr-" name])) for (i in Option["sgr-" name]) temp = ansi(Option["sgr-" name][i], temp) else temp = ansi(Option["sgr-" name], temp) return temp } function randomColor( i) { i = int(5 * rand()) switch (i) { case 0: return "green" case 1: return "yellow" case 2: return "blue" case 3: return "magenta" case 4: return "cyan" default: return "default" } } function setRandomTheme( i, n, temp) { srand(systime()) for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { do temp = randomColor(); while (belongsTo(temp, n)) n[i] = temp } Option["sgr-prompt-message"] = Option["sgr-languages"] = n[0] Option["sgr-original-dictionary-detailed-word-class"][1] = n[0] Option["sgr-original-dictionary-detailed-word-class"][2] = "bold" Option["sgr-original-dictionary-synonyms"] = n[0] Option["sgr-original-dictionary-synonyms-word-class"][1] = n[0] Option["sgr-original-dictionary-synonyms-word-class"][2] = "bold" Option["sgr-original-dictionary-examples"] = n[0] Option["sgr-original-dictionary-see-also"] = n[0] Option["sgr-dictionary-word-class"][1] = n[0] Option["sgr-dictionary-word-class"][2] = "bold" Option["sgr-original"][1] = Option["sgr-original-phonetics"][1] = n[1] Option["sgr-original"][2] = Option["sgr-original-phonetics"][2] = "bold" Option["sgr-prompt-message-original"][1] = n[1] Option["sgr-prompt-message-original"][2] = "bold" Option["sgr-languages-sl"] = n[1] Option["sgr-original-dictionary-detailed-explanation"][1] = n[1] Option["sgr-original-dictionary-detailed-explanation"][2] = "bold" Option["sgr-original-dictionary-detailed-example"] = n[1] Option["sgr-original-dictionary-detailed-synonyms"] = n[1] Option["sgr-original-dictionary-detailed-synonyms-item"][1] = n[1] Option["sgr-original-dictionary-detailed-synonyms-item"][2] = "bold" Option["sgr-original-dictionary-synonyms-synonyms"] = n[1] Option["sgr-original-dictionary-synonyms-synonyms-item"][1] = n[1] Option["sgr-original-dictionary-synonyms-synonyms-item"][2] = "bold" Option["sgr-original-dictionary-examples-example"] = n[1] Option["sgr-original-dictionary-examples-original"][1] = n[1] Option["sgr-original-dictionary-examples-original"][2] = "bold" Option["sgr-original-dictionary-examples-original"][3] = "underline" Option["sgr-original-dictionary-see-also-phrases"] = n[1] Option["sgr-original-dictionary-see-also-phrases-item"][1] = n[1] Option["sgr-original-dictionary-see-also-phrases-item"][2] = "bold" Option["sgr-dictionary-explanation"] = n[1] Option["sgr-dictionary-explanation-item"][1] = n[1] Option["sgr-dictionary-explanation-item"][2] = "bold" Option["sgr-alternatives-original"][1] = n[1] Option["sgr-alternatives-original"][2] = "bold" Option["sgr-translation"][1] = Option["sgr-translation-phonetics"][1] = n[2] Option["sgr-translation"][2] = Option["sgr-translation-phonetics"][2] = "bold" Option["sgr-languages-tl"] = n[2] Option["sgr-dictionary-word"][1] = n[2] Option["sgr-dictionary-word"][2] = "bold" Option["sgr-alternatives-translations"] = n[2] Option["sgr-alternatives-translations-item"][1] = n[2] Option["sgr-alternatives-translations-item"][2] = "bold" Option["sgr-brief-translation"][1] = Option["sgr-brief-translation-phonetics"][1] = n[2] Option["sgr-brief-translation"][2] = Option["sgr-brief-translation-phonetics"][2] = "bold" Option["fmt-welcome-message"] = Name Option["sgr-welcome-message"][1] = n[0] Option["sgr-welcome-message"][2] = "bold" Option["fmt-welcome-submessage"] = "(:q to quit)" Option["sgr-welcome-submessage"] = n[0] Option["fmt-prompt"] = "%s> " Option["sgr-prompt"][1] = n[1] Option["sgr-prompt"][2] = "bold" } function setDefaultTheme() { Option["sgr-translation"] = Option["sgr-translation-phonetics"] = "bold" Option["sgr-prompt-message-original"] = "underline" Option["sgr-languages-sl"] = "underline" Option["sgr-languages-tl"] = "bold" Option["sgr-original-dictionary-detailed-explanation"] = "bold" Option["sgr-original-dictionary-detailed-synonyms-item"] = "bold" Option["sgr-original-dictionary-synonyms-synonyms-item"] = "bold" Option["sgr-original-dictionary-examples-original"][1] = "bold" Option["sgr-original-dictionary-examples-original"][2] = "underline" Option["sgr-original-dictionary-see-also-phrases-item"] = "bold" Option["sgr-dictionary-word"] = "bold" Option["sgr-alternatives-original"] = "underline" Option["sgr-alternatives-translations-item"] = "bold" Option["fmt-welcome-message"] = Name Option["sgr-welcome-message"] = "bold" Option["fmt-welcome-submessage"] = "(:q to quit)" Option["fmt-prompt"] = "%s> " Option["sgr-prompt"] = "bold" } function setTheme( file, line, script) { if (Option["theme"] && Option["theme"] != "default") { file = Option["theme"] if (!fileExists(file)) { file = ENVIRON["HOME"] "/.translate-shell/" Option["theme"] if (!fileExists(file)) { file = ENVIRON["HOME"] "/.config/translate-shell/" Option["theme"] if (!fileExists(file)) return } } } if (file && fileExists(file)) { script = NULLSTR while (getline line < file) script = script "\n" line loadOptions(script) } else if (Option["theme"] == "none") ; else if (Option["theme"] == "random") setRandomTheme() else setDefaultTheme() } function initAudioPlayer() { AudioPlayer = !system("mplayer" SUPOUT SUPERR) ? "mplayer" : (!system("mpv" SUPOUT SUPERR) ? "mpv" : (!system("mpg123 --version" SUPOUT SUPERR) ? "mpg123" : "")) } function initSpeechSynthesizer() { SpeechSynthesizer = !system("say ''" SUPOUT SUPERR) ? "say" : (!system("espeak ''" SUPOUT SUPERR) ? "espeak" : "") } function initPager() { Pager = !system("less -V" SUPOUT SUPERR) ? "less" : (!system("more -V" SUPOUT SUPERR) ? "more" : (!system("most" SUPOUT SUPERR) ? "most" : "")) } function initHttpService() { HttpProtocol = "http://" HttpHost = "translate.google.com" HttpPort = 80 if (Option["proxy"]) { match(Option["proxy"], /^(http:\/*)?([^\/]*):([^\/:]*)/, HttpProxySpec) HttpService = "/inet/tcp/0/" HttpProxySpec[2] "/" HttpProxySpec[3] HttpPathPrefix = HttpProtocol HttpHost } else { HttpService = "/inet/tcp/0/" HttpHost "/" HttpPort HttpPathPrefix = "" } } function preprocess(text) { return quote(text) } function postprocess(text) { text = gensub(/ ([.,;:?!"])/, "\\1", "g", text) text = gensub(/(["]) /, "\\1", "g", text) return text } function getResponse(text, sl, tl, hl, content, header, url) { url = HttpPathPrefix "/translate_a/single?client=t"\ "&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8"\ "&dt=bd&dt=ex&dt=ld&dt=md&dt=qca&dt=rw&dt=rm&dt=ss&dt=t&dt=at"\ "&sl=" sl "&tl=" tl "&hl=" hl\ "&tk=" genTK(text) "&q=" preprocess(text) header = "GET " url " HTTP/1.1\n"\ "Host: " HttpHost "\n"\ "Connection: close\n" if (Option["user-agent"]) header = header "User-Agent: " Option["user-agent"] "\n" print header |& HttpService while ((HttpService |& getline) > 0) { if ($0 ~ /^\[.*\]/) content = $0 l(sprintf("%4s bytes > %s", length($0), $0)) } close(HttpService) return assert(content, "[ERROR] Null response.") } function p(string) { if (Option["view"]) print string | Option["pager"] else print string > Option["output"] } function play(text, tl, url) { url = HttpProtocol HttpHost "/translate_tts?ie=UTF-8&client=t"\ "&tl=" tl "&tk=" genTK(text) "&q=" preprocess(text) system(Option["player"] " " parameterize(url) SUPOUT SUPERR) } function getTranslation(text, sl, tl, hl, isVerbose, toSpeech, returnPlaylist, returnIl, r, content, tokens, ast, _sl, _tl, _hl, il, ils, isPhonetic, article, example, explanation, ref, word, translation, translations, phonetics, wordClasses, words, segments, altTranslations, original, oPhonetics, oWordClasses, oWords, oRefs, oSynonymClasses, oSynonyms, oExamples, oSeeAlso, wShowOriginal, wShowOriginalPhonetics, wShowTranslation, wShowTranslationPhonetics, wShowPromptMessage, wShowLanguages, wShowOriginalDictionary, wShowDictionary, wShowAlternatives, hasWordClasses, hasAltTranslations, i, j, k, group, temp, saveSortedIn) { isPhonetic = match(tl, /^@/) tl = substr(tl, 1 + isPhonetic) if (!getCode(tl)) { w("[WARNING] Unknown target language code: " tl) } else if (isRTL(tl)) { if (!FriBidi) w("[WARNING] " getName(tl) " is a right-to-left language, but FriBidi is not found.") } _sl = getCode(sl); if (!_sl) _sl = sl _tl = getCode(tl); if (!_tl) _tl = tl _hl = getCode(hl); if (!_hl) _hl = hl content = getResponse(text, _sl, _tl, _hl) tokenize(tokens, content) parseJsonArray(ast, tokens) l(content, "content", 1, 1) l(tokens, "tokens", 1, 0, 1) l(ast, "ast") if (!isarray(ast) || !anything(ast)) { e("[ERROR] Oops! Something went wrong and I can't translate it for you :(") ExitCode = 1 return } saveSortedIn = PROCINFO["sorted_in"] PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "@ind_num_asc" for (i in ast) { if (i ~ "^0" SUBSEP "0" SUBSEP "[[:digit:]]+" SUBSEP "0$") append(translations, postprocess(literal(ast[i]))) if (i ~ "^0" SUBSEP "0" SUBSEP "[[:digit:]]+" SUBSEP "1$") append(original, literal(ast[i])) if (i ~ "^0" SUBSEP "0" SUBSEP "[[:digit:]]+" SUBSEP "2$") append(phonetics, literal(ast[i])) if (i ~ "^0" SUBSEP "0" SUBSEP "[[:digit:]]+" SUBSEP "3$") append(oPhonetics, literal(ast[i])) if (match(i, "^0" SUBSEP "1" SUBSEP "([[:digit:]]+)" SUBSEP "0$", group)) wordClasses[group[1]] = literal(ast[i]) if (match(i, "^0" SUBSEP "1" SUBSEP "([[:digit:]]+)" SUBSEP "2" SUBSEP "([[:digit:]]+)" SUBSEP "([[:digit:]]+)$", group)) words[group[1]][group[2]][group[3]] = literal(ast[i]) if (match(i, "^0" SUBSEP "1" SUBSEP "([[:digit:]]+)" SUBSEP "2" SUBSEP "([[:digit:]]+)" SUBSEP "1" SUBSEP "([[:digit:]]+)$", group)) words[group[1]][group[2]]["1"][group[3]] = literal(ast[i]) if (match(i, "^0" SUBSEP "5" SUBSEP "([[:digit:]]+)" SUBSEP "0$", group)) { segments[group[1]] = literal(ast[i]) altTranslations[group[1]][0] = "" } if (match(i, "^0" SUBSEP "5" SUBSEP "([[:digit:]]+)" SUBSEP "2" SUBSEP "([[:digit:]]+)" SUBSEP "0$", group)) altTranslations[group[1]][group[2]] = postprocess(literal(ast[i])) if (i ~ "^0" SUBSEP "8" SUBSEP "0" SUBSEP "[[:digit:]]+$" || i ~ "^0" SUBSEP "2$") append(ils, literal(ast[i])) if (match(i, "^0" SUBSEP "11" SUBSEP "([[:digit:]]+)" SUBSEP "0$", group)) oSynonymClasses[group[1]] = literal(ast[i]) if (match(i, "^0" SUBSEP "11" SUBSEP "([[:digit:]]+)" SUBSEP "1" SUBSEP "([[:digit:]]+)" SUBSEP "1$", group)) if (ast[i]) { oRefs[literal(ast[i])][1] = group[1] oRefs[literal(ast[i])][2] = group[2] } if (match(i, "^0" SUBSEP "11" SUBSEP "([[:digit:]]+)" SUBSEP "1" SUBSEP "([[:digit:]]+)" SUBSEP "0" SUBSEP "([[:digit:]]+)$", group)) oSynonyms[group[1]][group[2]][group[3]] = literal(ast[i]) if (match(i, "^0" SUBSEP "12" SUBSEP "([[:digit:]]+)" SUBSEP "0$", group)) oWordClasses[group[1]] = literal(ast[i]) if (match(i, "^0" SUBSEP "12" SUBSEP "([[:digit:]]+)" SUBSEP "1" SUBSEP "([[:digit:]]+)" SUBSEP "0$", group)) oWords[group[1]][group[2]][0] = literal(ast[i]) if (match(i, "^0" SUBSEP "12" SUBSEP "([[:digit:]]+)" SUBSEP "1" SUBSEP "([[:digit:]]+)" SUBSEP "1$", group)) oWords[group[1]][group[2]][1] = literal(ast[i]) if (match(i, "^0" SUBSEP "12" SUBSEP "([[:digit:]]+)" SUBSEP "1" SUBSEP "([[:digit:]]+)" SUBSEP "2$", group)) oWords[group[1]][group[2]][2] = postprocess(literal(ast[i])) if (match(i, "^0" SUBSEP "13" SUBSEP "0" SUBSEP "([[:digit:]]+)" SUBSEP "0$", group)) oExamples[group[1]] = postprocess(literal(ast[i])) if (match(i, "^0" SUBSEP "14" SUBSEP "0" SUBSEP "([[:digit:]]+)$", group)) oSeeAlso[group[1]] = literal(ast[i]) } PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = saveSortedIn translation = join(translations) returnIl[0] = il = !anything(ils) || belongsTo(sl, ils) ? sl : ils[0] if (Option["verbose"] < 0) return getList(il) if (!isVerbose) { r = isPhonetic && anything(phonetics) ? prettify("brief-translation-phonetics", join(phonetics)) : prettify("brief-translation", s(translation, tl)) if (toSpeech) { returnPlaylist[0]["text"] = translation returnPlaylist[0]["tl"] = tl } } else { wShowOriginal = Option["show-original"] wShowOriginalPhonetics = Option["show-original-phonetics"] wShowTranslation = Option["show-translation"] wShowTranslationPhonetics = Option["show-translation-phonetics"] wShowPromptMessage = Option["show-prompt-message"] wShowLanguages = Option["show-languages"] wShowOriginalDictionary = Option["show-original-dictionary"] wShowDictionary = Option["show-dictionary"] wShowAlternatives = Option["show-alternatives"] if (!anything(oPhonetics)) wShowOriginalPhonetics = 0 if (!anything(phonetics)) wShowTranslationPhonetics = 0 if (getCode(il) == getCode(tl) &&\ (isarray(oWordClasses) || isarray(oSynonymClasses) ||\ isarray(oExamples) || isarray(oSeeAlso))) { wShowOriginalDictionary = 1 wShowTranslation = 0 } hasWordClasses = exists(wordClasses) hasAltTranslations = exists(altTranslations[0]) if (!hasWordClasses && !hasAltTranslations) wShowPromptMessage = wShowLanguages = 0 if (!hasWordClasses) wShowDictionary = 0 if (hasWordClasses || !hasAltTranslations) wShowAlternatives = 0 if (wShowOriginal) { if (r) r = r RS RS r = r m("-- display original text & phonetics") r = r prettify("original", s(join(original), il)) if (wShowOriginalPhonetics) r = r RS prettify("original-phonetics", showPhonetics(join(oPhonetics), il)) } if (wShowTranslation) { if (r) r = r RS RS r = r m("-- display major translation & phonetics") r = r prettify("translation", s(translation, tl)) if (wShowTranslationPhonetics) r = r RS prettify("translation-phonetics", showPhonetics(join(phonetics), tl)) } if (wShowPromptMessage || wShowLanguages) if (r) r = r RS if (wShowPromptMessage) { if (hasWordClasses) { if (r) r = r RS r = r m("-- display prompt message (Definitions of ...)") if (isRTL(hl)) r = r prettify("prompt-message", s(showDefinitionsOf(hl, join(original)))) else { split(showDefinitionsOf(hl, "\0%s\0"), group, "\0") for (i = 1; i <= length(group); i++) { if (group[i] == "%s") r = r prettify("prompt-message-original", show(join(original), il)) else r = r prettify("prompt-message", group[i]) } } } else if (hasAltTranslations) { if (r) r = r RS r = r m("-- display prompt message (Translations of ...)") if (isRTL(hl)) r = r prettify("prompt-message", s(showTranslationsOf(hl, join(original)))) else { split(showTranslationsOf(hl, "\0%s\0"), group, "\0") for (i = 1; i <= length(group); i++) { if (group[i] == "%s") r = r prettify("prompt-message-original", show(join(original), il)) else r = r prettify("prompt-message", group[i]) } } } } if (wShowLanguages) { if (r) r = r RS r = r m("-- display source language -> target language") temp = Option["fmt-languages"] if (!temp) temp = "[ %s -> %t ]" split(temp, group, /(%s|%S|%t|%T)/) r = r prettify("languages", group[1]) if (temp ~ /%s/) r = r prettify("languages-sl", getDisplay(il)) if (temp ~ /%S/) r = r prettify("languages-sl", getName(il)) r = r prettify("languages", group[2]) if (temp ~ /%t/) r = r prettify("languages-tl", getDisplay(tl)) if (temp ~ /%T/) r = r prettify("languages-tl", getName(tl)) r = r prettify("languages", group[3]) } if (wShowOriginalDictionary) { if (exists(oWordClasses)) { if (r) r = r RS r = r m("-- display original dictionary (detailed explanations)") for (i = 0; i < length(oWordClasses); i++) { r = (i > 0 ? r RS : r) RS prettify("original-dictionary-detailed-word-class", s(oWordClasses[i], hl)) for (j = 0; j < length(oWords[i]); j++) { explanation = oWords[i][j][0] ref = oWords[i][j][1] example = oWords[i][j][2] r = (j > 0 ? r RS : r) RS prettify("original-dictionary-detailed-explanation", ins(1, explanation, il)) if (example) r = r RS prettify("original-dictionary-detailed-example", ins(2, "- \"" example "\"", il)) if (ref && isarray(oRefs[ref])) { temp = prettify("original-dictionary-detailed-synonyms", ins(1, show(showSynonyms(hl), hl) ": ")) temp = temp prettify("original-dictionary-detailed-synonyms-item", show(oSynonyms[oRefs[ref][1]][oRefs[ref][2]][0], il)) for (k = 1; k < length(oSynonyms[oRefs[ref][1]][oRefs[ref][2]]); k++) temp = temp prettify("original-dictionary-detailed-synonyms", ", ")\ prettify("original-dictionary-detailed-synonyms-item", show(oSynonyms[oRefs[ref][1]][oRefs[ref][2]][k], il)) r = r RS temp } } } } if (exists(oSynonymClasses)) { r = r RS RS r = r m("-- display original dictionary (synonyms)") r = r prettify("original-dictionary-synonyms", s(showSynonyms(hl), hl)) for (i = 0; i < length(oSynonymClasses); i++) { r = (i > 0 ? r RS : r) RS prettify("original-dictionary-synonyms-word-class", ins(1, oSynonymClasses[i], hl)) for (j = 0; j < length(oSynonyms[i]); j++) { temp = prettify("original-dictionary-synonyms-synonyms", ins(2, "- ")) temp = temp prettify("original-dictionary-synonyms-synonyms-item", show(oSynonyms[i][j][0], il)) for (k = 1; k < length(oSynonyms[i][j]); k++) temp = temp prettify("original-dictionary-synonyms-synonyms", ", ")\ prettify("original-dictionary-synonyms-synonyms-item", show(oSynonyms[i][j][k], il)) r = r RS temp } } } if (exists(oExamples)) { r = r RS RS r = r m("-- display original dictionary (examples)") r = r prettify("original-dictionary-examples", s(showExamples(hl), hl)) for (i = 0; i < length(oExamples); i++) { example = oExamples[i] temp = prettify("original-dictionary-examples-example", ins(1, "- ")) split(example, group, /(\u003cb\u003e|\u003c\/b\u003e)/) if (isRTL(il)) temp = temp show(group[1] group[2] group[3], il) else temp = temp prettify("original-dictionary-examples-example", group[1])\ prettify("original-dictionary-examples-original", group[2])\ prettify("original-dictionary-examples-example", group[3]) r = (i > 0 ? r RS : r) RS temp } } if (exists(oSeeAlso)) { r = r RS RS r = r m("-- display original dictionary (see also)") r = r prettify("original-dictionary-see-also", s(showSeeAlso(hl), hl)) temp = ins(1, prettify("original-dictionary-see-also-phrases-item", show(oSeeAlso[0], il))) for (k = 1; k < length(oSeeAlso); k++) temp = temp prettify("original-dictionary-see-also-phrases", ", ")\ prettify("original-dictionary-see-also-phrases-item", show(oSeeAlso[k], il)) r = r RS temp } } if (wShowDictionary) { if (r) r = r RS r = r m("-- display dictionary entries") for (i = 0; i < length(wordClasses); i++) { r = (i > 0 ? r RS : r) RS prettify("dictionary-word-class", s(wordClasses[i], hl)) for (j = 0; j < length(words[i]); j++) { word = words[i][j][0] article = words[i][j][4] if (isRTL(il)) explanation = join(words[i][j][1], ", ") else { explanation = prettify("dictionary-explanation-item", words[i][j][1][0]) for (k = 1; k < length(words[i][j][1]); k++) explanation = explanation prettify("dictionary-explanation", ", ")\ prettify("dictionary-explanation-item", words[i][j][1][k]) } r = r RS prettify("dictionary-word", ins(1, (article ? "(" article ") " : "") word, tl)) if (isRTL(il)) r = r RS prettify("dictionary-explanation-item", ins(2, explanation, il)) else r = r RS ins(2, explanation) } } } if (wShowAlternatives) { if (r) r = r RS RS r = r m("-- display alternative translations") for (i = 0; i < length(altTranslations); i++) { r = (i > 0 ? r RS : r) prettify("alternatives-original", show(segments[i], il)) if (isRTL(tl)) { temp = join(altTranslations[i], ", ") r = r RS prettify("alternatives-translations-item", ins(1, temp, tl)) } else { temp = prettify("alternatives-translations-item", altTranslations[i][0]) for (j = 1; j < length(altTranslations[i]); j++) temp = temp prettify("alternatives-translations", ", ")\ prettify("alternatives-translations-item", altTranslations[i][j]) r = r RS ins(1, temp) } } } if (toSpeech) { if (index(showTranslationsOf(hl, "%s"), "%s") > 2) { returnPlaylist[0]["text"] = showTranslationsOf(hl) returnPlaylist[0]["tl"] = hl returnPlaylist[1]["text"] = join(original) returnPlaylist[1]["tl"] = il } else { returnPlaylist[0]["text"] = join(original) returnPlaylist[0]["tl"] = il returnPlaylist[1]["text"] = showTranslationsOf(hl) returnPlaylist[1]["tl"] = hl } returnPlaylist[2]["text"] = translation returnPlaylist[2]["tl"] = tl } } return r } function fileTranslation(uri, group, temp1, temp2) { temp1 = Option["input"] temp2 = Option["verbose"] match(uri, /^file:\/\/(.*)/, group) Option["input"] = group[1] Option["verbose"] = 0 translateMain() Option["input"] = temp1 Option["verbose"] = temp2 } function webTranslation(uri, sl, tl, hl) { system(Option["browser"] " " parameterize("https://translate.google.com/translate?"\ "hl=" hl "&sl=" sl "&tl=" tl "&u=" uri) "&") } function translate(text, inline, i, j, playlist, il, saveSortedIn) { if (!getCode(Option["hl"])) { w("[WARNING] Unknown language code: " Option["hl"] ", fallback to English: en") Option["hl"] = "en" } else if (isRTL(Option["hl"])) { if (!FriBidi) w("[WARNING] " getName(Option["hl"]) " is a right-to-left language, but FriBidi is not found.") } if (!getCode(Option["sl"])) { w("[WARNING] Unknown source language code: " Option["sl"]) } else if (isRTL(Option["sl"])) { if (!FriBidi) w("[WARNING] " getName(Option["sl"]) " is a right-to-left language, but FriBidi is not found.") } saveSortedIn = PROCINFO["sorted_in"] PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "@ind_num_asc" for (i in Option["tl"]) { if (!Option["interactive"]) if (Option["verbose"] && i > 1) p(prettify("target-seperator", replicate(Option["chr-target-seperator"], Option["width"]))) if (inline && startsWithAny(text, UriSchemes) == "file://") { fileTranslation(text) } else if (inline && startsWithAny(text, UriSchemes) == "http://" || startsWithAny(text, UriSchemes) == "https://") { webTranslation(text, Option["sl"], Option["tl"][i], Option["hl"]) } else { p(getTranslation(text, Option["sl"], Option["tl"][i], Option["hl"], Option["verbose"], Option["play"], playlist, il)) if (Option["play"] == 1) { if (Option["player"]) for (j in playlist) play(playlist[j]["text"], playlist[j]["tl"]) else if (SpeechSynthesizer) for (j in playlist) print playlist[j]["text"] | SpeechSynthesizer } else if (Option["play"] == 2) { if (Option["player"]) play(text, il[0]) else if (SpeechSynthesizer) print text | SpeechSynthesizer } } } PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = saveSortedIn } function translateMain( i, line) { if (Option["interactive"]) prompt() if (Option["input"] == STDIN || fileExists(Option["input"])) { i = 0 while (getline line < Option["input"]) if (line) { if (!Option["interactive"]) if (Option["verbose"] && i++ > 0) p(prettify("source-seperator", replicate(Option["chr-source-seperator"], Option["width"]))) if (Option["interactive"]) repl(line) else translate(line) } } else e("[ERROR] File not found: " Option["input"]) } function loadOptions(script, i, j, tokens, name, value) { tokenize(tokens, script) for (i in tokens) { if (tokens[i] ~ /^:/) { name = substr(tokens[i], 2) value = tokens[i + 1] if (value ~ /^[+-]?((0|[1-9][0-9]*)|[.][0-9]*|(0|[1-9][0-9]*)[.][0-9]*)([Ee][+-]?[0-9]+)?$/) { delete Option[name] Option[name] = value } else if (value == "false" || value == "true") { delete Option[name] Option[name] = yn(value) } else if (value ~ /^".*"$/) { delete Option[name] Option[name] = literal(value) } else if (value == "[") { delete Option[name] for (j = 1; tokens[i + j + 1] && tokens[i + j + 1] != "]"; j++) { if (tokens[i + j + 1] ~ /^".*"$/) Option[name][j] = literal(tokens[i + j + 1]) else { e("[ERROR] Malformed configuration.") return } } } else { e("[ERROR] Malformed configuration.") return } } } } function upgrade( i, newVersion, registry, tokens) { RegistryIndex = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/soimort/translate-shell/registry/index.trans" registry = curl(RegistryIndex) if (!registry) { e("[ERROR] Failed to check for upgrade.") ExitCode = 1 return } tokenize(tokens, registry) for (i in tokens) if (tokens[i] == ":translate-shell") newVersion = literal(tokens[i + 1]) if (newerVersion(newVersion, Version)) { w("Current version: \t" Version) w("New version available: \t" newVersion) w("Download from: \t" "http://www.soimort.org/translate-shell/trans") } else { w("Current version: \t" Version) w("Already up-to-date.") } } function welcome() { if (Option["fmt-welcome-message"]) print prettify("welcome-message", Option["fmt-welcome-message"]) > STDERR if (Option["fmt-welcome-submessage"]) print prettify("welcome-submessage", Option["fmt-welcome-submessage"]) > STDERR } function prompt( i, p, temp) { p = Option["fmt-prompt"] if (p ~ /%a/) gsub(/%a/, strftime("%a"), p) if (p ~ /%A/) gsub(/%A/, strftime("%A"), p) if (p ~ /%b/) gsub(/%b/, strftime("%b"), p) if (p ~ /%B/) gsub(/%B/, strftime("%B"), p) if (p ~ /%c/) gsub(/%c/, strftime("%c"), p) if (p ~ /%C/) gsub(/%C/, strftime("%C"), p) if (p ~ /%d/) gsub(/%d/, strftime("%d"), p) if (p ~ /%D/) gsub(/%D/, strftime("%D"), p) if (p ~ /%e/) gsub(/%e/, strftime("%e"), p) if (p ~ /%F/) gsub(/%F/, strftime("%F"), p) if (p ~ /%g/) gsub(/%g/, strftime("%g"), p) if (p ~ /%G/) gsub(/%G/, strftime("%G"), p) if (p ~ /%h/) gsub(/%h/, strftime("%h"), p) if (p ~ /%H/) gsub(/%H/, strftime("%H"), p) if (p ~ /%I/) gsub(/%I/, strftime("%I"), p) if (p ~ /%j/) gsub(/%j/, strftime("%j"), p) if (p ~ /%m/) gsub(/%m/, strftime("%m"), p) if (p ~ /%M/) gsub(/%M/, strftime("%M"), p) if (p ~ /%n/) gsub(/%n/, strftime("%n"), p) if (p ~ /%p/) gsub(/%p/, strftime("%p"), p) if (p ~ /%r/) gsub(/%r/, strftime("%r"), p) if (p ~ /%R/) gsub(/%R/, strftime("%R"), p) if (p ~ /%u/) gsub(/%u/, strftime("%u"), p) if (p ~ /%U/) gsub(/%U/, strftime("%U"), p) if (p ~ /%V/) gsub(/%V/, strftime("%V"), p) if (p ~ /%w/) gsub(/%w/, strftime("%w"), p) if (p ~ /%W/) gsub(/%W/, strftime("%W"), p) if (p ~ /%x/) gsub(/%x/, strftime("%x"), p) if (p ~ /%X/) gsub(/%X/, strftime("%X"), p) if (p ~ /%y/) gsub(/%y/, strftime("%y"), p) if (p ~ /%Y/) gsub(/%Y/, strftime("%Y"), p) if (p ~ /%z/) gsub(/%z/, strftime("%z"), p) if (p ~ /%Z/) gsub(/%Z/, strftime("%Z"), p) if (p ~ /%_/) gsub(/%_/, showTranslationsOf(Option["hl"]), p) if (p ~ /%l/) gsub(/%l/, getDisplay(Option["hl"]), p) if (p ~ /%L/) gsub(/%L/, getName(Option["hl"]), p) if (p ~ /%S/) gsub(/%S/, getName(Option["sl"]), p) if (p ~ /%t/) { temp = getDisplay(Option["tl"][1]) for (i = 2; i <= length(Option["tl"]); i++) temp = temp "+" getDisplay(Option["tl"][i]) gsub(/%t/, temp, p) } if (p ~ /%T/) { temp = getName(Option["tl"][1]) for (i = 2; i <= length(Option["tl"]); i++) temp = temp "+" getName(Option["tl"][i]) gsub(/%T/, temp, p) } if (p ~ /%,/) { temp = getDisplay(Option["tl"][1]) for (i = 2; i <= length(Option["tl"]); i++) temp = temp "," getDisplay(Option["tl"][i]) gsub(/%,/, temp, p) } if (p ~ /% STDERR } function repl(line, command, group, i, words) { split(line, words, " ") command = words[1] if (command ~ /^:(q|quit)$/) { exit } else if (command ~ /^:set$/) { name = words[2] value = words[3] Option[name] = value } else if (command ~ /^:show$/) { name = words[2] print prettify("welcome-submessage", toString(Option[name], 1, 0, 1)) } else { match(command, /^[{(\[]?([[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]]?(-[[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]])?)?(:|=)((@?[[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]]?(-[[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]])?\+)*(@?[[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]]?(-[[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]])?)?)[})\]]?$/, group) if (RSTART) { if (group[1]) Option["sl"] = group[1] if (group[4]) split(group[4], Option["tl"], "+") line = words[2] for (i = 3; i <= length(words); i++) line = line " " words[i] } if (line) { translate(line) if (Option["verbose"]) printf RS } } prompt() } function init() { initGawk() initBiDi() initLocale() initUserLang() RS = "\n" ExitCode = 0 Option["debug"] = 0 Option["verbose"] = 1 Option["show-original"] = 1 Option["show-original-phonetics"] = 1 Option["show-translation"] = 1 Option["show-translation-phonetics"] = 1 Option["show-prompt-message"] = 1 Option["show-languages"] = 1 Option["show-original-dictionary"] = 0 Option["show-dictionary"] = 1 Option["show-alternatives"] = 1 Option["width"] = ENVIRON["COLUMNS"] ? ENVIRON["COLUMNS"] - 2 : 0 Option["indent"] = 4 Option["no-ansi"] = 0 Option["theme"] = "default" Option["play"] = 0 Option["player"] = ENVIRON["PLAYER"] Option["view"] = 0 Option["pager"] = ENVIRON["PAGER"] Option["browser"] = ENVIRON["BROWSER"] Option["proxy"] = ENVIRON["HTTP_PROXY"] ? ENVIRON["HTTP_PROXY"] : ENVIRON["http_proxy"] Option["user-agent"] = ENVIRON["USER_AGENT"] ? ENVIRON["USER_AGENT"] : "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.0" Option["no-rlwrap"] = 0 Option["interactive"] = 0 Option["emacs"] = 0 Option["input"] = NULLSTR Option["output"] = STDOUT Option["hl"] = ENVIRON["HOME_LANG"] ? ENVIRON["HOME_LANG"] : UserLang Option["sl"] = ENVIRON["SOURCE_LANG"] ? ENVIRON["SOURCE_LANG"] : "auto" Option["tl"][1] = ENVIRON["TARGET_LANG"] ? ENVIRON["TARGET_LANG"] : UserLang } function initScript( file, line, script, temp) { file = ".trans" if (!fileExists(file)) { file = ENVIRON["HOME"] "/.translate-shell/init.trans" if (!fileExists(file)) { file = ENVIRON["HOME"] "/.config/translate-shell/init.trans" if (!fileExists(file)) { file = "/etc/translate-shell" if (!fileExists(file)) return } } } InitScript = file script = NULLSTR while (getline line < InitScript) script = script "\n" line loadOptions(script) if (!isarray(Option["tl"])) { temp = Option["tl"] delete Option["tl"] Option["tl"][1] = temp } } function initMisc( group, temp) { initHttpService() if (!Option["width"] && detectProgram("tput", "-V")) { "tput cols" | getline temp Option["width"] = temp ? temp - 2 : 64 } if (Option["no-ansi"]) delete AnsiCode if (Option["play"]) { if (!Option["player"]) { initAudioPlayer() Option["player"] = AudioPlayer ? AudioPlayer : Option["player"] if (!Option["player"]) initSpeechSynthesizer() } if (!Option["player"] && !SpeechSynthesizer) { w("[WARNING] No available audio player or speech synthesizer.") Option["play"] = 0 } } if (Option["view"]) { if (!Option["pager"]) { initPager() Option["pager"] = Pager } if (!Option["pager"]) { w("[WARNING] No available terminal pager.") Option["view"] = 0 } } if (!Option["browser"]) { "xdg-mime query default text/html" SUPERR | getline Option["browser"] match(Option["browser"], "(.*).desktop$", group) Option["browser"] = group[1] } } BEGIN { init() if (!(belongsTo("-no-init", ARGV) || belongsTo("--no-init", ARGV))) initScript() pos = 0 noargc = 0 while (ARGV[++pos]) { match(ARGV[pos], /^--?(V|vers(i(on?)?)?)$/) if (RSTART) { InfoOnly = "version" continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?(H|h(e(lp?)?)?)$/) if (RSTART) { InfoOnly = "help" continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?(M|m(a(n(u(al?)?)?)?)?)$/) if (RSTART) { InfoOnly = "manual" continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?(T|ref(e(r(e(n(ce?)?)?)?)?)?)$/) if (RSTART) { InfoOnly = "reference" continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?r$/) if (RSTART) { w("[WARNING] Option '-r' has been deprecated since version 0.9.\n"\ " Use option '-T' or '-reference' instead.") exit 1 } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?(R|reference-e(n(g(l(i(sh?)?)?)?)?)?)$/) if (RSTART) { InfoOnly = "reference-english" continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?(L|list)(=(.*)?)?$/, group) if (RSTART) { InfoOnly = "list" if (group[2]) { if (group[3]) split(group[3], Option["tl"], "+") } else split(ARGV[++pos], Option["tl"], "+") continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?(U|upgrade)$/) if (RSTART) { InfoOnly = "upgrade" continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?(N|nothing)$/) if (RSTART) { InfoOnly = "nothing" continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?verbose$/) if (RSTART) { Option["verbose"] = 1 continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?b(r(i(ef?)?)?)?$/) if (RSTART) { Option["verbose"] = 0 continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?d(i(c(t(i(o(n(a(ry?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?$/) if (RSTART) { Option["show-original-dictionary"] = 1 Option["show-dictionary"] = 0 Option["show-alternatives"] = 0 continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?id(e(n(t(i(fy?)?)?)?)?)?$/) if (RSTART) { Option["verbose"] = -1 continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?show-original(=(.*)?)?$/, group) if (RSTART) { Option["show-original"] = yn(group[1] ? group[2] : ARGV[++pos]) continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?show-original-phonetics(=(.*)?)?$/, group) if (RSTART) { Option["show-original-phonetics"] = yn(group[1] ? group[2] : ARGV[++pos]) continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?show-translation(=(.*)?)?$/, group) if (RSTART) { Option["show-translation"] = yn(group[1] ? group[2] : ARGV[++pos]) continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?show-translation-phonetics(=(.*)?)?$/, group) if (RSTART) { Option["show-translation-phonetics"] = yn(group[1] ? group[2] : ARGV[++pos]) continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?show-prompt-message(=(.*)?)?$/, group) if (RSTART) { Option["show-prompt-message"] = yn(group[1] ? group[2] : ARGV[++pos]) continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?show-languages(=(.*)?)?$/, group) if (RSTART) { Option["show-languages"] = yn(group[1] ? group[2] : ARGV[++pos]) continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?show-original-dictionary(=(.*)?)?$/, group) if (RSTART) { Option["show-original-dictionary"] = yn(group[1] ? group[2] : ARGV[++pos]) continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?show-dictionary(=(.*)?)?$/, group) if (RSTART) { Option["show-dictionary"] = yn(group[1] ? group[2] : ARGV[++pos]) continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?show-alternatives(=(.*)?)?$/, group) if (RSTART) { Option["show-alternatives"] = yn(group[1] ? group[2] : ARGV[++pos]) continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?w(i(d(th?)?)?)?(=(.*)?)?$/, group) if (RSTART) { Option["width"] = group[4] ? (group[5] ? group[5] : Option["width"]) : ARGV[++pos] continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?indent(=(.*)?)?$/, group) if (RSTART) { Option["indent"] = group[1] ? (group[2] ? group[2] : Option["indent"]) : ARGV[++pos] continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?theme(=(.*)?)?$/, group) if (RSTART) { Option["theme"] = group[1] ? (group[2] ? group[2] : Option["theme"]) : ARGV[++pos] continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?no-theme$/) if (RSTART) { Option["theme"] = NULLSTR continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?no-ansi$/) if (RSTART) { Option["no-ansi"] = 1 continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?p(l(ay?)?)?$/) if (RSTART) { Option["play"] = 1 continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?sp(e(ak?)?)?$/) if (RSTART) { Option["play"] = 2 continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?player(=(.*)?)?$/, group) if (RSTART) { if (!Option["play"]) Option["play"] = 1 Option["player"] = group[1] ? (group[2] ? group[2] : Option["player"]) : ARGV[++pos] continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?no-play$/) if (RSTART) { Option["play"] = 0 continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?v(i(ew?)?)?$/) if (RSTART) { Option["view"] = 1 continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?pager(=(.*)?)?$/, group) if (RSTART) { Option["view"] = 1 Option["pager"] = group[1] ? (group[2] ? group[2] : Option["pager"]) : ARGV[++pos] continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?no-view$/) if (RSTART) { Option["view"] = 0 continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?browser(=(.*)?)?$/, group) if (RSTART) { Option["browser"] = group[1] ? (group[2] ? group[2] : Option["browser"]) : ARGV[++pos] continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?(x|proxy)(=(.*)?)?$/, group) if (RSTART) { Option["proxy"] = group[2] ? (group[3] ? group[3] : Option["proxy"]) : ARGV[++pos] continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?(u|user-agent)(=(.*)?)?$/, group) if (RSTART) { Option["user-agent"] = group[2] ? (group[3] ? group[3] : Option["user-agent"]) : ARGV[++pos] continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?(I|int(e(r(a(c(t(i(ve?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?|shell)$/) if (RSTART) { Option["interactive"] = 1 continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?(E|emacs)$/) if (RSTART) { Option["emacs"] = 1 continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?no-rlwrap$/) if (RSTART) { Option["no-rlwrap"] = 1 continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?prompt(=(.*)?)?$/, group) if (RSTART) { w("[ERROR] Option '-prompt' has been deprecated since version 0.9.\n"\ " Use configuration variable 'fmt-prompt' instead.") exit 1 } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?prompt-color(=(.*)?)?$/, group) if (RSTART) { w("[ERROR] Option '-prompt-color' has been deprecated since version 0.9.\n"\ " Use configuration variable 'sgr-prompt' instead.") exit 1 } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?i(n(p(ut?)?)?)?(=(.*)?)?$/, group) if (RSTART) { Option["input"] = group[4] ? (group[5] ? group[5] : Option["input"]) : ARGV[++pos] continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?o(u(t(p(ut?)?)?)?)?(=(.*)?)?$/, group) if (RSTART) { Option["output"] = group[5] ? (group[6] ? group[6] : Option["output"]) : ARGV[++pos] continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?(l(a(ng?)?)?|hl)(=(.*)?)?$/, group) if (RSTART) { Option["hl"] = group[4] ? (group[5] ? group[5] : Option["hl"]) : ARGV[++pos] continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?s(o(u(r(ce?)?)?)?|l)?(=(.*)?)?$/, group) if (RSTART) { Option["sl"] = group[5] ? (group[6] ? group[6] : Option["sl"]) : ARGV[++pos] continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?t(a(r(g(et?)?)?)?|l)?(=(.*)?)?$/, group) if (RSTART) { if (group[5]) { if (group[6]) split(group[6], Option["tl"], "+") } else split(ARGV[++pos], Option["tl"], "+") continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^[{(\[]?([[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]]?(-[[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]])?)?(:|=)((@?[[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]]?(-[[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]])?\+)*(@?[[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]]?(-[[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]])?)?)[})\]]?$/, group) if (RSTART) { if (group[1]) Option["sl"] = group[1] if (group[4]) split(group[4], Option["tl"], "+") continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?(D|debug)$/) if (RSTART) { Option["debug"] = 1 continue } match(ARGV[pos], /^--?no-init/) if (RSTART) continue match(ARGV[pos], /^-(-?no-op)?$/) if (RSTART) continue match(ARGV[pos], /^--$/) if (RSTART) { ++pos break } noargv[noargc++] = ARGV[pos] } if (Option["interactive"] && !Option["no-rlwrap"]) rlwrapMe() else if (Option["emacs"] && !Option["interactive"] && !Option["no-rlwrap"]) if (emacsMe()) Option["interactive"] = 1 initMisc() switch (InfoOnly) { case "version": print getVersion() exit ExitCode case "help": print getHelp() exit ExitCode case "manual": showMan() exit ExitCode case "reference": print getReference("endonym") exit ExitCode case "reference-english": print getReference("name") exit ExitCode case "list": print getList(Option["tl"]) exit ExitCode case "upgrade": upgrade() exit ExitCode case "nothing": exit ExitCode } setTheme() if (Option["interactive"]) welcome() if (pos < ARGC) for (i = pos; i < ARGC; i++) noargv[noargc++] = ARGV[i] if (noargc) { for (i = 0; i < noargc; i++) { if (Option["verbose"] && i > pos) p(prettify("source-seperator", replicate(Option["chr-source-seperator"], Option["width"]))) translate(noargv[i], 1) } } else { if (!Option["input"]) Option["input"] = STDIN } if (Option["input"]) translateMain() exit ExitCode } EOF read -r -d '' TRANS_MANPAGE << 'EOF' .\" Automatically generated by Pandoc .\" .hy .TH "TRANS" "1" "2015\-12\-18" "" "" .SH NAME .PP trans \- Google Translate served as a command\-line tool .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \f[B]trans\f[] [\f[I]OPTIONS\f[]] [\f[I]SOURCE\f[]]:[\f[I]TARGETS\f[]] [\f[I]TEXT\f[]]... .SH DESCRIPTION .PP This tool uses Google Translate to translate text into any language. .PP Each command\-line argument which is not a valid option is treated as \f[I]TEXT\f[] to be translated. .PP If neither \f[I]TEXT\f[] nor the input file is specified by command\-line arguments, the program will read and translate from standard input. .SH OPTIONS .SS Information options .TP .B \f[B]\-V\f[], \f[B]\-version\f[] Print version and exit. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-H\f[], \f[B]\-help\f[] Print help message and exit. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-M\f[], \f[B]\-man\f[] Show man page and exit. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-T\f[], \f[B]\-reference\f[] Print reference table of all supported languages and codes, and exit. Names of languages are displayed in their endonyms (language name in the language itself). .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-R\f[], \f[B]\-reference\-english\f[] Print reference table of all supported languages and codes, and exit. Names of languages are displayed in English. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-L\f[] \f[I]CODES\f[], \f[B]\-list\f[] \f[I]CODES\f[] Print details of languages and exit. When specifying two or more language codes, concatenate them by plus sign "+". .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-U\f[], \f[B]\-upgrade\f[] Check for upgrade of this program. .RS .RE .SS Display options .TP .B \f[B]\-verbose\f[] Verbose mode. .RS .PP Show the original text and its most relevant translation, then its phonetic notation (if any), then its alternative translations (if any) or its definition in the dictionary (if it is a word). .PP This option is unnecessary in most cases since verbose mode is enabled by default. .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-b\f[], \f[B]\-brief\f[] Brief mode. .RS .PP Show the most relevant translation or its phonetic notation only. .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-d\f[], \f[B]\-dictionary\f[] Dictionary mode. .RS .PP Show the definition of the original word in the dictionary. .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-identify\f[] Language identification. .RS .PP Show the identified language of the original text. .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-show\-original\f[] \f[I]Y/n\f[] Show original text or not. (default: yes) .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-show\-original\-phonetics\f[] \f[I]Y/n\f[] Show phonetic notation of original text or not. (default: yes) .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-show\-translation\f[] \f[I]Y/n\f[] Show translation or not. (default: yes) .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-show\-translation\-phonetics\f[] \f[I]Y/n\f[] Show phonetic notation of translation or not. (default: yes) .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-show\-prompt\-message\f[] \f[I]Y/n\f[] Show prompt message or not. (default: yes) .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-show\-languages\f[] \f[I]Y/n\f[] Show source and target languages or not. (default: yes) .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-show\-original\-dictionary\f[] \f[I]y/N\f[] Show dictionary entry of original text or not. (default: no) .RS .PP This option is enabled in dictionary mode. .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-show\-dictionary\f[] \f[I]Y/n\f[] Show dictionary entry of translation or not. (default: yes) .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-show\-alternatives\f[] \f[I]Y/n\f[] Show alternative translations or not. (default: yes) .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-w\f[] \f[I]NUM\f[], \f[B]\-width\f[] \f[I]NUM\f[] Specify the screen width for padding. .RS .PP This option overrides the setting of environment variable $\f[B]COLUMNS\f[]. .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-indent\f[] \f[I]NUM\f[] Specify the size of indent (number of spaces). (default: 4) .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-theme\f[] \f[I]FILENAME\f[] Specify the theme to use. (default: default) .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-no\-theme\f[] Do not use any other theme than default. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-no\-ansi\f[] Do not use ANSI escape codes. .RS .RE .SS Audio options .TP .B \f[B]\-p\f[], \f[B]\-play\f[] Listen to the translation. .RS .PP You must have at least one of the supported audio players (\f[B]mplayer\f[], \f[B]mpv\f[] or \f[B]mpg123\f[]) installed to stream from Google Text\-to\-Speech engine. Otherwise, a local speech synthesizer may be used instead (\f[B]say\f[] on Mac OS X, \f[B]espeak\f[] on Linux or other platforms). .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-speak\f[] Listen to the original text. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-player\f[] \f[I]PROGRAM\f[] Specify the audio player to use, and listen to the translation. .RS .PP Option \f[B]\-play\f[] will try to use \f[B]mplayer\f[], \f[B]mpv\f[] or \f[B]mpg123\f[] by default, since these players are known to work for streaming URLs. Not all command\-line audio players can work this way. Use this option only when you have your own preference. .PP This option overrides the setting of environment variable $\f[B]PLAYER\f[]. .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-no\-play\f[] Do not listen to the translation. .RS .RE .SS Terminal paging and browsing options .TP .B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-view\f[] View the translation in a terminal pager (\f[B]less\f[], \f[B]more\f[] or \f[B]most\f[]). .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-pager\f[] \f[I]PROGRAM\f[] Specify the terminal pager to use, and view the translation. .RS .PP This option overrides the setting of environment variable $\f[B]PAGER\f[]. .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-no\-view\f[] Do not view the translation in a terminal pager. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-browser\f[] \f[I]PROGRAM\f[] Specify the web browser to use. .RS .PP This option overrides the setting of environment variable $\f[B]BROWSER\f[]. .RE .SS Networking options .TP .B \f[B]\-x\f[] \f[I]HOST:PORT\f[], \f[B]\-proxy\f[] \f[I]HOST:PORT\f[] Use HTTP proxy on given port. .RS .PP This option overrides the setting of environment variables $\f[B]HTTP_PROXY\f[] and $\f[B]http_proxy\f[]. .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-u\f[] \f[I]STRING\f[], \f[B]\-user\-agent\f[] \f[I]STRING\f[] Specify the User\-Agent to identify as. .RS .PP This option overrides the setting of environment variables $\f[B]USER_AGENT\f[]. .RE .SS Interactive shell options .TP .B \f[B]\-I\f[], \f[B]\-interactive\f[], \f[B]\-shell\f[] Start an interactive shell, invoking \f[B]rlwrap\f[] whenever possible (unless \f[B]\-no\-rlwrap\f[] is specified). .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-E\f[], \f[B]\-emacs\f[] Start the GNU Emacs front\-end for an interactive shell. .RS .PP This option does not need to, and cannot be used along with \f[B]\-I\f[] or \f[B]\-no\-rlwrap\f[]. .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-no\-rlwrap\f[] Do not invoke \f[B]rlwrap\f[] when starting an interactive shell. .RS .PP This option is useful when your terminal type is not supported by \f[B]rlwrap\f[] (e.g. \f[B]emacs\f[]). .RE .SS I/O options .TP .B \f[B]\-i\f[] \f[I]FILENAME\f[], \f[B]\-input\f[] \f[I]FILENAME\f[] Specify the input file. .RS .PP Source text to be translated will be read from the input file, instead of standard input. .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-o\f[] \f[I]FILENAME\f[], \f[B]\-output\f[] \f[I]FILENAME\f[] Specify the output file. .RS .PP Translations will be written to the output file, instead of standard output. .RE .SS Language preference options .TP .B \f[B]\-l\f[] \f[I]CODE\f[], \f[B]\-hl\f[] \f[I]CODE\f[], \f[B]\-lang\f[] \f[I]CODE\f[] Specify your home language (the language you would like to see for displaying prompt messages in the translation). .RS .PP This option affects only the display in verbose mode (anything other than source language and target language will be displayed in your home language). This option has no effect in brief mode. .PP This option is optional. When its setting is omitted, English will be used. .PP This option overrides the setting of environment variables $\f[B]LANGUAGE\f[], $\f[B]LC_ALL\f[], $\f[B]LANG\f[] and $\f[B]HOME_LANG\f[]. .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-s\f[] \f[I]CODE\f[], \f[B]\-sl\f[] \f[I]CODE\f[], \f[B]\-source\f[] \f[I]CODE\f[] Specify the source language (the language of original text). .RS .PP This option is optional. When its setting is omitted, the language of original text will be identified automatically (with a possibility of misidentification). .PP This option overrides the setting of environment variable $\f[B]SOURCE_LANG\f[]. .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-t\f[] \f[I]CODES\f[], \f[B]\-tl\f[] \f[I]CODE\f[], \f[B]\-target\f[] \f[I]CODES\f[] Specify the target language(s) (the language(s) of translated text). When specifying two or more language codes, concatenate them by plus sign "+". .RS .PP This option is optional. When its setting is omitted, everything will be translated into English. .PP This option overrides the setting of environment variables $\f[B]LANGUAGE\f[], $\f[B]LC_ALL\f[], $\f[B]LANG\f[] and $\f[B]TARGET_LANG\f[]. .RE .TP .B [\f[I]SOURCE\f[]]:[\f[I]TARGETS\f[]] A simpler, alternative way to specify the source language and target language(s) is to use a shortcut formatted string: .RS .IP \[bu] 2 \f[I]SOURCE\-CODE\f[]:\f[I]TARGET\-CODE\f[] .IP \[bu] 2 \f[I]SOURCE\-CODE\f[]:\f[I]TARGET\-CODE1\f[]+\f[I]TARGET\-CODE2\f[]+... .IP \[bu] 2 \f[I]SOURCE\-CODE\f[]=\f[I]TARGET\-CODE\f[] .IP \[bu] 2 \f[I]SOURCE\-CODE\f[]=\f[I]TARGET\-CODE1\f[]+\f[I]TARGET\-CODE2\f[]+... .PP Delimiter ":" and "=" can be used interchangeably. .PP Either \f[I]SOURCE\f[] or \f[I]TARGETS\f[] may be omitted, but the delimiter character must be kept. .RE .SS Other options .TP .B \f[B]\-no\-init\f[] Do not load any initialization script. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-\-\f[] End\-of\-options. .RS .PP All arguments after this option are treated as \f[I]TEXT\f[] to be translated. .RE .SH EXIT STATUS .TP .B \f[B]0\f[] Successful translation. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]1\f[] Error. .RS .RE .SH ENVIRONMENT .TP .B \f[B]PAGER\f[] Equivalent to option setting \f[B]\-pager\f[]. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]BROWSER\f[] Equivalent to option setting \f[B]\-browser\f[]. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]PLAYER\f[] Equivalent to option setting \f[B]\-player\f[]. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]HTTP_PROXY\f[] Equivalent to option setting \f[B]\-proxy\f[]. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]USER_AGENT\f[] Equivalent to option setting \f[B]\-user\-agent\f[]. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]HOME_LANG\f[] Equivalent to option setting \f[B]\-lang\f[]. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]SOURCE_LANG\f[] Equivalent to option setting \f[B]\-source\f[]. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]TARGET_LANG\f[] Equivalent to option setting \f[B]\-target\f[]. .RS .RE .SH FILES .TP .B \f[I]/etc/translate\-shell\f[] Initialization script. (system\-wide) .RS .RE .TP .B \f[I]$HOME/.translate\-shell/init.trans\f[] Initialization script. (user\-specific) .RS .RE .TP .B \f[I]\&./.trans\f[] Initialization script. (current directory) .RS .RE .SH REPORTING BUGS .PP .SH AUTHORS Mort Yao . EOF export TRANS_MANPAGE export TRANS_BUILD=release gawk -f <(echo -E "$TRANS_PROGRAM") - "$@"